VOD at https://mines.expert/BossmanJack/Kick/$19 start on stake.us  !discord 2024-03-04 11_25 [36555748-19-start-on-stakeus-discord].mp4
[00:00:00.000 -> 00:00:14.240]:  you know what's up guys I'm back anybody here hold up
[00:00:14.240 -> 00:00:28.700]:  anybody here yeah what's good guys I just got a $250 juicer let's fucking go
[00:00:28.700 -> 00:00:42.880]:  look at that guys let's fucking go yeah I did cut my hair yeah yep thank you
[00:00:42.880 -> 00:00:46.760]:  Mustang sleep who all right
[00:00:46.760 -> 00:00:58.320]:  thank you guys
[00:00:58.320 -> 00:01:04.500]:  I'm gonna go lean are you here bro are you still on the account lean is he
[00:01:04.500 -> 00:01:11.580]:  still on the account lean I'm not sure I'm not sure he's on lean or not we back
[00:01:11.580 -> 00:01:19.080]:  baby what's up G I'll do some Levin it fuck it I need to get my wager
[00:01:19.080 -> 00:01:22.680]:  requirement real quick so I need to withdraw like a little bit not a whole
[00:01:22.680 -> 00:01:26.580]:  lot he'll ban him who am I banning
[00:01:26.580 -> 00:01:44.300]:  I live outside Charlottesville Rillo I don't see him oh well here's what it is
[00:01:44.300 -> 00:01:55.760]:  you got him right it does this is in 120 spins come on baby good luck JJ I hope
[00:01:55.760 -> 00:02:02.180]:  Levin it pays you damn double camera already so on just a geek bar vape is
[00:02:02.180 -> 00:02:14.520]:  there no music playing I'm sorry guys there you go all right 125 of these is a
[00:02:14.520 -> 00:02:19.760]:  orange juice like oh really good really good if you like orange juice it tastes
[00:02:19.760 -> 00:02:25.600]:  just like it just like yeah I think the future spins that's what I'm doing the
[00:02:25.600 -> 00:02:31.060]:  bonus on feature spins I think they're good on here renegades of funk oh that's
[00:02:31.060 -> 00:02:47.160]:  a good song let's play it no matter how hard you try can't stop us now no these
[00:02:47.160 -> 00:02:52.320]:  aren't Gucci bro they kind of look like a little day they're not Gucci shorts I
[00:02:52.320 -> 00:02:55.320]:  wish
[00:02:55.320 -> 00:03:01.980]:  renegades
[00:03:01.980 -> 00:03:10.900]:  I don't know I met three kids I'll fuck him
[00:03:10.900 -> 00:03:19.980]:  maybe from kick from kick you stream on kick mega deep
[00:03:19.980 -> 00:03:21.980]:  Oh
[00:03:21.980 -> 00:03:23.980]:  oh
[00:03:23.980 -> 00:03:25.160]:  oh
[00:03:25.160 -> 00:03:35.640]:  you got my hopes up bro fuck give me in give me in oh I think it's been a while
[00:03:35.640 -> 00:03:52.300]:  some kind of huge saw when maybe actually oh yeah oh no double dude let's do 25 more
[00:03:52.300 -> 00:03:55.000]:  I'm leaving come on
[00:03:55.000 -> 00:03:58.000]:  no more doubles
[00:03:58.000 -> 00:04:05.600]:  is it is my mic bad quality guys right now shouldn't be
[00:04:05.600 -> 00:04:15.060]:  sounds okay to me are good people saying it sounds fine it may be louder than
[00:04:15.060 -> 00:04:21.160]:  normal oh my guys let's go
[00:04:21.160 -> 00:04:24.840]:  they just started when loud okay
[00:04:24.840 -> 00:04:25.780]:  I'll be a little quieter.
[00:04:25.780 -> 00:04:28.560]:  I can lower it down.
[00:04:28.560 -> 00:04:29.020]:  Hold on, guys.
[00:04:29.020 -> 00:04:30.620]:  There you go.
[00:04:30.620 -> 00:04:31.120]:  That's a combo.
[00:04:31.120 -> 00:04:33.480]:  We take all combos.
[00:04:33.480 -> 00:04:38.420]:  We take all combos.
[00:04:38.420 -> 00:04:40.380]:  We take them all.
[00:04:40.380 -> 00:04:41.080]:  We take them all.
[00:04:41.080 -> 00:04:42.200]:  Come on, LeBanon.
[00:04:42.200 -> 00:04:46.560]:  Oh, come on.
[00:04:46.560 -> 00:04:49.040]:  Aw.
[00:04:49.040 -> 00:04:50.160]:  Cauldron.
[00:04:50.160 -> 00:04:51.840]:  Aw, fuck.
[00:04:51.840 -> 00:04:52.960]:  That's a dud.
[00:04:52.960 -> 00:04:56.060]:  That's it
[00:04:56.060 -> 00:04:57.360]:  Upgrades to a
[00:04:57.360 -> 00:04:58.260]:  To a super
[00:04:58.260 -> 00:04:59.320]:  Just kidding
[00:04:59.320 -> 00:05:01.700]:  18 fucking dollars
[00:05:01.700 -> 00:05:02.140]:  Are you
[00:05:02.140 -> 00:05:03.320]:  Man
[00:05:03.320 -> 00:05:05.120]:  You don't want to use this one
[00:05:05.120 -> 00:05:07.060]:  Extra bonginator
[00:05:07.060 -> 00:05:07.900]:  Get away
[00:05:07.900 -> 00:05:14.080]:  Any galaxies away
[00:05:14.080 -> 00:05:18.220]:  Oh come on
[00:05:18.220 -> 00:05:20.500]:  Oh damn
[00:05:20.500 -> 00:05:21.800]:  Oh damn
[00:05:21.800 -> 00:05:25.740]:  I don't like those
[00:05:25.740 -> 00:05:27.420]:  The rainbow spins
[00:05:27.420 -> 00:05:27.940]:  I don't like those
[00:05:27.940 -> 00:05:28.800]:  I think they're bad
[00:05:28.800 -> 00:05:30.240]:  I mean they're okay
[00:05:30.240 -> 00:05:31.320]:  They have literally
[00:05:31.320 -> 00:05:32.220]:  Less RTP on them
[00:05:32.220 -> 00:05:32.640]:  If you look
[00:05:32.640 -> 00:05:35.360]:  Like barely
[00:05:35.360 -> 00:05:35.860]:  But still
[00:05:35.860 -> 00:05:37.540]:  Fuck
[00:05:37.540 -> 00:05:38.360]:  I didn't want to do any more
[00:05:38.360 -> 00:05:39.060]:  Let's do 10 more
[00:05:39.060 -> 00:05:41.020]:  Come on LeBanon
[00:05:41.020 -> 00:05:46.580]:  Is there no music playing
[00:05:46.580 -> 00:05:47.460]:  In my headphones
[00:05:47.460 -> 00:05:49.560]:  My headphones are just dead
[00:05:49.560 -> 00:05:51.220]:  Damn
[00:05:51.220 -> 00:05:51.360]:  Damn
[00:05:51.360 -> 00:06:12.200]:  everyone I don't have any bud I might have some here soon my days I'm uh is
[00:06:12.200 -> 00:06:14.340]:  that a little bit better I put the mic a little bit farther away I don't know if
[00:06:14.340 -> 00:06:18.840]:  that's any better or not well I see a steak cash it's equivalent to one is one
[00:06:18.840 -> 00:06:26.340]:  year still yeah I had a bit all right
