VOD at https://mines.expert/BossmanJack/Kick/!stake !youtube 2023-12-29 05_36 [98535775-stake-youtube].mp4
[00:00:00.000 -> 00:00:02.580]:  (upbeat music)
[00:00:02.580 -> 00:00:05.160]:  (upbeat music)
[00:00:05.160 -> 00:00:27.160]:  (upbeat music)
[00:00:27.160 -> 00:00:35.660]:  (upbeat music)
[00:00:35.660 -> 00:00:40.160]:  (upbeat music)
[00:00:40.160 -> 00:00:46.160]:  (upbeat music)
[00:00:46.160 -> 00:00:54.160]:  (upbeat music)
[00:00:54.160 -> 00:01:04.160]:  (upbeat music)
[00:01:04.160 -> 00:01:09.160]:  (upbeat music)
[00:01:09.160 -> 00:01:14.160]:  (upbeat music)
[00:01:14.160 -> 00:01:29.160]:  (upbeat music)
[00:01:29.160 -> 00:01:34.160]:  (upbeat music)
[00:01:34.160 -> 00:01:41.160]:  (upbeat music)
[00:01:41.160 -> 00:02:09.160]:  (upbeat music)
[00:02:09.160 -> 00:02:14.160]:  (upbeat music)
[00:02:14.160 -> 00:02:19.160]:  (upbeat music)
[00:02:19.160 -> 00:02:24.160]:  (upbeat music)
[00:02:24.160 -> 00:02:29.160]:  (upbeat music)
[00:02:29.160 -> 00:02:39.160]:  (upbeat music)
[00:02:39.160 -> 00:02:44.160]:  (upbeat music)
[00:02:44.160 -> 00:02:49.160]:  (upbeat music)
[00:02:49.160 -> 00:02:54.160]:  (upbeat music)
[00:02:54.160 -> 00:03:09.160]:  - What's up, Rad? What up, everybody? Dude, dude, Tyler, I was actually telling the story the other day, someone asked me, they said, \Awesome
[00:03:09.160 -> 00:03:18.160]:  I smoked for the first one, and the next day we smoked again, and the second time we smoked, I got really out of the GB in the woods and mirror lakes.
[00:03:18.160 -> 00:03:23.160]:  We got off the bus earlier, something like that. I don't know, did we get off the bus earlier? Did we bring the weed to school?
[00:03:23.160 -> 00:03:29.160]:  Because I knew it was in mirror lakes. Or did we skateboard out there once we got home?
[00:03:29.160 -> 00:03:33.160]:  I'm pretty sure you were with us when I first smoked weed. Yes, you remember that?
[00:03:33.160 -> 00:03:37.160]:  Now, how about the times we got drunk at Josiah's off his parents' liquor?
[00:03:37.160 -> 00:03:42.160]:  That was the first time I drank, too. And I got drunk with Josiah. And I'm pretty sure you might have been there, too.
[00:03:42.160 -> 00:03:47.160]:  Your mom made us garlic cheddar biscuits. Yeah, dude! My mom knew, too.
[00:03:47.160 -> 00:03:54.160]:  She was like, \Oh
[00:03:54.160 -> 00:03:59.160]:  We skated after school. It was 4-20. We skated after school. It was 4-20. Okay, yep.
[00:03:59.160 -> 00:04:04.160]:  That's so funny. My mom made us cheddar biscuits. We were high as shit.
[00:04:04.160 -> 00:04:06.160]:  Oh, that's funny, bro.
[00:04:06.160 -> 00:04:08.160]:  That's funny.
[00:04:08.160 -> 00:04:13.160]:  Come on, like, come through.
[00:04:13.160 -> 00:04:16.160]:  I said, \Maze nigga.\""
[00:04:16.160 -> 00:04:18.160]:  There we go.
[00:04:18.160 -> 00:04:20.160]:  Dude, I got a lot of W's.
[00:04:20.160 -> 00:04:23.160]:  Oh, yeah, I'll always do that.
[00:04:23.160 -> 00:04:28.160]:  I said, \Always do that.\" I just said
[00:04:28.160 -> 00:04:31.160]:  We were like 14. Your brother gave it to us.
[00:04:31.160 -> 00:04:34.160]:  Never forget. Wait, my brother gave us the weed?
[00:04:34.160 -> 00:04:37.160]:  Oh, yeah, he probably bought it off. I think I know he bought it off, too.
[00:04:37.160 -> 00:04:38.160]:  Oh, you can't...
