VOD at https://mines.expert/BossmanJack/Kees/nicofiendleak-source.mp4
[00:00:00.000 -> 00:00:11.840]:  the
[00:00:11.840 -> 00:00:20.980]:  I can read people pretty fucking well, bro, and when I hear someone's voice I can get I can cast a good person out there
[00:00:20.980 -> 00:00:29.980]:  I'm a introduce you to him tomorrow. All right. Sure, dude. Yeah, if you're down, I'm down. I mean hey, oh, yeah
[00:00:29.980 -> 00:00:36.180]:  Yeah, I want to come cuz I just made me think I missed that dude and we could do you play video games or anything?
[00:00:36.180 -> 00:00:41.080]:  Yeah, you can play if you do plan. You don't really do them. Okay, we'll figure something out
[00:00:41.080 -> 00:00:46.800]:  Yeah, man, what uh, what games do you play? I know you play like counter-strike and shit, but you play like
[00:00:49.480 -> 00:00:54.600]:  Once it was you see I'll play rooms came every once in a while and I'll play counter-strike and I'll play
[00:00:54.600 -> 00:00:59.240]:  Apex legends and that's really about it. And I guess Alan ring now, I guess you know, I'm trying to get into it
[00:00:59.240 -> 00:01:01.240]:  Whatever. Yeah
[00:01:01.240 -> 00:01:06.240]:  The same as it used to be bro for me video games in general. Yeah. No, I feel that
[00:01:06.240 -> 00:01:12.120]:  I'm trying to get into them. I want to get into them, but it's hard. I have trouble doing it for more than 20 minutes
[00:01:12.120 -> 00:01:15.760]:  Yeah
[00:01:15.760 -> 00:01:18.560]:  You fuck with the overwatch at all
[00:01:19.560 -> 00:01:23.480]:  No, I really don't I've tried it but I could I would be I would try it again, dude
[00:01:23.480 -> 00:01:27.160]:  I don't know if he plays or not, but he might I'm not sure. Yeah, I mean
[00:01:27.160 -> 00:01:33.720]:  If you don't take it too seriously, it's just fun to just I don't know fuck around and get some kills, you know
[00:01:33.720 -> 00:01:37.960]:  Yeah
[00:01:43.280 -> 00:01:46.720]:  Yeah, I mean I just I couldn't get into it but I've definitely played some matches dude
[00:01:46.720 -> 00:01:49.640]:  I'll don't face. I didn't I tried the second one
[00:01:49.640 -> 00:01:53.440]:  I played like one game and the first one I must have played it maybe like maybe 20 matches maybe
[00:01:53.440 -> 00:01:56.520]:  Okay, I
[00:01:56.520 -> 00:02:02.840]:  Mean, I can't tell you what I played or anything like that. So yeah, that's it's like I say man overwatch chill game
[00:02:02.840 -> 00:02:05.360]:  You know if you're just trying to have a little bit of fun
[00:02:05.360 -> 00:02:10.120]:  Like if you like I said, if you don't take it too seriously, bro, you can I don't know it's good
[00:02:10.120 -> 00:02:12.760]:  Yeah
[00:02:12.760 -> 00:02:18.820]:  Hey, should I try it? Yeah, fuck it. Yeah. Why not? Cool, dude
[00:02:18.820 -> 00:02:24.840]:  Yeah, but dude do going back to do you still want to run it? Do you want to try to make some money with me?
[00:02:24.840 -> 00:02:26.600]:  And make some money together
[00:02:26.600 -> 00:02:28.880]:  Yeah, I mean, I'm down. What do you mean? Just like
[00:02:28.880 -> 00:02:32.040]:  That's what I'm talking about. What do you mean?
[00:02:32.040 -> 00:02:38.280]:  No, no, no. No, I'm talking about you making a TikTok account for me and making videos for me. Oh a hundred percent
[00:02:38.280 -> 00:02:40.280]:  Yeah, man. I thought I
[00:02:40.280 -> 00:02:44.440]:  Remember just when we saw that I saw the message when you hit me up just a little bit ago
[00:02:44.440 -> 00:02:46.080]:  And I was like, oh shit forgot to get him back to that
[00:02:46.080 -> 00:02:49.680]:  I have no one running a tiktok account for me tiktok account for me with shorts
[00:02:49.680 -> 00:02:54.920]:  I only have the guy that has the longer videos. That's it. So if you could do the shorts, that'd be great
[00:02:54.920 -> 00:02:58.840]:  I mean, do you think we could pull money off tiktok just from that or do you think?
[00:02:58.840 -> 00:03:03.940]:  Well, you think it's just bring more people to my stream which would then end up more money
[00:03:03.940 -> 00:03:07.600]:  Well, here's the thing right like I would say both now
[00:03:07.600 -> 00:03:14.840]:  I wouldn't say let's just keep it at tiktok, right? I would say let's go YouTube. Let's go tiktok. Obviously. Let's go
[00:03:14.840 -> 00:03:17.600]:  Let's get let's get that shit everywhere
[00:03:17.600 -> 00:03:22.960]:  Okay, I have someone for YouTube. Apparently. Did you see my new YouTube video? I think it's pretty good
[00:03:22.960 -> 00:03:26.200]:  Yeah
[00:03:26.200 -> 00:03:31.800]:  Are you pretty good at this shit or what? I don't think is I have no shit. Yeah, I have no contract with the dudes
[00:03:31.800 -> 00:03:36.400]:  So it's not like I couldn't replace them. Let's say that much not to be a weirdo, but like
[00:03:37.280 -> 00:03:41.320]:  I don't know as I got I already told him, you know, he's gonna be my YouTube editor
[00:03:41.320 -> 00:03:45.400]:  I think he does a good job it now if I should have do you think I should run a second YouTube?
[00:03:45.400 -> 00:03:48.380]:  Channel for just shorts or I would keep you all on the same one
[00:03:48.380 -> 00:03:51.820]:  Cuz you can be sure you could be you could do the shorts man. I don't know
[00:03:51.820 -> 00:03:58.640]:  Based off the videos I saw and I'm just gonna tell you straight up like those videos are pretty good
[00:03:58.640 -> 00:04:01.800]:  So I would I mean, yeah, I would keep the guy around but
[00:04:04.120 -> 00:04:11.600]:  Okay, yeah, but the old ones there. Oh, yeah, I got I got rid of old ones. Yeah. No, they're on there
[00:04:11.600 -> 00:04:18.520]:  But it's not the same editor. It's a different editor. It's the guy. Yeah, I haven't even told him I'd stop you
[00:04:18.520 -> 00:04:20.520]:  I should say something to him. I
[00:04:20.520 -> 00:04:24.040]:  Mean me a few times. I was like, hey, did you get a new editor? It's fine if you did
[00:04:24.040 -> 00:04:27.240]:  I didn't mess you back at all. I should do that eventually but yeah, I'll think of it
[00:04:27.240 -> 00:04:29.960]:  I'm gonna tell you. Yeah. Well, let me ask you this man
[00:04:29.960 -> 00:04:36.640]:  Like why did what was was the the issue with the old editor then did he just not produce like fast enough or or what?