[00:06:26.340 -> 00:06:33.120]:  all right going no way yo fuck yeah that's a big base spin on the bandit bro
[00:06:33.120 -> 00:06:39.060]:  what the fuck that's rare that's what's up we'll take it oh come on give me the
[00:06:39.060 -> 00:06:41.960]:  fucking feature though
[00:06:41.960 -> 00:06:48.820]:  oh come on ah I was really hoping
[00:06:48.820 -> 00:06:52.140]:  to get me in there ten more and I'm out
[00:06:52.140 -> 00:06:56.100]:  come on the bandit yeah I don't know what he meant by that what the hell is that about
[00:06:56.100 -> 00:07:06.760]:  what does shout out to the rats mean oh you just mean like in general that's what I
[00:07:06.760 -> 00:07:09.520]:  thought he meant but it was just kind of weird timing all right let's buy a 50 on
[00:07:09.520 -> 00:07:13.960]:  this bitch super and we're out super feature on motherfucking the bandit let's
[00:07:13.960 -> 00:07:18.800]:  get this schmuck let's get this fucking schmoney babe go
[00:07:18.800 -> 00:07:25.360]:  I'm sorry I'm charging my headphones oh did this oh I thought I retreated or
[00:07:25.360 -> 00:07:27.620]:  something
[00:07:27.620 -> 00:07:44.420]:  oh it's not looking that great oh this one's looking garbage dude fuck oh we
[00:07:44.420 -> 00:07:47.220]:  retrigged that's good
[00:07:48.780 -> 00:08:09.820]:  oh we got the convo's please okay come on rainbow oh dude man what the fuck
[00:08:09.820 -> 00:08:16.680]:  really man fuck now we do
[00:08:16.680 -> 00:08:18.740]:  you
[00:08:18.740 -> 00:08:47.580]:  I don't know, one more? Alright, let's do it. Fuck it. Come on, dude. Keno, nah. Dencho's an option. Hold on. Why'd you got the new sugar rush after this one? Hope this pays, dude. Come on. Come on, LeBanon. There you go. There you go! Stack it up, bitch! Yeah! Fuck yeah! Keep hittin'.
[00:08:47.960 -> 00:08:53.040]:  Keep on stackin', baby. Keep on stackin'. Yeah, this is lookin' good, dude. We haven't
[00:08:53.040 -> 00:09:01.820]:  hit a rainbow yet. Come on, rainbow. Rainbow. Yes, there it is. Cauldron, cauldron, cauldron.
[00:09:01.820 -> 00:09:06.240]:  Yes, we got cauldron. Come on. Clovers by the cauldron. Clovers by the cauldron.
[00:09:06.240 -> 00:09:17.180]:  Gold coins and clovers. Aw, that's mid as fuck. We can still get another one. We can still
[00:09:17.180 -> 00:09:29.060]:  please come on oh my god man what the fuck fuck that it's into our minds nine
[00:09:29.060 -> 00:09:49.880]:  minds oh there you go well something if I lose this I'm out dude oh come on dude
[00:09:49.880 -> 00:09:53.620]:  fuck my life dude no way I'm out there in the stream here in a minute I gotta
[00:09:53.620 -> 00:09:56.920]:  withdraw something for some weed and shit dude I don't think the stream I'm
[00:09:56.920 -> 00:09:59.020]:  not gonna gamble
[00:09:59.020 -> 00:10:15.700]:  yes let's fucking go that's not bad take that please win this please yes
[00:10:15.700 -> 00:10:24.600]:  let's go yes let's go no what the fuck dude no way man bro are you fucking
[00:10:24.600 -> 00:10:28.660]:  kidding me a to an ace up all right guys I'll see y'all tomorrow man
[00:10:28.660 -> 00:10:29.000]:  fuck you
[00:10:29.000 -> 00:10:33.200]:  this I'm getting off dude that's so stupid dude I'm sorry that's just
[00:10:33.200 -> 00:10:38.000]:  retarded that doesn't make any sense man I gotta go guys I mean I'll stay alive
[00:10:38.000 -> 00:10:44.780]:  but I'm not gambling I'm gonna withdraw this dude fucking retarded shit dude I'm
[00:10:44.780 -> 00:10:48.400]:  one on stream but I'm not gambling anymore dude
[00:10:48.400 -> 00:10:52.480]:  you're speaking so I sometimes see you're speaking
[00:10:52.480 -> 00:11:01.480]:  oh no fuck I gotta do this
[00:11:01.480 -> 00:11:08.460]:  don't let it go below 74 I guess oh shit that shit's going quick oh my gosh why is he losing
[00:11:08.460 -> 00:11:09.300]:  so much money
[00:11:09.300 -> 00:11:10.560]:  I don't even know what the fuck is going on
[00:11:10.560 -> 00:11:11.560]:  oh no fuck I gotta do this
[00:11:11.560 -> 00:11:18.500]:  don't let it go below 74 I guess oh shit that shit's going quick oh my gosh why is he losing
[00:11:18.500 -> 00:11:19.500]:  so much money
[00:11:19.500 -> 00:11:20.480]:  don't let it go below 74 I guess oh shit that shit's going quick oh my gosh why is he losing
[00:11:20.480 -> 00:11:21.480]:  so much money
[00:11:21.480 -> 00:11:27.980]:  dude what the fuck are you
[00:11:27.980 -> 00:11:28.980]:  that's obnoxious dude
[00:11:28.980 -> 00:11:33.280]:  dude what the fuck is this doing why is it losing so much money bro
[00:11:33.280 -> 00:11:38.260]:  I gotta withdraw this money maker
[00:11:38.260 -> 00:11:41.260]:  I'm gonna buy weed with this dude I gotta and I owe my buddy a little bit of money so
[00:11:41.260 -> 00:11:45.780]:  I gotta send this out
[00:11:45.780 -> 00:11:50.880]:  I am going to sticks I get my new GPU in the mail in a few days new graphics card yeah
[00:11:50.880 -> 00:11:52.280]:  If you want to send me BTC, I'll keep gambling.
[00:11:52.280 -> 00:11:52.800]:  That'd be great.
[00:11:52.800 -> 00:11:55.260]:  Fuck, dude.
[00:11:55.260 -> 00:11:56.300]:  This ain't looking good, man.
[00:11:56.300 -> 00:11:57.440]:  I need like $3, bro.
[00:11:57.440 -> 00:12:03.400]:  I still don't...
[00:12:03.400 -> 00:12:06.840]:  It's fine.
[00:12:06.840 -> 00:12:07.720]:  It's fine.
[00:12:19.340 -> 00:12:21.200]:  No, I collected it right before I went live.
[00:12:21.200 -> 00:12:22.780]:  I know, right?
[00:12:22.780 -> 00:12:23.760]:  It's fucking bullshit, dude.
[00:12:23.760 -> 00:12:34.340]:  I know I am.
[00:12:34.340 -> 00:12:35.760]:  I was just taking my wage requirement down.
[00:12:35.760 -> 00:12:37.380]:  This is not to win.