[00:04:38.160 -> 00:04:41.160]:  What are you talking about, sophomore? That'd be awesome.
[00:04:41.160 -> 00:04:45.160]:  Yeah, that's my good friend. That was like my best friend, dude. Tyler was like my best friend, dude, back in the day.
[00:04:45.160 -> 00:04:49.160]:  I'm not kidding. I'll definitely closer to you than Dominic and the other people in Josiah.
[00:04:49.160 -> 00:04:51.160]:  We always getting stupid, yep.
[00:04:51.160 -> 00:04:53.160]:  Dude, stupid high.
[00:04:53.160 -> 00:04:55.160]:  Stupid high.
[00:04:55.160 -> 00:04:57.160]:  I mean, we got it from that. What was Kylie's...
[00:04:57.160 -> 00:05:02.160]:  Dude, I told him about who I lost my virginity to, too, because y'all would make fun of me else than I was a virgin.
[00:05:02.160 -> 00:05:12.160]:  I went and fucked Kylie at 14, but her older brother used to sell us fucking Bud for a little bit.
[00:05:12.160 -> 00:05:16.160]:  I think his name was Brandon. I'm not too sure, though.
[00:05:16.160 -> 00:05:18.160]:  Yeah, it was definitely Brandon.
[00:05:18.160 -> 00:05:21.160]:  My face top eight, baby. Yeah, buddy. Yup.
[00:05:21.160 -> 00:05:24.160]:  Yup, you and Vinnie, bro. You and Vinnie.
[00:05:24.160 -> 00:05:27.160]:  We'd go to a bush garden, so we'd be at the top right before the hill drop.
[00:05:27.160 -> 00:05:32.160]:  Like the hill drop on the roller coaster right before you go down the hill, right?
[00:05:32.160 -> 00:05:36.160]:  Like penis, Harry Paul sack.
[00:05:36.160 -> 00:05:40.160]:  We'd be yelling the most like there's gonna be like families and shit on the ride with us.
[00:05:40.160 -> 00:05:45.160]:  We were we were fucking reckless. We were reckless kids.
[00:05:45.160 -> 00:05:48.160]:  We'd go ding ding dong ditching in the neighborhood.
[00:05:48.160 -> 00:05:52.160]:  Dude, we did this ding dong ditch one time. Listen to this guy. Listen to this story.
[00:05:52.160 -> 00:05:55.160]:  We ding dong ditch one time. Me, Tyler, and some of the friends in the neighborhood.
[00:05:55.160 -> 00:05:58.160]:  Chances and tickle bitties. Yeah, she's all right looking.
[00:05:58.160 -> 00:06:00.160]:  I just kind of wanted to get it, you know.
[00:06:00.160 -> 00:06:03.160]:  I didn't want to be a virgin no more, bro, you know, so.
[00:06:03.160 -> 00:06:06.160]:  But listen. Yeah, Atlanta, so yeah.
[00:06:06.160 -> 00:06:10.160]:  But what was I saying, dude? What story was I saying?
[00:06:10.160 -> 00:06:13.160]:  Fuck, dude. Oh, I lost it.
[00:06:13.160 -> 00:06:15.160]:  Damn it. What was I talking about?
[00:06:15.160 -> 00:06:17.160]:  Oh, no, no, no, not him.
[00:06:17.160 -> 00:06:19.160]:  But the British guy was funny as shit.
[00:06:19.160 -> 00:06:22.160]:  He would get so mad when we ding dong ditch his house.
[00:06:22.160 -> 00:06:25.160]:  He would get so pissed.
[00:06:25.160 -> 00:06:27.160]:  Yeah, she was busting the face.
[00:06:27.160 -> 00:06:29.160]:  But listen, when we ding dong ditch that guy's house,
[00:06:29.160 -> 00:06:32.160]:  and he chased us, he was right near Dominic's house.
[00:06:32.160 -> 00:06:34.160]:  And when he caught up to us, he was like,
[00:06:34.160 -> 00:06:36.160]:  \Man
[00:06:36.160 -> 00:06:38.160]:  You guys fucking suck.\"
398160,402160, Yeah
[00:06:42.160 -> 00:06:45.160]:  He was like, \Fuck that. These kids are going down.\""
[00:06:45.160 -> 00:06:47.160]:  Yeah, that's true. It's funny as fuck, bro.
[00:06:47.160 -> 00:06:49.160]:  He was cool, though. He was like,
[00:06:49.160 -> 00:06:52.160]:  \Dude
[00:06:52.160 -> 00:06:54.160]:  Do you remember him saying that?
