VOD at https://mines.expert/BossmanJack/Kick/40k Followers SAY WHAAATTTTTT !stake 2024-06-02 06_37 [48731529-40k-followers-say-whaaatttttt-stake].mp4
[00:00:00.000 -> 00:00:10.000]:  It's a new day, but it all feels all it's a good life. That's what I'm told. But every day at all, I just feel the same.
[00:00:10.000 -> 00:00:14.000]:  I'm in school, I've come all what I made.
[00:00:14.000 -> 00:00:20.000]:  I'm gonna tear it on, it made me say.
[00:00:20.000 -> 00:00:28.000]:  Thank you bro. I'm not mean to be like, \I don't wanna do the things you do.\""
[00:00:28.000 -> 00:00:30.700]:  I'm never gonna hear the words you say
[00:00:30.700 -> 00:00:32.200]:  and I don't ever wanna
[00:00:32.200 -> 00:00:34.200]:  Really? No way kill you, alright?
[00:00:34.200 -> 00:00:37.000]:  That'll be fucking amazing, dude, thank you.
[00:00:37.000 -> 00:00:38.000]:  What a beast.
[00:00:38.000 -> 00:00:39.000]:  Thank you.
[00:00:39.000 -> 00:00:42.000]:  That'll be great, I'll definitely take it, dude.
[00:00:42.000 -> 00:00:45.000]:  Nah, I'm getting view-bodied, bro.
[00:00:45.000 -> 00:00:50.000]:  Sure, boss man, Dean, I'm so short, short, short, short, short.
[00:00:50.000 -> 00:00:53.000]:  This is a geek bar orange cream sickle.
[00:00:53.000 -> 00:00:55.000]:  Orange cream sickle. Good.
[00:00:55.000 -> 00:00:57.000]:  I
[00:00:57.000 -> 00:01:09.440]:  Don't have that many viewers guys
[00:01:09.440 -> 00:01:12.040]:  There's no way they get hosted
[00:01:12.040 -> 00:01:17.440]:  Don't think so. Nope. There's no way. It's real promise
[00:01:17.440 -> 00:01:20.280]:  Three thousand viewers. What the fuck?
[00:01:20.280 -> 00:01:23.440]:  The TV view Bob, bro. I just went live again
[00:01:23.440 -> 00:01:34.700]:  There's no way I don't want to be just like you, all right, you a beast, oh here it go,
[00:01:34.700 -> 00:01:40.360]:  you have money, is this buchy or is this kill you?
[00:01:40.360 -> 00:01:46.900]:  Legend, legend, legend, legend, legend, all I see is legends, all I see is legends
[00:01:46.900 -> 00:01:48.900]:  That's all I see in the chat
[00:01:48.900 -> 00:01:58.120]:  Alright, that's what a nice little $22 baby $23 really
[00:01:58.120 -> 00:02:06.120]:  Should we get a vengeance on sweet bananas or should we go somewhere else? Okay. All right. Thank you. Kill you up. You're a beast man. Thank you for 22
[00:02:06.120 -> 00:02:10.500]:  Yeah, yeah, it is close guy. It's been a bad day, but yeah
[00:02:10.500 -> 00:02:16.000]:  Oh, yeah hands up. Y'all got the feel me saying if you're with me
[00:02:17.000 -> 00:02:20.720]:  Fuck Kael's crew too. I hate that slaw dog. I hate it
[00:02:20.720 -> 00:02:26.960]:  You play got what the hell that the fuck yeah, all right
[00:02:26.960 -> 00:02:31.840]:  Five words
[00:02:31.840 -> 00:02:37.080]:  Yeah, that's a five world action. I'm gonna take a two to two ninety to a limbo though
[00:02:37.080 -> 00:02:42.240]:  I'm just gonna go for a two ninety right there off the rope. See what happens try double-chuck it
[00:02:42.240 -> 00:02:45.280]:  I mean leave or something like that. Yeah, I tried to pizza slaw. Yeah
[00:02:45.760 -> 00:02:50.320]:  Not a big fan but it's kind of like gates right the way it works right the multi's and everything I think so I think
[00:02:50.320 -> 00:02:57.680]:  No, I don't want to try that one. Excuse me
[00:02:57.680 -> 00:03:01.280]:  Wonder around
[00:03:02.160 -> 00:03:12.160]:  [MUSIC]
[00:03:12.160 -> 00:03:14.400]:  I'm the best singer in the world, I already know.
[00:03:14.400 -> 00:03:16.500]:  You don't gotta tell me, I'm the best.