[00:04:36.640 -> 00:04:39.080]:  Was the deal? No, actually this is what happened
[00:04:39.080 -> 00:04:45.240]:  He sent me a video the last one and I kept watching it over and over and it almost like made it seem like he was
[00:04:45.240 -> 00:04:47.240]:  Trying to make me look bad with it
[00:04:47.240 -> 00:04:54.200]:  Really? Like was he showing like you like losing or something? No, no, it was more like this. It was more like
[00:04:54.960 -> 00:04:59.800]:  It almost like sometimes dude, I'll fucking like it's all I hope you know
[00:04:59.800 -> 00:05:04.080]:  It really is it really is truly from the bottom of my heart. It is all real money
[00:05:04.080 -> 00:05:08.520]:  I have never used for a hundred percent all here from so many people that they think it's fake
[00:05:08.520 -> 00:05:11.000]:  I'll start to worry and kind of worry to myself
[00:05:11.000 -> 00:05:14.480]:  I wonder if people think this fake even though I should never worry that because it's all real
[00:05:14.480 -> 00:05:20.920]:  right, so I kept saying in this one stream over and over I kept saying I
[00:05:22.200 -> 00:05:24.880]:  What's it called? I want to oh, this is all real money in the way
[00:05:24.880 -> 00:05:27.800]:  I was saying it almost sounded like I was lying about it because I was nervous
[00:05:27.800 -> 00:05:31.880]:  Because I'd never made that much in one stream in one session all in my life
[00:05:31.880 -> 00:05:35.380]:  And I just didn't want anybody to think it's fake because I remember the last time I made 55k
[00:05:35.380 -> 00:05:40.360]:  I people saying it was fake when this I've never used fake money in my life ever not one time
[00:05:40.360 -> 00:05:45.920]:  I never have I never have used fake money and never will never have I've never had a percentage I can keep
[00:05:45.920 -> 00:05:50.840]:  Nothing was ever planned. It's all real natural. It is man. It really is all natural all real
[00:05:51.200 -> 00:05:58.000]:  So what I'm getting at is he kept like reiterating and like really getting in on the the part that he thought was fake
[00:05:58.000 -> 00:06:01.440]:  It was like he was like trying to yeah, does that make sense?
[00:06:01.440 -> 00:06:03.520]:  Yeah, no, I hear you
[00:06:03.520 -> 00:06:10.200]:  So he was kind of emphasizing the video like it was portraying it like it was just like bullshit money like monopoly money
[00:06:10.200 -> 00:06:15.200]:  Yeah, yes, dude. I was like I didn't even say to him like I thought that but like the more I watched it
[00:06:15.200 -> 00:06:17.200]:  It's like dude. What are you trying to do here? I
[00:06:17.200 -> 00:06:19.200]:  don't know
[00:06:19.200 -> 00:06:21.360]:  Yeah, that's all it was man, huh?
[00:06:21.360 -> 00:06:28.280]:  Yeah, well, I mean in terms of the videos overall like I always thought they were pretty good production quality, but
[00:06:28.280 -> 00:06:31.160]:  They were they were I mean, I never
[00:06:31.160 -> 00:06:33.840]:  I
[00:06:33.840 -> 00:06:38.360]:  Honestly, like I didn't watch all of them through, you know, like usually I would just like our boss man's live
[00:06:38.360 -> 00:06:40.360]:  You know, I'll watch
[00:06:40.360 -> 00:06:43.440]:  It's when I didn't upload bro. Oh
[00:06:43.440 -> 00:06:49.020]:  Most recently sent me and I was like, okay. I'm not gonna work with this guy anymore. Okay
[00:06:49.020 -> 00:06:54.620]:  I gotcha. I got just without that was never on the channel. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. No, all right
[00:06:54.620 -> 00:06:58.040]:  No, yeah, cuz I thought it was like it was weird. It would make me look weird
[00:06:58.040 -> 00:07:03.160]:  It made me look like I'm using fake money. Why would I want people to think that when I'm not right? Right? Oh, yeah
[00:07:03.160 -> 00:07:05.000]:  Yeah, so yeah, that's all it is
[00:07:05.000 -> 00:07:09.080]:  So and then I got this guy hit me up and he seemed the way he hit me up about it was just so
[00:07:09.080 -> 00:07:14.720]:  Professional and he's done like he did a channel with like 600 K subscribers or some shit. It's insane
[00:07:14.720 -> 00:07:16.840]:  the guy doesn't mean my reason and
[00:07:17.280 -> 00:07:21.320]:  And he's like not saying any prices or anything like that at all
[00:07:21.320 -> 00:07:25.240]:  And like I'm he's just letting me kind of run the show and like let me pay him how I want to pay him
[00:07:25.240 -> 00:07:27.200]:  It's a which I will definitely, you know
[00:07:27.200 -> 00:07:31.720]:  But I mean, you know, so it's hard to explain but dude as far as everything else
[00:07:31.720 -> 00:07:37.520]:  You can you can do all that if you want to I don't know how we're gonna come to an agreement of what is money
[00:07:37.520 -> 00:07:41.200]:  And what's not I don't know how much money you can even make off tik-tok and stuff like that
[00:07:41.200 -> 00:07:45.200]:  I'm not sure right, but I mean it's like it's like you mentioned a lot of that too
[00:07:45.200 -> 00:07:48.640]:  It's just the brand exposure, you know, if you just like that too
[00:07:48.640 -> 00:07:54.220]:  Yeah, if you scroll up a little bit you see that first video that I sent you just to like show you like what I can
[00:07:54.220 -> 00:07:56.220]:  Do yeah. Yeah
[00:07:56.220 -> 00:08:00.480]:  Okay, yeah the tik-tok. Yeah. Yeah, so like you see how I got
[00:08:00.480 -> 00:08:03.960]:  What
[00:08:03.960 -> 00:08:09.400]:  Is it a tik-tok link the saw SLH? Sorry. Oh, no. No, that was just like other tik-toks. I made it
[00:08:09.400 -> 00:08:11.920]:  It was like I'm talking about like the video that I sent you like
[00:08:13.520 -> 00:08:15.520]:  Yeah, yeah, so like
[00:08:15.520 -> 00:08:17.720]:  Yeah, so all right
[00:08:17.720 -> 00:08:20.680]:  It's not loading. Let me get my computer