[00:12:37.380 -> 00:12:41.980]:  Oh, my gosh.
[00:12:41.980 -> 00:12:43.060]:  Make three more seconds.
[00:12:43.060 -> 00:12:45.320]:  One, two, three.
[00:12:45.320 -> 00:13:15.300]:  One, two, three.
[00:13:15.300 -> 00:13:17.520]:  Hold on, guys.
[00:13:17.520 -> 00:13:17.920]:  I'll be right back.
[00:13:17.920 -> 00:13:37.820]:  Now we get back.
[00:13:37.820 -> 00:13:39.200]:  But we ain't really lost
[00:13:39.200 -> 00:13:40.840]:  till we get nice and tall that ass.
[00:13:40.840 -> 00:13:42.240]:  When we bring it rock,
[00:13:42.240 -> 00:13:43.720]:  bring it to your door.
[00:13:43.720 -> 00:13:45.280]:  I'm right here on the floor.
[00:13:45.440 -> 00:13:46.740]:  Pray murder till the door.
[00:13:46.740 -> 00:13:48.740]:  Gucci pounds in the trash can.
[00:13:48.740 -> 00:13:49.860]:  Gucci do the dishes.
[00:13:49.860 -> 00:13:51.760]:  Don't nobody, nobody...
[00:13:51.760 -> 00:13:53.900]:  Gangsta, gangsta, gangsta.
[00:13:53.900 -> 00:13:59.840]:  Gangsta, gangsta, gangsta.
[00:13:59.840 -> 00:14:01.880]:  Gucci do the dishes.
[00:14:01.880 -> 00:14:03.840]:  Don't nobody, nobody...
[00:14:03.840 -> 00:14:07.880]:  All the old school, then I said it on 60.
[00:14:07.880 -> 00:14:08.700]:  How you got me?
[00:14:08.700 -> 00:14:09.480]:  How you get it?
[00:14:09.480 -> 00:14:10.940]:  Play the work and then they get you.
[00:14:10.940 -> 00:14:13.720]:  I got this sense in my kitchen.
[00:14:13.720 -> 00:14:16.340]:  The streets been waiting
[00:14:16.340 -> 00:14:46.320]:  Thanks for watching!
[00:14:46.320 -> 00:15:16.300]:  Thanks for watching!
[00:15:16.300 -> 00:15:46.280]:  Thanks for watching!
[00:15:46.280 -> 00:16:16.260]:  Thanks for watching!
[00:16:16.260 -> 00:16:46.240]:  Thanks for watching!
[00:16:46.240 -> 00:17:16.220]:  Thanks for watching!
[00:17:16.220 -> 00:17:46.200]:  Thanks for watching!
[00:17:46.200 -> 00:18:16.180]:  Thanks for watching!
[00:18:16.180 -> 00:18:46.160]:  Thanks for watching!
[00:18:46.160 -> 00:19:16.140]:  Thanks for watching!
[00:19:16.140 -> 00:19:46.120]:  Thanks for watching!
[00:19:46.120 -> 00:20:16.100]:  Thanks for watching!
[00:20:16.100 -> 00:20:46.080]:  Thanks for watching!
[00:20:46.080 -> 00:21:16.060]:  Thanks for watching!
[00:21:16.060 -> 00:21:46.040]:  Thanks for watching!
[00:21:46.040 -> 00:22:15.200]:  Thanks for watching!
[00:22:15.200 -> 00:22:15.920]:  Thanks for watching!
[00:22:15.920 -> 00:22:45.800]:  Thanks for watching!
[00:22:45.800 -> 00:23:15.780]:  Thanks for watching!
[00:23:15.780 -> 00:23:45.760]:  Thanks for watching!
[00:23:45.760 -> 00:24:14.760]:  Thanks for watching!
[00:24:14.760 -> 00:24:15.640]:  Thanks for watching!
[00:24:15.640 -> 00:24:45.620]:  Thanks for watching!
[00:24:45.620 -> 00:25:15.600]:  Thanks for watching!
[00:25:15.600 -> 00:25:45.440]:  Thanks for watching!
[00:25:45.440 -> 00:26:15.320]:  Thanks for watching!
[00:26:15.320 -> 00:26:45.200]:  Thanks for watching!
[00:26:45.200 -> 00:27:15.080]:  Thanks for watching!
[00:27:15.080 -> 00:27:44.960]:  Thanks for watching!
[00:27:44.960 -> 00:27:45.420]:  Thanks for watching!
[00:27:45.420 -> 00:28:14.800]:  Thanks for watching!
[00:28:14.800 -> 00:28:44.680]:  Thanks for watching!
[00:28:44.680 -> 00:29:14.660]:  Thanks for watching!
[00:29:14.660 -> 00:29:44.640]:  We'll be right back.
[00:29:44.640 -> 00:30:14.620]:  We'll be right back.
[00:30:14.620 -> 00:30:44.600]:  We'll be right back.
[00:30:44.600 -> 00:31:14.580]:  We'll be right back.
[00:31:14.580 -> 00:31:44.560]:  We'll be right back.
[00:31:44.560 -> 00:32:14.540]:  We'll be right back.
[00:32:14.540 -> 00:32:44.520]:  We'll be right back.
[00:32:44.520 -> 00:33:14.500]:  We'll be right back.
[00:33:14.500 -> 00:33:44.480]:  We'll be right back.
[00:33:44.480 -> 00:34:14.460]:  We'll be right back.
[00:34:14.460 -> 00:34:44.440]:  We'll be right back.
[00:34:44.440 -> 00:35:14.420]:  We'll be right back.
[00:35:14.420 -> 00:35:44.400]:  We'll be right back.
[00:35:44.400 -> 00:36:14.260]:  We'll be right back.
[00:36:14.260 -> 00:36:43.260]:  We'll be right back.
[00:36:43.260 -> 00:36:44.140]:  We'll be right back.
[00:36:44.140 -> 00:36:44.240]:  We'll be right back.
[00:36:44.240 -> 00:37:14.220]:  We'll be right back.
[00:37:14.220 -> 00:37:44.200]:  We'll be right back.
[00:37:44.200 -> 00:38:14.180]:  We'll be right back.
[00:38:14.180 -> 00:38:44.160]:  We'll be right back.
[00:38:44.160 -> 00:39:14.140]:  We'll be right back.
[00:39:14.140 -> 00:39:18.320]:  Yo, what up, KittyKat?
[00:39:18.320 -> 00:39:19.560]:  I did.
[00:39:19.560 -> 00:39:20.480]:  Yeah, you like it for real?
[00:39:20.480 -> 00:39:21.340]:  You don't think it looks bad?
[00:39:21.340 -> 00:39:22.620]:  Thank you, KittyKat.
[00:39:22.620 -> 00:39:22.960]:  Let's go.
[00:39:22.960 -> 00:39:25.560]:  Yeah, I got like, I don't even know how many subs.
[00:39:25.560 -> 00:39:26.220]:  He hooked it up.
[00:39:26.220 -> 00:39:28.820]:  He wanted me to no guard it, but I wouldn't do it.
[00:39:28.820 -> 00:39:29.720]:  Unless he dropped it to 100.
[00:39:29.720 -> 00:39:31.660]:  I don't even want to do that.
[00:39:31.660 -> 00:39:33.620]:  The offer's not on the table anymore.