[00:06:54.160 -> 00:06:56.160]:  That's just funny as fuck.
[00:06:56.160 -> 00:06:59.160]:  Dude, we spent a lot of time together and did a lot of crazy shit.
[00:06:59.160 -> 00:07:01.160]:  I missed those days, man.
[00:07:01.160 -> 00:07:08.160]:  Oh, my, bitch.
[00:07:08.160 -> 00:07:10.160]:  This is like my favorite. Richie, you hear boss?
[00:07:10.160 -> 00:07:11.160]:  Richie?
[00:07:18.160 -> 00:07:20.160]:  You're supposed to come through.
[00:07:20.160 -> 00:07:22.160]:  You went and told Dominic's dad he tackled Sky's Luca?
[00:07:22.160 -> 00:07:23.160]:  Oh, yeah.
[00:07:23.160 -> 00:07:26.160]:  Sky's dad was crazy.
[00:07:26.160 -> 00:07:29.160]:  He's a little weird at times, but he's funny.
[00:07:29.160 -> 00:07:31.160]:  He's kind of cool, dude.
[00:07:31.160 -> 00:07:33.160]:  Not yet, it's pending.
[00:07:33.160 -> 00:07:35.160]:  It's coming through, though. Thank you very much for helping.
[00:07:35.160 -> 00:07:37.160]:  I need to get some weed, dude.
[00:07:37.160 -> 00:07:39.160]:  Yeah.
[00:07:39.160 -> 00:07:43.160]:  We should do the dishes.
[00:07:43.160 -> 00:07:48.160]:  I'm not going to look down here and it's super sad and I looked like a little nugged.
[00:07:48.160 -> 00:07:49.160]:  I dropped.
[00:07:49.160 -> 00:07:51.160]:  Give me.
[00:07:51.160 -> 00:07:53.160]:  I just got the chopper.
[00:07:53.160 -> 00:07:55.160]:  That was a good old Call of Duty and Halo day.
[00:07:55.160 -> 00:07:56.160]:  Yup.
[00:07:56.160 -> 00:07:59.160]:  I've been on a job off after I dinged on Ditch's house and the guy chased me down and footed
[00:07:59.160 -> 00:08:01.160]:  and almost got my ass beat.
[00:08:01.160 -> 00:08:02.160]:  Damn.
[00:08:02.160 -> 00:08:03.160]:  I'm telling someone not sure what any I put in.
[00:08:03.160 -> 00:08:04.160]:  What the hell, Evan?
[00:08:04.160 -> 00:08:06.160]:  Oh, I had that. I got that, Evan.
[00:08:06.160 -> 00:08:07.160]:  I got that.
[00:08:07.160 -> 00:08:09.160]:  I lost it before I even started the stream.
[00:08:09.160 -> 00:08:11.160]:  I didn't know who sent it to me, though.
[00:08:11.160 -> 00:08:12.160]:  Yeah, I got that.
[00:08:12.160 -> 00:08:14.160]:  I got it, bro.
[00:08:14.160 -> 00:08:15.160]:  Hello, Kelly. How you doing, bro?
[00:08:15.160 -> 00:08:16.160]:  Yeah, it's legal here now.
[00:08:16.160 -> 00:08:18.160]:  It wasn't back then, though.
[00:08:18.160 -> 00:08:20.160]:  Me and Tyler, T-Laks here used to smoke weed.
[00:08:20.160 -> 00:08:22.160]:  It was not legal.
[00:08:22.160 -> 00:08:24.160]:  Not at all.
[00:08:24.160 -> 00:08:26.160]:  Totally illegal, like 100%.
[00:08:26.160 -> 00:08:28.160]:  Yeah, my bad, Evan.
[00:08:28.160 -> 00:08:30.160]:  Thank you, though, for helping, dude.
[00:08:30.160 -> 00:08:32.160]:  Trying to help me in.
[00:08:32.160 -> 00:08:34.160]:  Back when you paid 20G, yup.
[00:08:34.160 -> 00:08:36.160]:  We used to pay 20 a gram, remember that, Tyler?
[00:08:36.160 -> 00:08:38.160]:  That's what it was for everybody back then.
[00:08:38.160 -> 00:08:39.160]:  The good dank.
[00:08:39.160 -> 00:08:41.160]:  You had mids and you had, like, exotic.