[00:08:20.680 -> 00:08:22.800]:  It's not
[00:08:22.800 -> 00:08:24.800]:  It's not loading, bro
[00:08:24.800 -> 00:08:27.700]:  I swear to hold again on me. Yeah, please
[00:08:27.700 -> 00:08:32.540]:  There we go
[00:08:32.540 -> 00:08:33.960]:  Okay, I watch it now
[00:08:33.960 -> 00:08:38.640]:  Alright, but but the main point I wanted to make is that you see how like, you know
[00:08:38.640 -> 00:08:42.640]:  I put your name at the very top like big letters like you can't miss it type shit
[00:08:42.920 -> 00:08:47.380]:  You know like a lot of this a lot of this man. It's just brand exposure, you know
[00:08:47.380 -> 00:08:51.320]:  So we'll see like all boss man. Jack like this guy see this guy seems into
[00:08:51.320 -> 00:08:56.940]:  Am I right? There's so much potential to grow. Oh, yeah, a hundred percent man and like
[00:08:56.940 -> 00:09:06.000]:  Yeah, you're you're like you're an entertaining streamer bro, like just straight up like these moments sort of like natural
[00:09:06.000 -> 00:09:08.600]:  Capture them nice and easy put them in a short bro
[00:09:08.600 -> 00:09:12.960]:  And like people will see the name like all boss man Jack like this guy actually seems like fun to watch
[00:09:12.960 -> 00:09:16.600]:  You know and they'll fucking I'll pull up like now. I don't want to lie
[00:09:16.600 -> 00:09:19.640]:  Do you like it won't be like? Yeah, it won't be like a media
[00:09:19.640 -> 00:09:27.520]:  But like once the algorithm picks that up like if we're consistent with making the videos the algorithm will eventually pick that shit up
[00:09:27.520 -> 00:09:31.900]:  You can do them every day dude. I could do them every day. Yeah
[00:09:31.900 -> 00:09:35.080]:  Okay, how long would that take that video?
[00:09:35.080 -> 00:09:38.780]:  It's just that I just showed me how long would that take you to put together like it like hopefully not over an hour
[00:09:38.780 -> 00:09:44.520]:  I don't want to like work each death or anything. No, you're good, bro. That that shit took me probably like half an hour
[00:09:44.520 -> 00:09:50.840]:  Half an hour here you might do one every day then Oh a hundred percent. I can yeah. Okay shit
[00:09:50.840 -> 00:09:53.240]:  Well, dude, we can work something out. We definitely could
[00:09:53.240 -> 00:09:57.900]:  As far as the names go, I wonder if I can write these companies
[00:09:57.900 -> 00:10:02.600]:  Do you think I could write these companies and get the names if I prove that I'm I guess I'm boss man Jack
[00:10:02.600 -> 00:10:09.080]:  Whatever like that. I think if I like you're saying like people on Instagram and show like already stole like your username
[00:10:09.080 -> 00:10:15.320]:  Yeah all over. Yeah. Yes. Yes. I mean, I would try it
[00:10:15.320 -> 00:10:19.120]:  I wouldn't really like count on that working, but like I would give it a shot. It could
[00:10:19.120 -> 00:10:24.280]:  Okay. All right. I'll try it. I'll try it. I guess but if not, then I guess I'll leave that up to you
[00:10:24.280 -> 00:10:26.760]:  To try to get a name that would be good. I don't know. I'm not good with that stuff
[00:10:26.760 -> 00:10:30.080]:  Yeah, I know
[00:10:30.080 -> 00:10:34.840]:  Well, I guess that's not as important. Well, here's here's one thing I'm already thinking of right?
[00:10:34.840 -> 00:10:41.040]:  Like I could just label any of these accounts like huge gambling wins or like or like some some shit like that
[00:10:41.040 -> 00:10:46.680]:  And it'll just like obviously just feature you but then they'll think like they'll they'll see the username and they'll be like
[00:10:46.680 -> 00:10:48.940]:  Oh, okay. This guy's like everybody, you know
[00:10:48.940 -> 00:10:52.760]:  Yeah, yeah, I think that would work
[00:10:52.760 -> 00:10:54.760]:  Cool
[00:10:54.760 -> 00:10:56.760]:  You
[00:10:56.760 -> 00:10:58.760]:  You
[00:10:58.760 -> 00:11:00.760]:  You
[00:11:00.760 -> 00:11:02.760]:  You
[00:11:02.760 -> 00:11:04.760]:  You
[00:11:04.760 -> 00:11:06.760]:  You
[00:11:06.760 -> 00:11:08.760]:  You
[00:11:08.760 -> 00:11:10.760]:  You
[00:11:10.760 -> 00:11:12.760]:  You
[00:11:13.760 -> 00:11:15.760]:  You
[00:11:15.760 -> 00:11:17.760]:  You
[00:11:17.760 -> 00:11:19.760]:  You
[00:11:19.760 -> 00:11:47.520]:  Dude are you there? Yeah, I'm here
[00:11:47.800 -> 00:11:51.800]:  What the hell did you I don't know what have I just was talking myself for a straight minute
[00:11:51.800 -> 00:11:54.400]:  Yeah, I couldn't tell you
[00:11:54.400 -> 00:12:00.960]:  What I was getting at was I will make sure you are I'll make sure you're fed, bro
[00:12:00.960 -> 00:12:03.840]:  You help me. I don't mind helping you. You scratch my back
[00:12:03.840 -> 00:12:07.400]:  I'll scratch your back and I'll make sure you're gonna be living a little bit more comfortably at least
[00:12:07.400 -> 00:12:12.920]:  Yeah, it's not good to you a hundred percent, bro. I'm a percent. I'm all for that. Yeah
[00:12:14.560 -> 00:12:16.620]:  As far as like actual prices and shit
[00:12:16.620 -> 00:12:21.000]:  I don't know you I got talked a few people and what I can guarantee you but I want to make sure you're taking
[00:12:21.000 -> 00:12:25.200]:  Care of bro. I really mean that yes. No, I appreciate it man. You know, it's yeah
[00:12:25.200 -> 00:12:29.680]:  And thank you for offering to help me man with the videos and stuff to man. Thank you. Oh on a person
[00:12:29.680 -> 00:12:31.720]:  Yeah
[00:12:31.720 -> 00:12:37.640]:  So I'm not gonna tell you how much I can pay you yet. But um, whenever you want to start I can promise you that on
[00:12:37.640 -> 00:12:38.760]:  Wednesday
[00:12:38.760 -> 00:12:41.800]:  Dude, you can help me be like my money manager too if you want like, yeah, I don't know