[00:39:33.620 -> 00:39:37.180]:  Tough Skull for it.
[00:39:37.180 -> 00:39:37.740]:  It's a hooligan.
[00:39:37.740 -> 00:39:39.840]:  I was freaked out when I got five gifts.
[00:39:39.840 -> 00:39:40.460]:  I'm like, really?
[00:39:40.460 -> 00:39:42.120]:  You'll get there, bro.
[00:39:42.120 -> 00:39:42.640]:  Keep streaming.
[00:39:42.640 -> 00:39:43.540]:  Keep streaming, bro.
[00:39:43.540 -> 00:39:44.100]:  You'll get there.
[00:39:44.780 -> 00:39:45.760]:  You'll start getting some packs.
[00:39:45.760 -> 00:39:48.160]:  I guarantee it.
[00:39:48.160 -> 00:39:49.840]:  What up, Ty Boomer?
[00:39:49.840 -> 00:39:53.400]:  Shit, I'm going to do that.
[00:39:53.400 -> 00:39:57.880]:  That's a crazy sub count, though.
[00:39:57.880 -> 00:39:59.620]:  I heard you're the most degenerate.
[00:39:59.620 -> 00:40:01.900]:  Yeah, I'm pretty degenerate.
[00:40:01.900 -> 00:40:03.240]:  Pretty degenerate.
[00:40:03.240 -> 00:40:04.880]:  I don't take no offense to that.
[00:40:04.880 -> 00:40:06.000]:  Looks clean.
[00:40:06.000 -> 00:40:06.440]:  You like it?
[00:40:06.440 -> 00:40:07.260]:  Thank you, brother.
[00:40:07.260 -> 00:40:08.420]:  What's up, Koopa?
[00:40:08.420 -> 00:40:09.040]:  How we living, brother?
[00:40:09.040 -> 00:40:09.120]:  What's up, brother?
[00:40:09.120 -> 00:40:11.740]:  Time for the long 80s rocker hair, boss man.
[00:40:11.740 -> 00:40:13.800]:  How do I get specific?
[00:40:13.800 -> 00:40:14.080]:  You can get specific.
[00:40:14.080 -> 00:40:15.680]:  You can click on his name and then gift a sub to him.
[00:40:15.680 -> 00:40:17.540]:  Hey, Losing Insanity.
[00:40:17.540 -> 00:40:18.280]:  Thank you very much.
[00:40:18.280 -> 00:40:20.460]:  Are you on PC or what are you on, Mustang?
[00:40:20.460 -> 00:40:25.320]:  Can anybody please gift my boy?
[00:40:25.320 -> 00:40:26.640]:  Wait, what was his name again?
[00:40:26.640 -> 00:40:27.220]:  I forgot.
[00:40:27.220 -> 00:40:28.480]:  He had to change it or something.
[00:40:28.480 -> 00:40:29.160]:  There you got a new kid.
[00:40:29.160 -> 00:40:29.880]:  Mikey Monk.
[00:40:29.880 -> 00:40:33.080]:  Guys, can anybody please gift this guy if he can figure out how to?
[00:40:33.080 -> 00:40:34.460]:  There he is right there.
[00:40:34.460 -> 00:40:35.600]:  Yeah, he just put him out in the chat.
[00:40:35.600 -> 00:40:39.500]:  I have more subs than Ice Poseidon?
[00:40:39.500 -> 00:40:40.560]:  Do I really?
[00:40:40.560 -> 00:40:42.080]:  Nah.
[00:40:42.080 -> 00:40:43.440]:  The IRL streamer?
[00:40:43.440 -> 00:40:44.740]:  No way.
[00:40:44.740 -> 00:40:47.220]:  Wow.
[00:40:47.220 -> 00:40:49.360]:  Do I really?
[00:40:49.360 -> 00:40:51.880]:  That's fucking awesome.
[00:40:51.880 -> 00:40:53.980]:  Everyone knows who that is.
[00:40:53.980 -> 00:40:56.720]:  Yes, yes.
[00:40:56.720 -> 00:40:57.360]:  Oh, no.
[00:40:57.360 -> 00:40:58.580]:  You guys did it at the same time.
[00:40:58.580 -> 00:41:00.700]:  Well, you have two months of subs now, my boy.
[00:41:00.700 -> 00:41:02.820]:  You have two subs, two months.
[00:41:02.820 -> 00:41:05.240]:  Hey, Kitty Cat, the gift is well.
[00:41:05.240 -> 00:41:06.160]:  No way, Kitty Cat.
[00:41:06.160 -> 00:41:06.980]:  Thank you very much.
[00:41:06.980 -> 00:41:08.560]:  Let's fucking go, guys.
[00:41:08.560 -> 00:41:08.980]:  Thank you.
[00:41:08.980 -> 00:41:11.640]:  That's all right, Kitty.
[00:41:11.640 -> 00:41:13.420]:  I'm glad I didn't because he got two at the same.
[00:41:13.440 -> 00:41:13.740]:  Same time.
[00:41:13.740 -> 00:41:15.200]:  Thank you, Kitty Cat.
[00:41:15.200 -> 00:41:15.500]:  Let's go.
[00:41:15.500 -> 00:41:16.080]:  Thank you, guys.
[00:41:16.080 -> 00:41:17.000]:  Let's fucking go, dude.
[00:41:17.000 -> 00:41:18.880]:  Let's fucking go.
[00:41:18.880 -> 00:41:31.320]:  Fuck.
[00:41:31.320 -> 00:41:35.460]:  Yeah.
[00:41:35.460 -> 00:41:37.780]:  Do another sub.
[00:41:37.780 -> 00:41:39.140]:  Oh, a sub this time from Ardos.
[00:41:39.140 -> 00:41:40.120]:  Thank you very much, my boy.
[00:41:40.120 -> 00:41:42.240]:  Thank you, bro, for the one month.
[00:41:42.240 -> 00:41:44.380]:  Yeah, I think so.
[00:41:44.380 -> 00:41:47.480]:  What the fuck, Mikey Monk?
[00:41:47.480 -> 00:41:48.340]:  You didn't have to do that.
[00:41:48.340 -> 00:41:48.960]:  What the fuck?
[00:41:48.960 -> 00:41:51.720]:  What the hell?
[00:41:51.720 -> 00:41:52.780]:  You sent another 200?
[00:41:52.780 -> 00:41:55.760]:  What the fuck?
[00:41:55.760 -> 00:41:58.220]:  What the fuck?
[00:41:58.220 -> 00:42:01.140]:  He did say he'd hook me up if I got him a sub,
[00:42:01.140 -> 00:42:02.380]:  and sure enough, I got him a sub.
[00:42:02.380 -> 00:42:03.820]:  Holy shit, he did hook it up.
[00:42:03.820 -> 00:42:06.060]:  Yeah, I read that.
[00:42:06.060 -> 00:42:06.320]:  Yeah.
[00:42:06.320 -> 00:42:07.960]:  I know.
[00:42:07.960 -> 00:42:09.180]:  I should get like a manager or something.
[00:42:09.180 -> 00:42:09.380]:  Yeah.
[00:42:09.380 -> 00:42:14.520]:  Yeah, Mikey is nuts, dude.
[00:42:14.520 -> 00:42:15.580]:  Thank you for the 200 juice.