[00:08:41.160 -> 00:08:44.160]:  If we pay, we pay some fucking 20G.
[00:08:44.160 -> 00:08:49.160]:  It was some fire shit, yeah.
[00:08:49.160 -> 00:08:50.160]:  Yeah, it'd be good.
[00:08:50.160 -> 00:08:51.160]:  It'd be good.
[00:08:51.160 -> 00:08:52.160]:  It'd get you high spot.
[00:08:52.160 -> 00:08:53.160]:  No, you don't hear about that nowadays.
[00:08:53.160 -> 00:08:55.160]:  Everything's cheaper nowadays.
[00:08:55.160 -> 00:08:58.160]:  Never ice fish, no.
[00:08:58.160 -> 00:09:01.160]:  But I'll forget the gas from private schools.
[00:09:01.160 -> 00:09:03.160]:  Yo, Ralph!
[00:09:03.160 -> 00:09:05.160]:  I fucking remember Ralph, dude.
[00:09:05.160 -> 00:09:07.160]:  Ralph Romero, yeah buddy.
[00:09:07.160 -> 00:09:10.160]:  Look at all the days, dude.
[00:09:10.160 -> 00:09:12.160]:  And you're gonna go on fish tank season two?
[00:09:12.160 -> 00:09:13.160]:  What are you talking about?
[00:09:13.160 -> 00:09:14.160]:  Can we get some banner boys laying?
[00:09:14.160 -> 00:09:17.160]:  I love that song.
[00:09:17.160 -> 00:09:20.160]:  We'll see, we'll see.
[00:09:20.160 -> 00:09:22.160]:  Mmm, mmm.
[00:09:22.160 -> 00:09:25.160]:  Corn and reds in your cush.
[00:09:25.160 -> 00:09:27.160]:  Huh?
[00:09:27.160 -> 00:09:29.160]:  So I was like, \So how you doing
[00:09:29.160 -> 00:09:32.160]:  That's like when I was thinking it's time, dude.
[00:09:32.160 -> 00:09:34.160]:  Hey, someone is...oh, no, man.
[00:09:34.160 -> 00:09:36.160]:  I've never been there.
[00:09:36.160 -> 00:09:40.160]:  Come on.
[00:09:40.160 -> 00:09:42.160]:  Come on, like, one G's.
[00:09:42.160 -> 00:09:44.160]:  You're taking a gelling on an I real soon?
[00:09:44.160 -> 00:09:45.160]:  Oh, yeah.
[00:09:45.160 -> 00:09:49.160]:  I wish you'd imagine most of my own fish tank.
[00:09:49.160 -> 00:09:55.160]:  I don't know what that is.
[00:09:55.160 -> 00:09:56.160]:  Risky as shit.
[00:09:56.160 -> 00:09:57.160]:  Oh.
[00:09:57.160 -> 00:10:00.160]:  Hey, Tyler.
[00:10:00.160 -> 00:10:02.160]:  Oh, no.
[00:10:02.160 -> 00:10:04.160]:  We done?
[00:10:04.160 -> 00:10:05.160]:  Oh, no, man.
[00:10:05.160 -> 00:10:06.160]:  He moved.
[00:10:06.160 -> 00:10:09.160]:  He moved in like, freshman after freshman year or something.
[00:10:09.160 -> 00:10:14.160]:  I have some really crazy stories after freshman year.
[00:10:14.160 -> 00:10:17.160]:  I had a friend of mine, Dom, maybe just on my own, shoot me on accident.
[00:10:17.160 -> 00:10:22.160]:  He accidentally pulled the trigger on the gun in this house and it fucking shot straight
[00:10:22.160 -> 00:10:23.160]:  through the fucking wall.
[00:10:23.160 -> 00:10:24.160]:  He could have killed me.
[00:10:24.160 -> 00:10:27.160]:  Did you know about that, Tyler?
[00:10:27.160 -> 00:10:28.160]:  I'm not kidding.
[00:10:28.160 -> 00:10:30.160]:  Can't say it's incriminating.
[00:10:30.160 -> 00:10:32.160]:  Yeah, we've done some crazy shit there.
[00:10:32.160 -> 00:10:33.160]:  No cap.
[00:10:33.160 -> 00:10:34.160]:  Yeah.
[00:10:34.160 -> 00:10:35.160]:  Yeah.
[00:10:35.160 -> 00:10:37.160]:  He didn't even mean to pull the trailer.
[00:10:37.160 -> 00:10:39.160]:  He just thanked out he won.