[00:12:42.480 -> 00:12:44.480]:  Yeah, I'll pay you for that
[00:12:44.480 -> 00:12:48.540]:  I've said in the discord chat myself too, man
[00:12:48.540 -> 00:12:52.760]:  I don't think like even the rats bro, like I think everybody wants to see you win
[00:12:52.760 -> 00:12:57.800]:  Like they want to see that redemption arc. They want to see you with your own crib your own, you know
[00:12:57.800 -> 00:12:59.800]:  Yeah with all that shit, man
[00:12:59.800 -> 00:13:04.040]:  Please help me get make that happen bro. I mean, yeah
[00:13:04.040 -> 00:13:09.080]:  Yeah, I mean I can help you the best I can man, you know, I mean, I'll hold you accountable for shit, but uh
[00:13:10.800 -> 00:13:14.660]:  100% I'll try bro. I'll hold you accountable for the videos. I know that you don't need it
[00:13:14.660 -> 00:13:19.640]:  But I don't know what the fuck I'm saying. Just yeah, I appreciate it. Yeah, no 100% bro. I got you
[00:13:19.640 -> 00:13:21.660]:  cool
[00:13:21.660 -> 00:13:25.460]:  All right. Well, dude, I appreciate you man. Do this nice to actually hear your voice and meet you, bro
[00:13:25.460 -> 00:13:28.840]:  Actually, I don't know what I'm about to do. What are you doing? What are you doing for the night? Uh
[00:13:28.840 -> 00:13:36.400]:  Not a whole lot man. Just going, you know, it's gonna start making a video you can I can I can assure you a certain amount
[00:13:36.400 -> 00:13:40.240]:  On Wednesday, I can do that much. I'll get back to you like tomorrow though, but keep writing me and shit
[00:13:40.240 -> 00:13:43.280]:  If I don't answer don't be afraid to keep messaging
[00:13:43.280 -> 00:13:45.560]:  All right, I guess sometimes I'm the worst
[00:13:45.560 -> 00:13:49.060]:  I'll like open a bunch of it at one time and then forget to write some some people back. So
[00:13:49.060 -> 00:13:52.720]:  Yeah, I gotcha. But I can assure you that I
[00:13:52.720 -> 00:13:57.840]:  I'll pay you for doing this especially if you do the Instagram - oh fucker, dude
[00:13:57.840 -> 00:14:00.920]:  My fucking stuff is a glass. Not bad. I'm fine
[00:14:00.920 -> 00:14:03.760]:  All right
[00:14:03.760 -> 00:14:07.560]:  Yeah, I'll make sure like what are you doing for like what do you do for a living and stuff?
[00:14:07.560 -> 00:14:12.720]:  And you don't mind me asking you don't have to talk about. Yeah, no a hundred percent. I can so a couple months ago
[00:14:12.720 -> 00:14:19.740]:  I'm not asking cuz I'm judging I'm asking cuz I know you're good man. I'm working McDonald's nothing like that anyway, but
[00:14:19.740 -> 00:14:24.340]:  If you did I wouldn't judge you dude. I say that my stream. I'm making fun of somebody
[00:14:24.340 -> 00:14:28.680]:  But I don't I don't judge people that work at different places man. Yeah, no, yeah, I respect that
[00:14:28.680 -> 00:14:31.320]:  But uh, yeah, so a couple months ago. I used to work
[00:14:31.320 -> 00:14:35.560]:  I was doing a business management pretty much
[00:14:36.440 -> 00:14:39.560]:  Okay, it's like handling calls, you know having meetings with them
[00:14:39.560 -> 00:14:45.360]:  Yeah, so I got laid off a couple months ago, so I'm kind of just collecting
[00:14:45.360 -> 00:14:53.960]:  Well, it was just slow as fuck like I don't know if you know like too much about
[00:14:53.960 -> 00:14:57.620]:  But like just like really aren't that popular like that, you know
[00:14:57.620 -> 00:15:02.120]:  Yeah. Yeah, I mean they're not like super crazy popular. So
[00:15:04.480 -> 00:15:09.960]:  Yeah, that's the same my dad. The reason I said this to my dad. He worked car insurance for like 34
[00:15:09.960 -> 00:15:16.440]:  No, he did it for fucking he must have done it for 30 some years dude at the same company and they fucking fired him
[00:15:16.440 -> 00:15:19.800]:  For no reason man. I just I just still can't get over that dude. Yeah, it's
[00:15:19.800 -> 00:15:28.320]:  Just a 30-40 years. Yeah, that's fuck. Yeah anything dude. I know he should he should have sued those motherfuckers, dude
[00:15:28.320 -> 00:15:32.120]:  Oh, I'm gonna wrongful termination, bro. Yes. Yes, dude
[00:15:32.720 -> 00:15:39.120]:  That's fucking bullshit. Well, good company. We're still fucked up man. Like I don't know if you've like what kind of jobs
[00:15:39.120 -> 00:15:43.720]:  Have you worked in the past? I've done construction. I've done landscaping. I've done restaurant work
[00:15:43.720 -> 00:15:49.200]:  Never ever been able to hold a job down. Well at all. So it's a blessing
[00:15:49.200 -> 00:15:51.920]:  I got this I got the streaming thing going man. I owe that to my brother
[00:15:51.920 -> 00:15:56.360]:  Your brother bring on a career. I've no job more than three months at a time
[00:15:57.000 -> 00:16:03.440]:  They're helping out. Yeah, I mean landscaping and construction of the restaurant work in a few different restaurants. That was the worst
[00:16:03.440 -> 00:16:08.280]:  Yeah, no, I bet I'm a fucking restaurant work dude. Like were you like
[00:16:08.280 -> 00:16:15.920]:  McDonald's I was at a bon pon. I also worked at um,
[00:16:15.920 -> 00:16:23.040]:  as this little tiny like five-star restaurant in Winchester where I went to rehab and afterwards I got out I had to go to
[00:16:23.040 -> 00:16:27.880]:  A server living house and I got like this little side job dishwashing there. That was not as bad
[00:16:27.880 -> 00:16:31.760]:  But the other rest the other ones were fucking yeah, there was some of those were bad, dude
[00:16:31.760 -> 00:16:34.080]:  Pretty bad. Yeah, I know
[00:16:34.080 -> 00:16:37.580]:  Fucking bad man. I people buffs are us there, you know fucking waiters
[00:16:37.580 -> 00:16:41.000]:  Whatever, bro
[00:16:41.000 -> 00:16:48.880]:  Yeah, I mean just affect you gotta be standing up all day is one thing, you know, right but dude