[00:42:15.580 -> 00:42:16.200]:  God damn.
[00:42:16.200 -> 00:42:17.320]:  All right, guys.
[00:42:17.320 -> 00:42:17.660]:  Let's go.
[00:42:17.660 -> 00:42:19.460]:  Help me pick.
[00:42:19.460 -> 00:42:20.480]:  I'm going to do a poll, guys.
[00:42:20.480 -> 00:42:21.020]:  I'm going to do a poll.
[00:42:21.020 -> 00:42:23.000]:  So what I need you guys to do,
[00:42:23.000 -> 00:42:24.560]:  if you guys want to help me.
[00:42:24.560 -> 00:42:27.160]:  Why is my sub count saying that?
[00:42:27.160 -> 00:42:28.100]:  Why does it do that?
[00:42:28.100 -> 00:42:29.360]:  I don't know why it does that.
[00:42:29.360 -> 00:42:30.660]:  Anyways, either way,
[00:42:30.660 -> 00:42:34.020]:  I want you guys to give me pragmatic slot suggestions.
[00:42:34.020 -> 00:42:36.000]:  That's all I need you guys to do for me
[00:42:36.000 -> 00:42:38.440]:  is give me some pragmatic slot suggestions.
[00:42:38.440 -> 00:42:41.160]:  All right.
[00:42:41.160 -> 00:42:43.380]:  Pragmatic only.
[00:42:43.380 -> 00:42:45.380]:  I got Club Tropicana.
[00:42:45.380 -> 00:42:47.360]:  I'm going to put that on there, actually.
[00:42:47.360 -> 00:42:49.720]:  I got Big Bass Amazon.
[00:42:49.720 -> 00:42:54.060]:  I'm doing a poll.
[00:42:54.060 -> 00:42:56.700]:  Big Bass Splash.
[00:42:56.700 -> 00:42:57.540]:  No, we already got Bass.
[00:42:57.540 -> 00:42:58.800]:  Sugar Rush 1000.
[00:42:58.800 -> 00:42:59.960]:  We got to put that new one on there.
[00:42:59.960 -> 00:43:01.700]:  Sweet Bonanza.
[00:43:01.700 -> 00:43:03.000]:  Okay, that might be a popular one.
[00:43:03.000 -> 00:43:05.200]:  Super Saiyan.
[00:43:05.200 -> 00:43:07.560]:  No, it's Saiyan Mania.
[00:43:07.560 -> 00:43:07.780]:  Yeah.
[00:43:07.780 -> 00:43:10.800]:  And Buffalo Megaways
[00:43:10.800 -> 00:43:12.880]:  Alright guys vote in the goddamn poll
[00:43:12.880 -> 00:43:13.680]:  If y'all want to
[00:43:13.680 -> 00:43:14.600]:  You do not have to participate
[00:43:14.600 -> 00:43:16.280]:  But if you see the poll that'd be cool
[00:43:16.280 -> 00:43:17.460]:  If you could just give it a little vote
[00:43:17.460 -> 00:43:18.940]:  Of what you want
[00:43:18.940 -> 00:43:21.080]:  Alright
[00:43:21.080 -> 00:43:23.900]:  Everybody vote in the poll
[00:43:23.900 -> 00:43:25.500]:  Everybody vote in the poll quickly
[00:43:25.500 -> 00:43:26.840]:  Everybody vote in the poll quickly
[00:43:26.840 -> 00:43:29.480]:  Guys there's gotta be more of y'all than that
[00:43:29.480 -> 00:43:30.020]:  Come on
[00:43:30.020 -> 00:43:31.400]:  Wow a lot of people for Sugar Rush
[00:43:31.400 -> 00:43:31.880]:  God damn
[00:43:31.880 -> 00:43:33.080]:  Okay Sugar Rush won dude
[00:43:33.080 -> 00:43:35.940]:  Sugar Rush definitely fucking won that shit dude
[00:43:35.940 -> 00:43:37.280]:  There's no way it's gonna lose
[00:43:37.280 -> 00:43:39.680]:  There's just no way it'll lose
[00:43:39.680 -> 00:43:40.780]:  That's way too many votes
[00:43:40.780 -> 00:43:43.980]:  Alright Sugar Rush it is
[00:43:43.980 -> 00:43:45.580]:  Alright
[00:43:45.580 -> 00:43:47.080]:  Sugar Rush it is
[00:43:47.080 -> 00:43:48.360]:  Money's probably already in
[00:43:48.360 -> 00:43:48.640]:  Yep
[00:43:48.640 -> 00:43:51.340]:  Alright guys let's go to the new Sugar Rush then
[00:43:51.340 -> 00:43:53.360]:  Should I buy a $100 Super?
[00:43:53.360 -> 00:43:54.740]:  The last two were bad
[00:43:54.740 -> 00:43:56.200]:  I think I actually should
[00:43:56.200 -> 00:43:56.900]:  I think I'm gonna do it
[00:43:56.900 -> 00:43:58.400]:  I think it just came out
[00:43:58.400 -> 00:43:58.900]:  Like just
[00:43:58.900 -> 00:44:00.820]:  On StakeUS like today or yesterday
[00:44:00.820 -> 00:44:01.180]:  But
[00:44:01.180 -> 00:44:03.100]:  Yeah I'm gonna do a $100 feature dude
[00:44:03.100 -> 00:44:04.080]:  Wish me fucking luck
[00:44:04.080 -> 00:44:06.540]:  $100 feature half the stack going in
[00:44:06.540 -> 00:44:07.160]:  Then I'm gonna
[00:44:07.160 -> 00:44:07.260]:  Oh!
