VOD at https://mines.expert/BossmanJack/Kick/$279 RAW REAL Start on STAKE!!!! Road to 5k Followers!! !stake !discord !eliteranks 2023-09-17 18_50 [85f74-279-raw-real-start-on-stake-road-to-5k-followers-stake-discord-eliteranks].mp4
[00:00:00.000 -> 00:00:18.820]:  ,
[00:00:18.820 -> 00:00:22.460]:  that you have to live on a day that, as you
[00:00:22.460 -> 00:00:25.300]:  think to the game in the middle
[00:00:25.300 -> 00:00:36.260]:  oh there we go holy fuck how many is that six of them holy shit 32 melon
[00:00:36.260 -> 00:00:55.820]:  one key now oh I reached 130 million mark I'm getting kinda tired guys I'm like a
[00:00:55.820 -> 00:01:03.920]:  lot of these guys oh that's probably good idea too I'm not a bad idea it's
[00:01:03.920 -> 00:01:09.320]:  link though get five or six of them honestly what did I get on the fucking
[00:01:09.320 -> 00:01:17.480]:  when I got the 630 bucks damn 115 million guys God dang I need to hit that
[00:01:17.480 -> 00:01:44.560]:  plan 3 dude I did I oh yeah what 63 action right and a 3.5 X oh another 3.5
[00:01:44.560 -> 00:01:52.480]:  X how we're gonna get risky with it new numbers
[00:01:52.480 -> 00:02:07.000]:  and we're gonna do 10 millions living ahead of jackpot oh damn get to start
[00:02:07.000 -> 00:02:13.960]:  with oh that's four of them 111 million this can go quick or can be really good
[00:02:13.960 -> 00:02:23.380]:  in our favor hold on oh shit come on dude in risky come on Jesus it's gonna hit
[00:02:23.380 -> 00:02:28.960]:  dude it's gonna hit I'm telling y'all please dude please only three more
[00:02:28.960 -> 00:02:43.960]:  Jesus no no oh my god I just lost it all wow here's the all-in there goes my VIP
[00:02:43.960 -> 00:02:54.780]:  level up yeah buddy damn that sucks that's what it is I'm gonna get my chicken
[00:02:54.780 -> 00:02:58.600]:  biscuits I got him in the microwave hold on guys
[00:02:58.600 -> 00:03:24.600]:  you're my engine I was wrong this air won't be the sound of all of us all. Don't forget yourself with me to provide you with my dream for fun.
[00:03:24.600 -> 00:03:34.600]:  Don't forget yourself with me to provide you with my dream for fun.
[00:03:34.600 -> 00:03:56.600]:  Don't forget yourself with me to provide you with my dream for fun.
[00:03:56.600 -> 00:04:18.600]:  Don't forget yourself with me to provide you with my dream for fun.
[00:04:18.600 -> 00:04:40.600]:  Don't forget yourself with me to provide you with my dream for fun.
[00:04:40.600 -> 00:05:02.600]:  Don't forget yourself with me to provide you with my dream for fun.
[00:05:02.600 -> 00:05:10.600]:  Live to change one if I will not just fall Like all my friends, they just keep dying.
[00:05:10.600 -> 00:05:17.600]:  People around me always cryin' In this place that I'd like to call my home.
[00:05:17.600 -> 00:05:22.600]:  When not everybody knows that everybody goes to a better place.
[00:05:22.600 -> 00:05:28.600]:  A lot everybody knows that everybody could be livin' that I guess.
[00:05:28.600 -> 00:05:33.600]:  But the hard times will come, and we'll keep movin' on.
[00:05:33.600 -> 00:05:37.600]:  We'll move it up, keep movin' on.
[00:05:37.600 -> 00:05:42.600]:  Life, hope, truth, trust, faith, life, love, love.
[00:05:42.600 -> 00:05:47.600]:  I've read out the things we've lost, the things we can, we'll take with us.
[00:05:47.600 -> 00:05:52.600]:  And now I've got all these two hands to make myself a better man.
[00:05:52.600 -> 00:05:57.600]:  I wonder if I'll ever see the end of this.
[00:05:57.600 -> 00:06:26.600]:  All right guys, I'm back.