[00:16:48.880 -> 00:16:54.800]:  I fucking I'll tell you man begin laid off though. That's a fucking blessing right there. Cuz I'm just I'm raking it on
[00:16:54.800 -> 00:16:59.240]:  Yeah, dude, I'm happier now, bro. I'm getting on
[00:16:59.240 -> 00:17:07.360]:  Bro, yeah, and it's like I got I got shit in the works, you know, I'm trying to work on my own business
[00:17:07.360 -> 00:17:09.920]:  I'm making like video games and shit
[00:17:09.920 -> 00:17:12.000]:  You know all that shit, bro
[00:17:12.000 -> 00:17:16.480]:  I'm just trying to I'm trying to find something and just like stick that shit to the wall, bro
[00:17:16.480 -> 00:17:21.560]:  Like I'm just trying to come up not not rely on some fucking job, man. Fuck that shit
[00:17:21.560 -> 00:17:24.280]:  Yeah, no, it's yeah
[00:17:24.280 -> 00:17:29.080]:  Why live if you're gonna do something all day, you don't like and you know, that wouldn't be exactly. Yeah
[00:17:29.080 -> 00:17:31.900]:  Yeah. Yeah, fuck that man
[00:17:31.900 -> 00:17:34.040]:  Yeah
[00:17:34.040 -> 00:17:35.400]:  so
[00:17:35.400 -> 00:17:39.320]:  Yeah, I can't say there's our exact number but I will I will make sure you get taken care of dude
[00:17:39.320 -> 00:17:41.880]:  I will I can I can say that as a man word to word
[00:17:41.880 -> 00:17:45.160]:  I'll pay you every week if you if you can make them every day and shit
[00:17:46.040 -> 00:17:48.040]:  Yeah
[00:17:48.040 -> 00:17:53.360]:  Well, how do you want to do it though? Like you want me to just like finally but you getting like a big win
[00:17:53.360 -> 00:17:58.720]:  What I can do is I can record my I
[00:17:58.720 -> 00:18:02.400]:  Guess on OBS I can record my streamers while I'm streaming
[00:18:02.400 -> 00:18:07.720]:  So if I if you want me to say that maybe every day then that uh, it would have no audio
[00:18:07.720 -> 00:18:10.960]:  I can do it where like there'd be no audio or like I guess it would be
[00:18:10.960 -> 00:18:14.500]:  Muted when you go back to the violence muted our kick doesn't have that did I?
[00:18:15.040 -> 00:18:19.140]:  Don't think so. I think I don't think about that
[00:18:19.140 -> 00:18:24.880]:  Yeah, okay. Well, you can get it from kick then if you want to or I can send the link to you or whatever
[00:18:24.880 -> 00:18:29.280]:  But I guess you could just go in there or actually what I'll do is like if I have something that happens
[00:18:29.280 -> 00:18:32.280]:  I'll be like, hey, that would be a good moment or something like that. Maybe yeah
[00:18:32.280 -> 00:18:35.440]:  Cuz I don't want to make you watch the whole, you know all through them like fully and shit
[00:18:35.440 -> 00:18:39.320]:  But yeah, I mean if you have like a like a big come up or something now
[00:18:39.320 -> 00:18:43.120]:  I'm in the stream like fairly regularly like obviously I'm doing shit sometimes
[00:18:43.120 -> 00:18:48.080]:  But I'm like, you know, I'm there just watching this shit. Sometimes take your work. I think you got it
[00:18:48.080 -> 00:18:51.360]:  I think you'll do it. You'll think you know what you're doing, man. I'm serious with to that
[00:18:51.360 -> 00:18:53.480]:  Yeah, no, I appreciate it, man
[00:18:53.480 -> 00:18:58.720]:  But yeah, if you do hit something big like a huge come up just like yeah, send me a DM
[00:18:58.720 -> 00:19:04.120]:  It doesn't even have to be like super huge, you know, just like something like like a big multi. I don't know
[00:19:04.120 -> 00:19:10.040]:  Yeah, you probably got like a good criteria for that in mind anyway, but yeah
[00:19:11.480 -> 00:19:17.600]:  No, but I also get like sucked in and blacked black out. So yeah, either way. Yeah, I'll try I'll try my but yeah
[00:19:17.600 -> 00:19:19.000]:  No, you don't say about that
[00:19:19.000 -> 00:19:21.000]:  Yeah, no
[00:19:21.000 -> 00:19:23.300]:  But yeah, man
[00:19:23.300 -> 00:19:27.520]:  Like if you if you just have like a moment just like send that shit over a hundred percent
[00:19:27.520 -> 00:19:32.740]:  Like if you have a time stamp or something, I'll make the turnaround time like a lot quicker
[00:19:32.740 -> 00:19:38.500]:  just because like I won't have to you know, like like you say like kind of like sit through the whole thing but
[00:19:38.960 -> 00:19:44.680]:  What I can do for right now even if I could probably find like clips on your stream of like you getting like some
[00:19:44.680 -> 00:19:48.920]:  Crazy wins like in the past or whatever and I can probably throw that together
[00:19:48.920 -> 00:19:55.300]:  Well, yeah, you could make sure if you can here's the only thing I say about this make sure it's not BC clips
[00:19:55.300 -> 00:20:01.720]:  Which most of you know because the sponsor will be there. Yeah. Yeah, I'll make sure their steak. Yeah, I got yeah
[00:20:01.720 -> 00:20:05.760]:  Yeah, go for it. Do your fucking thing. Yeah. Oh, yeah, do your thing, bro. Yeah
[00:20:05.760 -> 00:20:11.480]:  I'm gonna go I gotta go right now though. I do gotta go right now though. All right, bro. It's not like that
[00:20:11.480 -> 00:20:17.240]:  It's not. I hope you don't take that the wrong way, but no good man. Yeah, I'm like I'm I might seem like I'm a huge
[00:20:17.240 -> 00:20:22.020]:  Outgoing person, but I'm actually like a like an introvert for the most part. Yeah, me too
[00:20:22.020 -> 00:20:29.640]:  Why when I am I stream office like regained and like just think of it, you know, you're you're three long times every every day
[00:20:29.640 -> 00:20:31.640]:  Yeah, so like I'm feeling
[00:20:34.360 -> 00:20:38.280]:  Yeah, so just don't yeah, don't take that personally at all. I think you're fucking cool shit. I just met you