[00:44:07.260 -> 00:44:07.860]:  We got four
[00:44:07.860 -> 00:44:08.720]:  We got four of them
[00:44:08.720 -> 00:44:09.940]:  Let's fucking go
[00:44:09.940 -> 00:44:10.480]:  12 spins
[00:44:10.480 -> 00:44:10.980]:  Here we go
[00:44:10.980 -> 00:44:12.080]:  That's two extra
[00:44:12.080 -> 00:44:12.820]:  That's good for a Super
[00:44:12.820 -> 00:44:13.620]:  Really good for a Super
[00:44:13.620 -> 00:44:14.700]:  Here we go
[00:44:14.700 -> 00:44:15.400]:  Combos
[00:44:15.400 -> 00:44:16.980]:  Oh my god
[00:44:16.980 -> 00:44:17.640]:  It almost retrigged
[00:44:17.640 -> 00:44:18.400]:  Oh it might retrig
[00:44:18.400 -> 00:44:18.780]:  Come on
[00:44:18.780 -> 00:44:20.600]:  Oh my god
[00:44:20.600 -> 00:44:21.080]:  Damn
[00:44:21.080 -> 00:44:21.720]:  Come on dude
[00:44:21.720 -> 00:44:24.380]:  Alright we got some
[00:44:24.380 -> 00:44:25.700]:  We got some combos
[00:44:25.700 -> 00:44:27.960]:  Thanks for the good luck guys
[00:44:27.960 -> 00:44:29.840]:  Oh
[00:44:29.840 -> 00:44:30.820]:  Come on
[00:44:30.820 -> 00:44:31.860]:  At least we got those two extra spins
[00:44:31.860 -> 00:44:32.480]:  That helped us
[00:44:32.480 -> 00:44:33.940]:  That definitely helped out
[00:44:33.940 -> 00:44:36.880]:  Come on Sugar
[00:44:36.880 -> 00:44:46.080]:  oh my gosh it's looking bad oh it needs to retry it needs to retry come on retry this oh my god
[00:44:46.080 -> 00:44:54.140]:  oranges are in reds maybe yep big red oh my god that was huge holy shit
[00:44:54.140 -> 00:44:59.820]:  come on drop in some more scatters or combos at least damn that was a huge combo did you guys see
[00:44:59.820 -> 00:45:04.640]:  that i've never seen sugar hit so hard in one hit i don't think oh man greens are in greens are in
[00:45:04.640 -> 00:45:10.900]:  Big greens, big greens, big greens, oh, holy crap, come on, keep rolling, oh my gosh, keep
[00:45:10.900 -> 00:45:15.320]:  fucking hitting, we have four spins left, guys, come on, it needs more hits, it needs
[00:45:15.320 -> 00:45:19.720]:  more hits, oh my god, let's go, come on, don't break even, don't break even, it's gonna do
[00:45:19.720 -> 00:45:24.120]:  better than that, yes, come on, more than that, more than that, one more combo, come
[00:45:24.120 -> 00:45:29.660]:  on, more combos, come on, come on, come on, come on, retrig, retrig, yes, oh my god, retrig,
[00:45:29.660 -> 00:45:35.340]:  retrig, please, please, please, oh, retrig would have made me money, two spins left,
[00:45:35.340 -> 00:45:42.140]:  come on, oh, right in the middle, oh, let's profit, we take it, profit, last spin, last
[00:45:42.140 -> 00:45:49.040]:  spin, looking good, it's gonna retrig, here comes the retrig, ready, fuck, complete dud,
[00:45:49.040 -> 00:45:54.640]:  we'll take it though, a little 24, $24, we'll take it, what came second on the poll, anybody
[00:45:54.640 -> 00:45:58.100]:  remember, I'm gonna take that profit and chuck it on high low.
[00:45:58.100 -> 00:46:04.620]:  Cash that
[00:46:04.620 -> 00:46:06.180]:  Do a half bet
[00:46:06.180 -> 00:46:08.920]:  And I'll rip
[00:46:08.920 -> 00:46:13.840]:  Oh fuck
[00:46:13.840 -> 00:46:15.340]:  Last one
[00:46:15.340 -> 00:46:17.460]:  There you go
[00:46:17.460 -> 00:46:19.240]:  There you go
[00:46:19.240 -> 00:46:20.000]:  Cash that
[00:46:20.000 -> 00:46:21.440]:  And double it up
[00:46:21.440 -> 00:46:22.720]:  Higher
[00:46:22.720 -> 00:46:24.360]:  Oh my god
[00:46:24.360 -> 00:46:26.200]:  Oh my gosh guys
[00:46:26.200 -> 00:46:26.800]:  That's a squirter
[00:46:26.800 -> 00:46:39.620]:  oh fuck yeah let's fucking go oh let's fucking go oh let's fucking go no way oh my god i'm good
[00:46:39.620 -> 00:46:47.680]:  i'm good for now hold on we're straight printing lower let's go lower lower lower yes dude oh my
[00:46:47.680 -> 00:46:59.040]:  gosh hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah oh I've been fucking crazy oh
[00:46:59.040 -> 00:47:26.360]:  Oh, that would have been fucking crazy. Oh, wow. What the fuck? It's okay. It's okay. Oh, fuck. Oh, my God. Fuck. We got this. Yes, dude. Catch that. Catch that. That's what I'm talking about.
[00:47:27.640 -> 00:47:34.600]:  that's what i'm talking about one more oh you have to slump out get some sleep my boy
[00:47:34.600 -> 00:47:36.840]:  oh my god what the is that
[00:47:36.840 -> 00:47:50.280]:  no i thought i was gonna be lower man oh my god i'm getting i'm gonna leave if i lose this dude
[00:47:50.280 -> 00:47:52.920]:  please don't lose this man
[00:47:55.960 -> 00:47:57.080]:  catch that i need that
[00:47:57.080 -> 00:48:06.680]:  oh there you go come on no way dude that's that's man a two into an ace
[00:48:06.680 -> 00:48:16.280]:  there you go oh my god dude no way guys
[00:48:16.280 -> 00:48:23.640]:  oh my god man guys what is this
[00:48:23.640 -> 00:48:31.240]:  oh my god it does the opposite every time damn dog
[00:48:31.240 -> 00:48:40.360]:  oh my gosh oh my god what is this dude come on man what the man
[00:48:40.360 -> 00:48:46.520]:  we're gonna get it back man
[00:48:46.520 -> 00:48:52.440]:  there you go there you go catch that
[00:48:52.440 -> 00:48:58.360]:  oh i knew it was gonna do that dude
[00:48:58.360 -> 00:49:05.400]:  there you go there you go
[00:49:05.400 -> 00:49:10.840]:  oh my god what kind of is that bro really
[00:49:10.840 -> 00:49:18.120]:  dude what the i need a big hit dude
[00:49:18.120 -> 00:49:18.680]:  dude
[00:49:18.680 -> 00:49:32.840]:  oh my god i thought i was giving me a hint dude oh my god what the is this dude every time
[00:49:32.840 -> 00:49:36.040]:  this dude oh my gosh
[00:49:36.040 -> 00:49:43.720]:  yes let's go catch that let's go we got that
[00:49:43.720 -> 00:49:47.160]:  oh let's go guys
[00:49:47.160 -> 00:49:49.160]:  let's go guys
[00:49:49.160 -> 00:49:52.360]:  let's go let's go let's go
[00:49:52.360 -> 00:49:55.160]:  yes
[00:49:55.160 -> 00:50:03.080]:  yeah let's go comeback season
[00:50:03.080 -> 00:50:07.320]:  what are you saying chief what are you saying chieftain
[00:50:07.320 -> 00:50:10.280]:  i was gonna lose what you say
[00:50:14.200 -> 00:50:18.440]:  dude no way what the is that we're still up though we're still going good
[00:50:18.440 -> 00:50:23.080]:  got a million dollars
[00:50:23.080 -> 00:50:29.160]:  been risked by the year now he ain't even know had a long talk my count i ain't even
[00:50:29.160 -> 00:50:39.480]:  blow it the whole game bit my ain't even know yeah let's go what a hit let's go nine into the
[00:50:39.480 -> 00:50:43.720]:  king that hit that made me think that was fun though show your money
[00:50:43.720 -> 00:50:57.400]:  let's go oh that's a fucking fat hit dude oh my god let's go let's go come on baby
[00:50:57.400 -> 00:51:02.280]:  oh do a 50 here if i lose
[00:51:02.280 -> 00:51:12.200]:  no way dude what the is fine we're doing good we're doing just fine
[00:51:12.200 -> 00:51:20.660]:  fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, yeah, let's fucking go, oh my gosh,
[00:51:20.660 -> 00:51:29.180]:  how much is that, there it is, there it is, yes, oh my god, catch that, catch that,
[00:51:29.180 -> 00:51:36.600]:  let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, oh, oh, lost that one,
[00:51:38.280 -> 00:51:42.140]:  Watch this guys, watch this
[00:51:42.140 -> 00:51:43.860]:  This is gonna pay fat if it hits a 10 or more
[00:51:43.860 -> 00:51:46.760]:  Oh, that would've been really good
[00:51:46.760 -> 00:51:47.880]:  Fuck, I just threw away $100
[00:51:47.880 -> 00:51:53.980]:  No way, what the
[00:51:53.980 -> 00:52:01.600]:  Let's go
[00:52:01.600 -> 00:52:05.120]:  No, fuck you, dog
[00:52:05.120 -> 00:52:08.360]:  Exactly, bro
[00:52:08.360 -> 00:52:10.380]:  Man, what the fuck was that
[00:52:10.380 -> 00:52:22.220]:  Oh my god
[00:52:22.220 -> 00:52:22.500]:  Oh my god
[00:52:22.500 -> 00:52:23.540]:  That's such bullshit, man
[00:52:23.540 -> 00:52:31.800]:  Oh, fuck you
[00:52:31.800 -> 00:52:33.360]:  I'm losing so much right now
[00:52:33.360 -> 00:52:35.100]:  Get it back, please
[00:52:35.100 -> 00:52:43.160]:  Yes, let's fucking go, guys
[00:52:43.160 -> 00:52:44.420]:  Let's fucking go, that was a good hit
[00:52:44.420 -> 00:52:45.520]:  Good ass hit
[00:52:45.520 -> 00:52:47.320]:  Are you addicted, bro?