[00:06:26.600 -> 00:06:28.600]:  And guess what? I put a little bit of money on the steak.
[00:06:28.600 -> 00:06:30.600]:  Just a little tiny bit.
[00:06:30.600 -> 00:06:32.600]:  As I promised myself, I'm not going to lose it all the day.
[00:06:32.600 -> 00:06:34.600]:  So, all right guys, what should I play?
[00:06:34.600 -> 00:06:36.600]:  What do you guys think I should play?
[00:06:36.600 -> 00:06:38.600]:  Some chaos crew too for a little bit.
[00:06:38.600 -> 00:06:40.600]:  This one kind of owes now actually.
[00:06:40.600 -> 00:06:47.600]:  I think that whole depot offered me earlier.
[00:06:47.600 -> 00:06:49.600]:  Come on chaos crew.
[00:06:49.600 -> 00:06:51.600]:  What's up everybody?
[00:06:51.600 -> 00:06:54.600]:  Good morning everybody, it's just waking up.
[00:06:54.600 -> 00:06:58.600]:  I'm up all night pulling the all-nighter.
[00:06:58.600 -> 00:07:00.600]:  Pulling the all-nighter.
[00:07:00.600 -> 00:07:02.600]:  Come on dude, chaos crew.
[00:07:02.600 -> 00:07:03.600]:  What else to easy?
[00:07:03.600 -> 00:07:04.600]:  What up my boy?
[00:07:04.600 -> 00:07:06.600]:  Come on, yes we're in already.
[00:07:06.600 -> 00:07:08.600]:  Please be a payer baby.
[00:07:08.600 -> 00:07:11.600]:  It's really easy to get a bonus down here for the most part but.
[00:07:11.600 -> 00:07:12.600]:  Do they pay?
[00:07:12.600 -> 00:07:13.600]:  Not always.
[00:07:13.600 -> 00:07:15.600]:  Come on.
[00:07:15.600 -> 00:07:17.600]:  Come on be a payer.
[00:07:17.600 -> 00:07:18.600]:  Be a big multi.
[00:07:18.600 -> 00:07:19.600]:  Oh that's not bad.
[00:07:19.600 -> 00:07:21.600]:  Come on.
[00:07:21.600 -> 00:07:23.600]:  Hell yeah dude.
[00:07:23.600 -> 00:07:24.600]:  Come on slots.
[00:07:24.600 -> 00:07:26.600]:  Time to just slot it up dude.
[00:07:26.600 -> 00:07:27.600]:  Come on.
[00:07:27.600 -> 00:07:29.600]:  It's not over yet.
[00:07:29.600 -> 00:07:34.600]:  It ain't over yet boys.
[00:07:34.600 -> 00:07:35.600]:  I know right.
[00:07:35.600 -> 00:07:36.600]:  Please keep going.
[00:07:36.600 -> 00:07:37.600]:  Big multi.
[00:07:37.600 -> 00:07:38.600]:  Okay.
[00:07:38.600 -> 00:07:40.600]:  You can't on the fourth.
[00:07:40.600 -> 00:07:41.600]:  Or a sticky cat.
[00:07:41.600 -> 00:07:42.600]:  Oh there's a cat on the fourth.
[00:07:42.600 -> 00:07:43.600]:  There it is.
[00:07:43.600 -> 00:07:44.600]:  Oh that's not bad.
[00:07:44.600 -> 00:07:45.600]:  That's 120x.
[00:07:45.600 -> 00:07:46.600]:  Not bad.
[00:07:46.600 -> 00:07:49.600]:  Come on you can't on the fourth.