[00:20:38.280 -> 00:20:44.080]:  I think yeah, I can just tell you're you know, you're solid bro. You're solid. You're solid. I appreciate it, man
[00:20:44.080 -> 00:20:51.280]:  Yes, sir. All right. Wait, where are you from again? Oh, yeah. Okay. Yeah. Yes. Are you like my age or are you younger or older? Oh
[00:20:51.280 -> 00:21:01.200]:  Shit, okay. Yeah. All right. Yeah, right on dude. Are you little cool? Just say, you know that curiosity man. That's all yeah, man
[00:21:01.200 -> 00:21:03.400]:  absolutely
[00:21:03.400 -> 00:21:07.800]:  Yes, sir. Are you will shit hit me up whenever dude anytime. All right, you know
[00:21:07.800 -> 00:21:11.300]:  I'll try my best to answer back as soon as I can but I should be good man be honest
[00:21:11.300 -> 00:21:16.280]:  Busy I get a lot of messages and get overwhelmed, but I'm not that busy really so
[00:21:16.280 -> 00:21:21.880]:  Hey, well, let me know just go down for those for those games small man with that uh with that mod you mentioned
[00:21:21.880 -> 00:21:26.040]:  Yeah, dude, I will I'm gonna hit him up right now. I will I'll write them right now
[00:21:26.040 -> 00:21:30.000]:  So I don't forget about it. I'm gonna do it right now cuz my ass be forgetting everything
[00:21:30.000 -> 00:21:32.120]:  Bro, I'm serious. I'm not I got you dude
[00:21:32.120 -> 00:21:37.200]:  Well, I have nation here he is right here yo
[00:21:37.200 -> 00:21:40.960]:  I'm gonna say yeah, I was weren't yo
[00:21:40.960 -> 00:21:46.040]:  Let me see. I'm gonna try to work it the best way. He would be down. I'm trying to I'm trying to game with you tomorrow
[00:21:46.040 -> 00:21:48.860]:  And I want you I'm trying to game with you tomorrow
[00:21:48.860 -> 00:21:51.440]:  And I got a buddy
[00:21:51.440 -> 00:21:54.280]:  That's good. That wasn't that's gonna join if you're down
[00:21:54.280 -> 00:21:59.560]:  This he broke yeah, he's a good dude. He seriously saw it
[00:22:00.040 -> 00:22:03.420]:  Stears us all dude. You'll like him a lot. You said he sounds like me, too
[00:22:03.420 -> 00:22:07.080]:  Well, we get in the voice chat and my general chat in my old discord
[00:22:07.080 -> 00:22:09.680]:  We always had the voice chats filled like last summer
[00:22:09.680 -> 00:22:14.720]:  It was a different community, but those guys are all super weird now, man, and like they became huge rats and stuff
[00:22:14.720 -> 00:22:15.840]:  It's really weird
[00:22:15.840 -> 00:22:21.360]:  But yeah, it's no I'm serious for when I say that dude like the guys that was like always in those voice chats
[00:22:21.360 -> 00:22:24.120]:  None of them are in my community more and they all still
[00:22:24.120 -> 00:22:27.760]:  Obsessed over me dude and like they fucking do these weird shit
[00:22:27.760 -> 00:22:29.960]:  Dude a lot of those rats and those body counts are these guys
[00:22:29.960 -> 00:22:34.560]:  Anyways, it doesn't matter. It's long story short. Is that oh this dude?
[00:22:34.560 -> 00:22:37.720]:  Do they remind me of you he would sit there and play guitar in there with us bro and sing to us
[00:22:37.720 -> 00:22:39.720]:  I swear to God. It was the coolest thing ever
[00:22:39.720 -> 00:22:41.720]:  Really?
[00:22:41.720 -> 00:22:43.720]:  I know
[00:22:43.720 -> 00:22:49.920]:  It was I swear I swear it was cool as different but you'll see it's not like that
[00:22:49.920 -> 00:22:55.840]:  He's a big he's a big like 350 hundred 350 pound dude. Oh shit. Yeah, he's huge
[00:22:55.840 -> 00:22:57.840]:  He's like huge. Is he a tall guy?
[00:22:57.840 -> 00:23:04.200]:  He started losing weight now or something. He's doing something but saw he's a nurse. He's a fucking nurse, dude. Oh shit
[00:23:04.200 -> 00:23:09.000]:  Yeah, he's one of the yeah. He's like a I can't really call it something some kind of a nurse sometimes
[00:23:09.000 -> 00:23:13.600]:  I'm a nurse. I don't know but uh good dude and like yeah, here's one of the best for me, man
[00:23:13.600 -> 00:23:16.860]:  That's why I always like really talk to him. So yeah. All right. Yeah
[00:23:16.860 -> 00:23:19.800]:  All right, dude. Hey, uh, yeah
[00:23:19.800 -> 00:23:23.960]:  I don't know what time tomorrow but dude just messaged me if I forget about it and we can even do it on stream
[00:23:23.960 -> 00:23:27.760]:  Or I'll stream doesn't matter me either way. I love you. I want to yeah, I'm gonna choose you too
[00:23:27.760 -> 00:23:32.240]:  I can start a group chat. I should do maybe I don't know. Yeah, I mean whatever you want to do man. It's all down
[00:23:32.240 -> 00:23:37.800]:  What are we gonna play apex? I don't have apex installed right now
[00:23:37.800 -> 00:23:43.120]:  I mean if you if you have a well, I know you have counter stack
[00:23:43.120 -> 00:23:46.760]:  I mean if you're down for that we could do that or overwatch or Tom's bro
[00:23:46.760 -> 00:23:51.240]:  What's up? No, we'll find something. We'll find something we all enjoy
[00:23:51.240 -> 00:23:53.800]:  Yeah
[00:23:54.320 -> 00:23:56.320]:  Bro, it's all G. Yeah
[00:23:56.320 -> 00:24:00.400]:  All right, man. Well shit is nice meeting you bro. Yeah, I feel like oh, yeah, dude
[00:24:00.400 -> 00:24:06.640]:  Can you still the juicer? That's really what it is. My mind off. Are you up 300 bucks on that bitch? Yes, sir
[00:24:06.640 -> 00:24:10.920]:  No, I'm still up man here. Are you hell? Yeah
[00:24:10.920 -> 00:24:13.640]:  Yes, sir
[00:24:13.640 -> 00:24:19.240]:  Dude, I'm telling you that fucking slots works man. You know, I like it. I like a lot. It's a good slot
[00:24:19.240 -> 00:24:23.320]:  Dude, I fucking I have $20 in my affiliate tab right now. I can't even take out
[00:24:23.440 -> 00:24:30.400]:  Cuz I've withdrawn it too many times a day. Oh, yeah, I like the fucking timeout period or whatever. Yeah, that's lame, isn't it?