[00:10:39.160 -> 00:10:42.160]:  He just thanked out he won't point in the gun at me.
[00:10:42.160 -> 00:10:45.160]:  It was in his house in the middle of the night.
[00:10:45.160 -> 00:10:48.160]:  We ran all the way to my fucking house.
[00:10:48.160 -> 00:10:51.160]:  Because if we were such dad, we're going to beat us to fuck it.
[00:10:51.160 -> 00:10:53.160]:  He did get hit by a train.
[00:10:53.160 -> 00:10:54.160]:  He did.
[00:10:54.160 -> 00:10:56.160]:  He did, bro.
[00:10:56.160 -> 00:10:57.160]:  He fucked.
[00:10:57.160 -> 00:10:58.160]:  Yeah.
[00:10:58.160 -> 00:10:59.160]:  No, he's not dead.
[00:10:59.160 -> 00:11:00.160]:  He's your survival.
[00:11:00.160 -> 00:11:01.160]:  He's married now.
[00:11:01.160 -> 00:11:02.160]:  I think he's married.
[00:11:02.160 -> 00:11:12.160]:  Are you serious, Adrian? Don't tell us this. Isn't that crazy Tyler? Oh my god, I forgot about that dude. I forgot he got hit by a train.
[00:11:12.160 -> 00:11:18.160]:  It looks like a full-on train dude, that would go right outside of my neighborhood dude.
[00:11:18.160 -> 00:11:28.160]:  They're a country in the USA baby. Come on now. Pull him in the free. I don't know man, I don't know the answer though.
[00:11:28.160 -> 00:11:34.160]:  I won't even care that.
[00:11:34.160 -> 00:11:38.160]:  I know Tom.
[00:11:38.160 -> 00:11:42.160]:  Marco.
[00:11:42.160 -> 00:11:48.160]:  That's not talking about him.
[00:11:48.160 -> 00:11:56.160]:  No, check your phone.
[00:11:56.160 -> 00:12:22.160]:  I have to leave the movies that are Tommy Boy 2 because they're trying to pay in cash.
[00:12:22.160 -> 00:12:28.160]:  Who wants you to vote?
[00:12:28.160 -> 00:12:36.160]:  Who wants you to vote?
[00:12:36.160 -> 00:12:44.160]:  Who wants you to vote?
[00:12:44.160 -> 00:12:54.160]:  Who wants you to vote?
[00:12:54.160 -> 00:13:00.160]:  Who wants you to vote?
[00:13:00.160 -> 00:13:06.160]:  Who wants you to vote?
[00:13:06.160 -> 00:13:22.160]:  Who wants you to vote?
[00:13:22.160 -> 00:13:26.160]:  Who wants you to vote?
[00:13:26.160 -> 00:13:32.160]:  Who wants you to vote?
[00:13:32.160 -> 00:13:54.160]:  Who wants you to vote?
[00:13:54.160 -> 00:13:56.160]:  Who wants you to vote?
[00:13:56.160 -> 00:14:01.160]:  Who wants you to vote?
[00:14:01.160 -> 00:14:23.160]:  Who wants you to vote?
[00:14:23.160 -> 00:14:25.160]:  Who wants you to vote?
[00:14:25.160 -> 00:14:29.160]:  Who wants you to vote?
[00:14:29.160 -> 00:14:51.160]:  Who wants you to vote?
[00:14:51.160 -> 00:14:55.160]:  Who wants you to vote?
[00:14:55.160 -> 00:15:17.160]:  Who wants you to vote?
[00:15:17.160 -> 00:15:39.160]:  Who wants you to vote?
[00:15:39.160 -> 00:16:01.160]:  Who wants you to vote?
[00:16:01.160 -> 00:16:23.160]:  Who wants you to vote?
[00:16:23.160 -> 00:16:45.160]:  Who wants you to vote?
[00:16:45.160 -> 00:17:07.160]:  Who wants you to vote?
[00:17:07.160 -> 00:17:29.160]:  Who wants you to vote?
[00:17:29.160 -> 00:17:51.160]:  Who wants you to vote?
[00:17:51.160 -> 00:18:13.160]:  Who wants you to vote?
[00:18:13.160 -> 00:18:35.160]:  Who wants you to vote?
[00:18:35.160 -> 00:18:57.160]:  Who wants you to vote?
[00:18:57.160 -> 00:18:57.160]:  Who wants you to vote?
[00:18:57.160 -> 00:19:19.160]:  Who wants you to vote?