[00:07:49.600 -> 00:08:02.200]:  come on cat on the fourth come on keep going come on oh what's that $12 $13
[00:08:02.200 -> 00:08:10.080]:  it's not bad pretty good not bad he's spinning this ho come on oh almost back
[00:08:10.080 -> 00:08:15.880]:  the back spins come on now come on get us in there baby get us in there come
[00:08:15.880 -> 00:08:22.040]:  one cast group come on dude please baby right here right here super bonus bonus
[00:08:22.040 -> 00:08:27.920]:  we're in a bonus let's go baby got another one $34 nice from that we're on
[00:08:27.920 -> 00:08:36.340]:  the rise yes sir oh big multi here the second one oh three times all right let's
[00:08:36.340 -> 00:08:43.160]:  go brother come on big cat not bad big multi's all right all right all right
[00:08:43.160 -> 00:08:51.980]:  come on please oh shit got sticky sticky guy
[00:08:51.980 -> 00:09:03.700]:  oh she's on crazy okay they'll go in cat on the second
[00:09:03.700 -> 00:09:11.920]:  oh it's over guys little $3 $4 damn oh we'll take it
[00:09:11.920 -> 00:09:18.700]:  you're gonna super bonus are best of next super bonus are best of they'll keep
[00:09:18.700 -> 00:09:21.640]:  climbing to 50 cents
[00:09:21.640 -> 00:09:30.940]:  bro I was thinking about earlier that fucking win I got here earlier that's
[00:09:30.940 -> 00:09:37.780]:  almost like a thousand X man it's 10 cent value it paid like 96 then I was
[00:09:37.780 -> 00:09:45.200]:  a thousand X I'm pretty sure come on come on chaos crew
[00:09:45.200 -> 00:10:05.740]:  there was a bonus here all right come on now shit dude right here oh Lordy I had to
[00:10:05.740 -> 00:10:14.100]:  go up the dollars and get lucky right here come on let's fucking go guys
[00:10:14.100 -> 00:10:19.540]:  raise it to a dollar and got instantly in let's fucking go dude come on oh my
[00:10:19.540 -> 00:10:24.260]:  gosh three on the first one no good symbols we'll take it oh 50 times holy
[00:10:24.260 -> 00:10:34.900]:  shit dude whoa holy shit dude all right come on get a cat on that one never
[00:10:34.900 -> 00:10:41.380]:  fine ah shit like mine that's what I'm talking about don't let it end yet cat on
[00:10:41.380 -> 00:10:48.380]:  the second come on dude I need to count on the second one really bad
[00:10:48.380 -> 00:10:55.380]:  one count a second all right so going ten times nice cat on the second oh
[00:10:55.380 -> 00:11:07.580]:  okay on the fourth all right not bad one oh eighteen dollars not bad sure we are
[00:11:07.580 -> 00:11:13.780]:  climbing stay on the dollar and see if we can do another good one right here do
[00:11:13.780 -> 00:11:19.220]:  best up best up it please please please yeah on the dollar bro let's hope this
[00:11:19.220 -> 00:11:24.500]:  pays bro best up actually I'm just gonna skip through it keep
[00:11:24.500 -> 00:11:29.260]:  clicking it goes really quick this piece things up it doesn't change nothing I
[00:11:29.260 -> 00:11:32.940]:  don't think then it gives you words aren't you to click as long as you think
[00:11:32.940 -> 00:11:35.620]:  that if you're being impatient you might get paid less but it's probably the same
[00:11:35.620 -> 00:11:42.500]:  exact thing what do you guys think oh hell yeah I can it hit for me
[00:11:42.500 -> 00:11:46.060]:  early off stream really hard actually pretty hard damn that's over already
[00:11:46.060 -> 00:11:51.060]:  all right all right cool let's keep clicking then 23 X on the first one we
[00:11:51.060 -> 00:11:55.580]:  need some better ones than that for show let's get a little ride on this one oh
[00:11:55.580 -> 00:12:00.540]:  two cats with only one times on them
[00:12:07.020 -> 00:12:14.780]:  damn we could use that on the first or last oh shit
[00:12:14.780 -> 00:12:23.540]:  oh shit nice I was hoping for a bigger multi
[00:12:23.540 -> 00:12:28.300]:  all right so going
[00:12:34.540 -> 00:12:39.260]:  oh fuck off these are terrible hopefully the last one hits dude thank you