[00:24:30.400 -> 00:24:31.480]:  Yeah
[00:24:31.480 -> 00:24:33.480]:  What's the point that?
[00:24:33.480 -> 00:24:35.640]:  All my real ones are off now
[00:24:35.640 -> 00:24:45.400]:  Did sorry not good
[00:24:49.040 -> 00:24:54.300]:  Did I just hit um, I just got fucking bronze VIP on steak - bro. They just hit me
[00:24:54.300 -> 00:24:59.080]:  Yeah, they gave me like 50 bucks. They give me like they give me like 60 bucks, bro
[00:24:59.080 -> 00:25:02.000]:  Just out of nowhere got the fucking host hit me up and shit
[00:25:02.000 -> 00:25:09.360]:  That's fun. Go. Yeah. Yes, sir. No, I wouldn't matter. I just I just met her. I just what's it called? Um, I
[00:25:09.360 -> 00:25:13.320]:  Got my reloads reset. So it's like I'm fucking I'm just trying to get her to
[00:25:13.320 -> 00:25:16.880]:  They've already expired man. They've expired
[00:25:17.760 -> 00:25:22.200]:  Yeah, it's a weekly reload time. You'll get it. I think you get it. I think you have to be platinum
[00:25:22.200 -> 00:25:23.600]:  I'm not sure but
[00:25:23.600 -> 00:25:25.360]:  Yeah, I don't know if you'll ever get that far
[00:25:25.360 -> 00:25:29.200]:  But if you do you'll get that you'll get daily reloads of a certain amount. You can just withdraw every day
[00:25:29.200 -> 00:25:31.640]:  It's pretty cool. But anyways, um
[00:25:31.640 -> 00:25:35.480]:  Yeah, they expired so I asked her yesterday. She's like no
[00:25:35.480 -> 00:25:39.280]:  What she said exactly I'll read it to you actually
[00:25:39.280 -> 00:25:45.080]:  She said to me. Hi, I'm afraid it's still too early to reset your reload because it expires tomorrow
[00:25:45.400 -> 00:25:50.200]:  Please contact me tomorrow to renew it. I'm not allowed to set it earlier. So you have one more than one claiming in one day
[00:25:50.200 -> 00:25:54.840]:  I hope you understand. She's really nice, you know, yeah, but she's following rules
[00:25:54.840 -> 00:25:58.520]:  So I'm trying to get over now, but it's been like, you know, it's Saturday tomorrow now either way
[00:25:58.520 -> 00:26:03.120]:  I was just thinking about I just try and get a hold of her cuz I just noticed it expired but yeah
[00:26:03.120 -> 00:26:10.640]:  All right. Hold on. I gotta ask as well. Like what what day is your do you usually get your reloads?
[00:26:10.640 -> 00:26:17.680]:  Like not not those reloads, but like the weekly. Yeah, the 14k. Yeah
[00:26:17.680 -> 00:26:22.640]:  So that'd be Wednesday. That's when I can pay you every week and I'll do it right when I get it as well
[00:26:22.640 -> 00:26:26.560]:  Okay, I got you. I don't know the amount. Yeah, I gotta talk to people and think about it and all that shit
[00:26:26.560 -> 00:26:31.080]:  But it's not gonna be anything crazy, bro, but it's gonna be something where it's gonna be worth doing. Yeah. No, I
[00:26:31.080 -> 00:26:40.120]:  Yeah, yeah, no, I mean I'm down for whatever man at the end of the day even if like some juice I could throw
[00:26:40.120 -> 00:26:44.480]:  It's steak or ignition or something. Bro. I mean, I'm fucking cool with it either way, man. I
[00:26:44.480 -> 00:26:47.080]:  Appreciate the opportunity
[00:26:47.080 -> 00:26:56.040]:  But not for real for real when you get those weekly weekly things as well
[00:26:56.040 -> 00:27:02.000]:  I know like yeah, man, cuz I know you mentioned the accountability thing as well. I like hit me up for that, bro
[00:27:02.000 -> 00:27:05.280]:  Like yeah, I mean this with a hundred percent, bro
[00:27:05.280 -> 00:27:10.560]:  Like I genuinely want to see you like get the money and get the crib be living all night
[00:27:10.560 -> 00:27:14.320]:  I'm being able to do this at the same time like that would be fucking sick, bro
[00:27:14.320 -> 00:27:19.500]:  Like I know you only want to see that for you, dude. Oh my god. It's coming soon, bro. It's coming soon
[00:27:19.500 -> 00:27:22.360]:  Hell yeah
[00:27:22.360 -> 00:27:27.480]:  Oh fucking cool. I can't wait and it could be so how long would I have to say for when can that happen?
[00:27:27.480 -> 00:27:28.880]:  When do you think that can happen?
[00:27:28.880 -> 00:27:34.400]:  All right, so I mean what are your plans though? Like obviously you probably want to get a car first, right?
[00:27:34.560 -> 00:27:41.560]:  Yes, yes, but yeah. Yeah, so here's your building credit now on my credit card. I should be doing that, right?
[00:27:41.560 -> 00:27:45.400]:  I mean, I think it can't hurt you not you I mean
[00:27:45.400 -> 00:27:50.700]:  You you definitely need credit like credits gonna help unless you're planning on buying everything in cash
[00:27:50.700 -> 00:27:55.120]:  But that's gonna take a lot longer and I think if you have the bills coming in
[00:27:55.120 -> 00:27:58.420]:  That's also gonna give you like some accountability as well. So it's probably better
[00:27:58.420 -> 00:28:04.320]:  Yeah, yeah, so if you don't mind me asking like roughly
[00:28:04.440 -> 00:28:06.840]:  Do you know what your credit score is a fan?
[00:28:06.840 -> 00:28:09.640]:  That's zero, bro
[00:28:09.640 -> 00:28:11.680]:  Okay, so you're like you've never liked
[00:28:11.680 -> 00:28:15.520]:  Never okay. So I just know this
[00:28:15.520 -> 00:28:23.500]:  I know this from working man. Like no credit is better than bad credit. All right, so
[00:28:23.500 -> 00:28:29.120]:  Yeah, that's if you like borrow money and then like don't pay
[00:28:31.640 -> 00:28:34.280]:  Okay, so that that's better than having bad credit
[00:28:34.280 -> 00:28:36.080]:  however with that being said
[00:28:36.080 -> 00:28:41.520]:  You definitely want to to build up credit nonetheless because I'm sure once you have the money coming in
[00:28:41.520 -> 00:28:46.120]:  You're probably gonna want to get a nice car. You're probably gonna want to get a nice house. Yeah, all that
[00:28:46.120 -> 00:28:51.440]:  Yeah, you got you got to work your way up to that man and also doubt down payments are important
[00:28:51.440 -> 00:28:56.280]:  So like let's say yeah, I know your as well though. You see some of cars or both
[00:28:56.280 -> 00:29:01.560]:  I guess yeah talk talking about both here man. So okay when it comes to like a car, right?