[00:03:16.500 -> 00:03:18.020]:  I already know I am.
[00:03:18.020 -> 00:03:19.520]:  Don't tell him not.
[00:03:19.520 -> 00:03:22.400]:  I made it to Hollywood, American Idol status.
[00:03:22.400 -> 00:03:24.840]:  Don't fucking at me, I'm the best ever.
[00:03:24.840 -> 00:03:27.480]:  [MUSIC]
[00:03:27.480 -> 00:03:35.880]:  And everybody whoa, that they can't trust him.
[00:03:35.880 -> 00:03:45.880]:  [MUSIC]
[00:03:45.880 -> 00:03:55.560]:  That's a good slot too, I like that one.
[00:03:55.560 -> 00:03:57.920]:  Matter of fact, I went there the other day.
[00:03:57.920 -> 00:04:02.600]:  Pulled it against me back, brought me like a hundred some dollars.
[00:04:02.600 -> 00:04:08.240]:  between two is landed bullets go back to 90 limbo only 20 bucks an accident hey I
[00:04:08.240 -> 00:04:16.580]:  wish all right last right oh we gotta do one more do not cook me yes now do
[00:04:16.580 -> 00:04:22.140]:  half they give us two chances beautiful now double-chuck it then go for a triple
[00:04:22.140 -> 00:04:29.220]:  check boss oh what a strap what a strap now go down to 73 cent get the loss out
[00:04:29.220 -> 00:04:36.400]:  of the way okay now go up to three dollars and nail it yeah whoa you want me
[00:04:36.400 -> 00:04:46.280]:  the way okay do a sixer yeah buddy not a 12 or don't be a pussy oh baby hell yeah
[00:04:46.280 -> 00:04:50.640]:  motherfucker that's 50 bucks in the bag right there boys I'll make a pretty
[00:04:50.640 -> 00:05:00.360]:  yeah I'll take a 60 piece please oh shit yeah buddy holy fucking
[00:05:00.360 -> 00:05:05.600]:  win streak bro you have got to be fucking kidding me bro holy shit
[00:05:05.600 -> 00:05:16.440]:  balls holy shit bro what the fuck is going on holy crap what's this is a
[00:05:16.440 -> 00:05:18.140]:  I'm gonna go to the bank.
[00:05:18.140 -> 00:05:33.720]:  Oh, what the fuck, oh fuck, woo, goddamn, come on, one more, one more, two more.
[00:05:33.720 -> 00:05:41.080]:  Fuck, oh, I should have left this.
[00:05:41.080 -> 00:05:46.280]:  What, dude, oh my God, oh my God, it's too late now.
[00:05:46.280 -> 00:05:56.940]:  already lost it all. Yes! Get it back. Please land this. Yes! Come on one more!
[00:05:56.940 -> 00:06:13.580]:  Yes! One more! No! Get it back. Get it back. No. Yes! Oh my god. Yes dude. Yes dude.
[00:06:13.900 -> 00:06:25.900]:  Yes dude. Whoo. It's almost stressful. Wow we're back at the 23 though. Still chilling
[00:06:25.900 -> 00:06:54.040]:  hanging on there. 26. 33. Fuck. Fuck. No. Yeah. No. No. Dude what the fuck man. Please,
[00:06:54.040 -> 00:07:17.060]:  please, please. Yes. Oh my god. No dude. God. Yeah. I got the 16. Yes sir. We're still
[00:07:17.060 -> 00:07:33.220]:  breathing. We're still breathing. We're still breathing. Yes. Yeah. Oh, 13
[00:07:33.220 -> 00:07:46.700]:  came in. Well, thank you. First said that. Thank you very much. I gotta go for a big
[00:07:46.700 -> 00:07:49.020]:  Come on we need a streak here right two more route
[00:07:49.020 -> 00:07:55.540]:  No, we need three more now fuck
[00:07:55.540 -> 00:08:04.180]:  Yeah, whoo triple chugger ring
[00:08:14.940 -> 00:08:18.500]:  No, dude, come on
[00:08:18.500 -> 00:08:33.940]:  No, I lost all day maybe not they're not
[00:08:33.940 -> 00:08:42.700]:  Yes, oh my god, that's so many all ends of one now, it's about lucky
[00:08:42.700 -> 00:09:00.900]:  what the fuck is this it's gone it's fucking gone dude it's fucking gone dude I cannot
[00:09:00.900 -> 00:09:07.980]:  catch a break rock I lose it all every time you know it's not just man all right
[00:09:07.980 -> 00:09:17.980]:  [BLANK_AUDIO]