[00:12:39.260 -> 00:12:46.380]:  look at the sea brother so much eat all right here we go
[00:12:46.380 -> 00:12:55.060]:  wow I hate when the cats come early that's okay still be a good feature they
[00:12:55.060 -> 00:13:01.340]:  stay positive stay positive come on man come on that's what I'm talking about
[00:13:01.340 -> 00:13:12.860]:  times tears let's go come on yes sir it ain't over yet rice easy waste of
[00:13:12.860 -> 00:13:19.820]:  this like shit now they're not gonna come later oh here we go here we go come
[00:13:19.820 -> 00:13:28.140]:  on oh we got catboys oh not bad oh not bad come on keep it going come on dude
[00:13:28.140 -> 00:13:33.900]:  keep it going yeah let's fucking go guys come on now best up let's be a good one
[00:13:33.900 -> 00:13:41.980]:  on the last one come on now come on now bro wow best up is like 80 okay hundred
[00:13:41.980 -> 00:13:50.700]:  whatever 20 bucks that's pretty good actually shit I start with 20 some bucks
[00:13:50.700 -> 00:13:58.440]:  okay I screwed two see one two dollar and then go back to ones actually two
[00:13:58.440 -> 00:14:04.180]:  actually three of them one more two yeah one more two more right here come on
[00:14:04.180 -> 00:14:13.740]:  oh my god it's teasing I gotta go down to one dollar one dollars one dollars
[00:14:13.740 -> 00:14:19.740]:  that's way too sketch right here one dollar one dollar one dollar yeah in a
[00:14:19.740 -> 00:14:28.260]:  regular bonus let's go I'm one dollar let's go it is paying you're right it is
[00:14:28.260 -> 00:14:34.980]:  paying right now let's let go bro come on
[00:14:47.820 -> 00:15:01.200]:  big cat on the second okay it's not over yet thank God mom nice nice I can't stand
[00:15:01.200 -> 00:15:18.260]:  my own ground very nice yes nice very nice very nice
[00:15:19.000 -> 00:15:31.440]:  oh it's over but Lisa's paying like you said 58 55 bucks they were going to 40 I
[00:15:31.440 -> 00:15:36.280]:  think if I go below 40 I'm gonna lose it all I really do
[00:15:40.080 -> 00:15:49.720]:  get in before 40 get in before 40 dude come on
[00:15:49.720 -> 00:16:02.580]:  come on now you got it super super bonus
[00:16:02.580 -> 00:16:13.500]:  oh shit dude
[00:16:13.500 -> 00:16:25.900]:  good 30 yeah let's go fuck yeah
[00:16:27.820 -> 00:16:35.900]:  early cats okay oh thank yeah thank God I didn't
[00:16:35.900 -> 00:16:39.240]:  descend there too all right I'll play the next
[00:16:39.240 -> 00:16:44.220]:  mongoes damn cats on the one times shit
[00:16:49.580 -> 00:17:01.060]:  okay on the third fuck oh well wow it's over already it's like two dollars four
[00:17:01.060 -> 00:17:03.780]:  dollars yeah I think you take my mask on thank
[00:17:03.780 -> 00:17:08.580]:  you brother what the hell that's terrible it's getting worse guys since I've been
[00:17:08.580 -> 00:17:23.380]:  here come on give me about a depot bro please
[00:17:23.380 -> 00:17:31.860]:  got a good well you want a 20 dude
[00:17:34.660 -> 00:17:41.740]:  oh no wow dude that's some bullshit bro
[00:17:41.740 -> 00:17:45.140]:  Keyno save me dude
[00:17:45.140 -> 00:17:59.720]:  Keyno save me yes yes yes he knows save me bro
[00:17:59.720 -> 00:18:12.560]:  Keyno save me oh shit come on Keyno you can do it buddy come on come on dude
[00:18:12.560 -> 00:18:24.200]:  damn dude eating holy shit dude come on
[00:18:24.200 -> 00:18:47.200]:  [Music]
[00:18:47.200 -> 00:18:57.380]:  to try that yeah oh yeah wait he's still in form
[00:18:57.380 -> 00:19:15.980]:  oh fuck no it doesn't give you more money
[00:19:15.980 -> 00:19:31.580]:  oh thank god we hit that one oh my god oh my god dude oh here goes the rest of it
[00:19:31.580 -> 00:19:37.660]:  guys oh all right guys you all have a good day man I'm gonna get off now I don't
[00:19:37.660 -> 00:19:42.400]:  feel like streaming anymore I'll see you all tomorrow though peace guys sorry
[00:19:42.400 -> 00:19:42.900]:  Bye guys!
[00:19:42.900 -> 00:19:51.900]:  [BLANK_AUDIO]