[00:52:47.320 -> 00:52:50.140]:  Do you think you're better than me or something?
[00:52:50.140 -> 00:52:52.860]:  Fuck you, dude
[00:52:52.860 -> 00:53:04.840]:  Yes
[00:53:04.840 -> 00:53:05.080]:  Yes
[00:53:05.080 -> 00:53:05.520]:  Let's fucking go
[00:53:05.520 -> 00:53:07.440]:  Let's fucking go
[00:53:07.440 -> 00:53:08.320]:  Fuck yeah
[00:53:08.320 -> 00:53:12.640]:  Okay, thanks for the input
[00:53:12.640 -> 00:53:21.080]:  Oh, that would've fucking squirted
[00:53:21.080 -> 00:53:29.180]:  Yes, oh my god
[00:53:29.180 -> 00:53:30.000]:  Look at that stack
[00:53:30.000 -> 00:53:31.700]:  Look at that fucking stack
[00:53:31.700 -> 00:53:34.700]:  That's a fucking nice stack, dude
[00:53:34.700 -> 00:53:39.440]:  Oh, I went for the back-to-back aces like a dumbass
[00:53:39.440 -> 00:53:41.860]:  Oh, come on
[00:53:41.860 -> 00:53:43.060]:  That's fine, we still got plenty
[00:53:43.060 -> 00:53:47.920]:  Oh!
[00:53:47.920 -> 00:53:50.360]:  Yes!
[00:53:50.360 -> 00:53:51.540]:  Oh my gosh, guys
[00:53:51.540 -> 00:53:52.180]:  Let's go
[00:53:52.180 -> 00:53:54.300]:  Let's fucking go
[00:53:54.300 -> 00:54:00.700]:  That's a bitch
[00:54:00.700 -> 00:54:04.680]:  Oh, fuck you
[00:54:04.680 -> 00:54:05.720]:  Come on, dude
[00:54:05.720 -> 00:54:10.840]:  Oh, that's some rigged shit right there
[00:54:10.840 -> 00:54:12.880]:  Oh my god
[00:54:12.880 -> 00:54:13.860]:  No!
[00:54:13.860 -> 00:54:14.880]:  I had a three
[00:54:14.880 -> 00:54:32.280]:  Oh my god, dude
[00:54:32.280 -> 00:54:34.660]:  What the fuck?
[00:54:34.660 -> 00:54:34.940]:  Man
[00:54:34.940 -> 00:54:38.520]:  No!
[00:54:38.520 -> 00:54:40.320]:  Fuck, dude
[00:54:40.320 -> 00:54:42.540]:  That's 390 if I lose this
[00:54:42.540 -> 00:54:44.540]:  Oh my god
[00:54:44.540 -> 00:54:45.540]:  What the fuck?
[00:54:45.540 -> 00:54:48.840]:  Oh my god, dude
[00:54:48.840 -> 00:54:51.680]:  That's some bullshit, bro
[00:54:51.680 -> 00:54:55.300]:  Let's go
[00:54:55.300 -> 00:54:56.940]:  Cash that, cash that, cash that, cash that
[00:54:56.940 -> 00:54:59.960]:  Oh my god
[00:54:59.960 -> 00:55:00.660]:  Oh my god
[00:55:00.660 -> 00:55:02.840]:  I got killers with me right now
[00:55:02.840 -> 00:55:03.740]:  You don't even know
[00:55:03.740 -> 00:55:04.640]:  I'm fucking with you
[00:55:04.640 -> 00:55:07.620]:  This million dollar watch, nigga, you don't need none
[00:55:07.620 -> 00:55:10.320]:  Got a million dollar quick name
[00:55:10.320 -> 00:55:12.260]:  No, what the fuck?
[00:55:12.260 -> 00:55:13.920]:  Dude, I...
[00:55:13.920 -> 00:55:28.500]:  Let's fucking go. Cash that, cash that, cash that.
[00:55:28.500 -> 00:55:34.140]:  Oh my god.
[00:55:34.200 -> 00:55:36.620]:  What is all these fucking low numbers coming in, dude?
[00:55:36.620 -> 00:55:40.420]:  What's up, Greg?
[00:55:40.420 -> 00:55:42.240]:  Hell no, you go all in.
[00:55:42.240 -> 00:55:44.960]:  Fuck that.
[00:55:44.960 -> 00:55:48.400]:  Oh my god.
[00:55:48.400 -> 00:55:53.920]:  Oh, fuck you.
[00:55:53.920 -> 00:55:54.900]:  I'm gonna do 100, come on.
[00:55:54.900 -> 00:55:56.620]:  Shut up, Greg.
[00:55:56.620 -> 00:56:03.520]:  No way.
[00:56:03.760 -> 00:56:05.280]:  Are you fucking kidding me right now?
[00:56:05.280 -> 00:56:07.140]:  No fucking way, dog.
[00:56:07.140 -> 00:56:12.900]:  Oh my fucking god.
[00:56:12.900 -> 00:56:13.540]:  No way.
[00:56:13.540 -> 00:56:22.460]:  Oh my god, man.
[00:56:22.460 -> 00:56:24.340]:  Fuck this, dude.
[00:56:24.340 -> 00:56:26.500]:  This is so fucking toxic, dude.
[00:56:26.500 -> 00:56:33.000]:  Oh my god.
[00:56:33.000 -> 00:56:33.320]:  This is so...
[00:56:33.320 -> 00:56:34.880]:  So fucking rigged, bro.
[00:56:34.880 -> 00:56:37.220]:  It's so fucking rigged, man.
[00:56:37.220 -> 00:56:38.200]:  It really is, dude.
[00:56:38.200 -> 00:56:42.040]:  Fuck, I'm down to...
[00:56:42.040 -> 00:56:42.880]:  Oh, my God.
[00:56:42.880 -> 00:56:46.400]:  Let's fucking go.
[00:56:46.400 -> 00:56:46.940]:  I needed that.
[00:56:46.940 -> 00:56:48.000]:  I fucking needed that.
[00:56:48.000 -> 00:56:49.500]:  I fucking needed that.
[00:56:49.500 -> 00:57:00.920]:  Let's fucking go.
[00:57:00.920 -> 00:57:01.580]:  Cash that.
[00:57:01.580 -> 00:57:02.640]:  Let's fucking go.
[00:57:02.640 -> 00:57:07.420]:  we'll get it back that's right oh I kind of felt like it was gonna be lower - I
[00:57:07.420 -> 00:57:18.680]:  shouldn't have done that lower yes higher yes lower please yeah Jack
[00:57:18.680 -> 00:57:28.400]:  Poderewski fuck yeah let's fucking go that's a big hit oh my gosh let's
[00:57:28.400 -> 00:57:37.960]:  fucking go let's fucking go oh it's okay I'm gonna be lower come on oh why would I
[00:57:37.960 -> 00:57:43.180]:  do that it's okay let's go
[00:57:43.180 -> 00:57:48.600]:  Oh
[00:57:48.600 -> 00:58:10.860]:  what oh my god a fucking back-to-back ace oh my god here comes that bullshit dude no way oh my god
[00:58:10.860 -> 00:58:20.620]:  oh my god what are you fucking doing dude oh there we go no what the fuck that is so
[00:58:20.620 -> 00:58:30.180]:  fucking rigged bro oh my god dude oh my fucking god dude oh my fucking god i'm about to fucking
[00:58:30.180 -> 00:58:43.140]:  flip out dude no oh my god dude oh my god dude what the fuck man
[00:58:43.140 -> 00:59:08.220]:  oh let's go
[00:59:08.220 -> 00:59:12.900]:  no it's so fucking obviously rigged
[00:59:12.900 -> 00:59:13.120]:  everything is rigged
[00:59:13.120 -> 00:59:18.600]:  every time you get a big multi it does the most unexpected shit every fucking time i don't know
[00:59:18.600 -> 00:59:27.420]:  why i even do this shit anymore bro what the fuck is this man oh my god oh thank god i hit that
[00:59:27.420 -> 00:59:32.380]:  eight timer you fucking sack of shit about time i get a fucking good multi
[00:59:32.380 -> 00:59:42.400]:  oh my god
[00:59:42.400 -> 00:59:44.180]:  fuck man
[00:59:44.180 -> 01:00:03.380]:  yeah nice hit nice fucking hit let's fucking go let's fucking go
[01:00:03.380 -> 01:00:09.120]:  oh what
[01:00:09.120 -> 01:00:17.420]:  come on stay faithful stay faithful oh my god whatever dude what the fuck
[01:00:17.420 -> 01:00:25.620]:  oh my god here comes that fucking rigged shit dude oh my god
[01:00:25.620 -> 01:00:55.440]:  oh yes oh my god comeback season comeback season baby
[01:00:55.440 -> 01:00:55.480]:  oh my god come back season come back season baby
[01:00:55.480 -> 01:00:57.920]:  oh wow that's okay
[01:00:57.920 -> 01:01:03.540]:  oh wow let's do 100 here come on
[01:01:03.540 -> 01:01:09.140]:  oh no
[01:01:09.140 -> 01:01:25.340]:  oh my god
[01:01:25.340 -> 01:01:26.000]:  Fuck you.
[01:01:26.000 -> 01:01:34.080]:  No, I'm not going all in.
[01:01:34.080 -> 01:01:35.040]:  You go all in, bud.
[01:01:35.040 -> 01:01:39.020]:  The fuck are you telling me to go all in for?
[01:01:39.020 -> 01:01:55.220]:  Yeah!
[01:01:55.220 -> 01:01:55.580]:  Yeah!
[01:01:55.580 -> 01:01:56.420]:  Let's fucking go, guy.
[01:01:56.420 -> 01:01:56.960]:  How much is that?
[01:01:56.960 -> 01:01:57.960]:  Yes, let's fucking go.
[01:01:57.960 -> 01:01:59.300]:  Let's fucking go.
[01:01:59.300 -> 01:02:00.960]:  Ooh.
[01:02:00.960 -> 01:02:02.960]:  Ah.
[01:02:02.960 -> 01:02:09.300]:  Oh!
[01:02:09.300 -> 01:02:11.700]:  Oh, my God.
[01:02:11.700 -> 01:02:12.980]:  I went higher on a jack in one.
[01:02:12.980 -> 01:02:14.580]:  Oh, my fucking God.
[01:02:14.580 -> 01:02:16.260]:  Oh, my fucking God.
[01:02:16.260 -> 01:02:17.700]:  What the hell?
[01:02:17.700 -> 01:02:19.720]:  Holy crap.
[01:02:19.720 -> 01:02:21.500]:  What do you mean, Genji?
[01:02:21.500 -> 01:02:23.420]:  I got $900, you fucking retard.
[01:02:23.420 -> 01:02:37.560]:  watch this watch this oh that's okay come on we got this guys oh why would I do that why would
[01:02:37.560 -> 01:02:41.760]:  I do that why would I do that why would I do that I'm an idiot I'm an idiot I'm an idiot I'm an idiot
[01:02:41.760 -> 01:02:52.760]:  oh my god I'm an idiot oh my god fuck my life I'm going 155 come on oh there's someone really
[01:02:52.760 -> 01:03:02.000]:  gonna spam the chat come on man you need attention that bad dude Jesus Christ oh my
[01:03:02.000 -> 01:03:09.640]:  god and there it goes there fun goes dude yeah it's fun going bye-bye dude oh my god let's go
[01:03:09.640 -> 01:03:21.000]:  let's go catch that oh my god this is so stupid man
[01:03:22.100 -> 01:03:28.260]:  oh that's a good that's a good multi
[01:03:28.260 -> 01:03:43.320]:  yes let's fucking go guys come back season come back season
[01:03:43.320 -> 01:03:49.480]:  oh we got this
[01:03:49.480 -> 01:04:00.060]:  let's go catch that oh my gosh come on guys we got this I think it's gonna be lower dude to be
[01:04:00.060 -> 01:04:19.320]:  honest come on oh man oh what the fuck dude oh my god come on oh damn dude you cucked me so hard
[01:04:19.320 -> 01:04:34.600]:  dude damn dude oh my god it's taking everything dude oh my god you talk about you talking about
[01:04:34.600 -> 01:04:42.320]:  fucking rig dude are you fucking kidding me oh my god dude
[01:04:42.320 -> 01:04:52.040]:  wow dude really what the fuck man oh my god
[01:04:52.040 -> 01:05:05.200]:  Oh my god, I hate my life, dude.
[01:05:05.200 -> 01:05:06.680]:  I fucking hate my life, dude.
[01:05:06.680 -> 01:05:09.060]:  I don't know, man.
[01:05:09.060 -> 01:05:09.580]:  Who knows?
[01:05:09.580 -> 01:05:11.360]:  That's them, dude.
[01:05:11.360 -> 01:05:11.840]:  They hate me.
[01:05:11.840 -> 01:05:14.060]:  They fucking hate me so much, too.
[01:05:14.060 -> 01:05:14.940]:  They really do, man.
[01:05:14.940 -> 01:05:20.780]:  Yeah.