[00:29:01.560 -> 00:29:06.320]:  So I know obviously you want to be whipping the Bentley and everything and and we'll get there hundred percent you'll get there
[00:29:06.320 -> 00:29:09.760]:  But what I what I would do is I would get something
[00:29:09.760 -> 00:29:11.880]:  not not
[00:29:11.880 -> 00:29:15.900]:  Something like super luxurious. You can get it like a nice car, but not like too nice
[00:29:15.900 -> 00:29:19.040]:  You know probably something like 30 40 grand, you know
[00:29:19.040 -> 00:29:25.020]:  Okay, and just put 10 put like 10k down on it for like 10 20 K down on it. What happened was a zero credit
[00:29:25.020 -> 00:29:30.200]:  Yeah, so I mean if you're putting 10 to 20 K down on that shit like yeah, you can you can
[00:29:30.520 -> 00:29:36.720]:  I don't that really good. That's really good. That's what I would do given your situation just cuz you have no credit if you
[00:29:36.720 -> 00:29:43.680]:  Exactly so so just think just think about it man
[00:29:43.680 -> 00:29:49.440]:  Like so let's say it's a $40,000 car and you put 20 K down you're putting a half of the amount of that car
[00:29:49.440 -> 00:29:57.240]:  So you're showing the banks like okay, you know, this guy means business like he's putting a 50% down on a car
[00:29:57.360 -> 00:30:01.840]:  You know, like yeah, you'll be able to get that shit a hundred percent and fucking
[00:30:01.840 -> 00:30:11.900]:  I don't know what to get. I use questions used. I would get sure. Yeah. Yeah get something used. It's obviously want to be nice
[00:30:11.900 -> 00:30:15.800]:  Yeah, I would I would get I would get some type of
[00:30:15.800 -> 00:30:21.120]:  Just cuz I like the luxury and shit. I would probably get like yeah, I'd probably
[00:30:21.120 -> 00:30:25.600]:  Yeah, yeah, hold on let me give me a second here
[00:30:25.600 -> 00:30:30.840]:  I want to I want to see what the going prices are right now. Hold on. Just give me give me two seconds, dude
[00:30:30.840 -> 00:30:33.960]:  Yeah, yeah, I
[00:30:33.960 -> 00:30:41.200]:  Would probably get an Audi s4 I think I think you would really like that car
[00:30:41.200 -> 00:30:47.020]:  Yeah, it's fucking it's got a v6 in there. It's fast. It looks pretty cool
[00:30:47.020 -> 00:30:54.840]:  You know, I have an Audi a4 so it's not like as luxurious. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, but they're fucking sweet
[00:30:54.840 -> 00:30:58.560]:  It's based off like the same thing. That's more just like what's that?
[00:30:58.560 -> 00:31:03.780]:  Audis are badass cars. Oh, yeah. No, I agree man. Yeah. Yeah
[00:31:03.780 -> 00:31:12.600]:  100% bro. So yeah look that up and get like dude. That's clean. That's clean. That's what I'm saying, bro
[00:31:12.600 -> 00:31:19.600]:  That's fucking the same man and that shit that shit fucking smooths bro s4 350 or an hour
[00:31:19.600 -> 00:31:23.600]:  Listen, they start at 55k new or is that I'm looking at something different
[00:31:24.560 -> 00:31:27.640]:  Yeah, I think the a4 starts at like 55k new
[00:31:27.640 -> 00:31:30.520]:  No, well, that's
[00:31:30.520 -> 00:31:35.680]:  Probably more expensive s4 is probably like 7080. Yeah something like that
[00:31:35.680 -> 00:31:39.760]:  So I would I would get like I'm looking at a 2019 right now
[00:31:39.760 -> 00:31:45.880]:  That's only going for like 32k and it doesn't even have that many a mouth on there. It's like 41,000. Oh, yeah
[00:31:45.880 -> 00:31:51.600]:  Yeah, I mean obviously near me. So like it wouldn't you know, I mean I can send it to you
[00:31:51.600 -> 00:31:53.600]:  Just so you can look at it if you want
[00:31:53.760 -> 00:31:55.760]:  Yeah, yeah. Hold on. Let me
[00:31:55.760 -> 00:32:00.460]:  Say I might be like different prices different areas everything. Alright, well, yeah
[00:32:00.460 -> 00:32:06.320]:  I'm sure but I mean Virginia is probably more or less the same as up here. I would guess it's not not too far away
[00:32:06.320 -> 00:32:12.120]:  But yeah, I would get I would get something like this man. Like it's it's pretty clean
[00:32:12.120 -> 00:32:18.680]:  Well, this is only the premium I might go for like a premium plus cuz I know you really like that luxury
[00:32:18.680 -> 00:32:21.800]:  Yeah
[00:32:21.920 -> 00:32:28.720]:  Leather seats like that. Yeah, do that. You'll like that. Yeah, that's it. That's it. That's just fucking fat
[00:32:28.720 -> 00:32:34.840]:  Yeah, is it fast? Is it? Yeah. Yeah 350 horsepower, bro. Yeah, you'll be smoothing
[00:32:34.840 -> 00:32:46.040]:  Oh, yeah, so I'd rather get like a I would rather get like a luxurious than like a sports car. Yeah
[00:32:46.040 -> 00:32:48.520]:  Yeah, so this is this is definitely more
[00:32:48.520 -> 00:32:52.680]:  I mean you could get an eighth lower, but I feel I feel like you would like some speed
[00:32:52.680 -> 00:32:57.640]:  So like yeah, and obviously fucking afford it. So I get the fucking s4 man. You might as well
[00:32:57.640 -> 00:33:00.600]:  Yeah
[00:33:00.600 -> 00:33:06.640]:  Yeah, it's like I said man, okay, that's for okay. Yeah
[00:33:06.640 -> 00:33:13.040]:  Exactly, that's what I'm saying. It doesn't break the bank either. You'll build credit on that. Like you'll be good, bro
[00:33:13.040 -> 00:33:16.680]:  Yeah, that would just make it a month. Yeah, I guess. Yeah, I wouldn't be bad at all
[00:33:17.360 -> 00:33:22.220]:  Dude, dude, let's fucking help me set. Let's set a fucking goal right now that I can't break
[00:33:22.220 -> 00:33:27.040]:  Or something if you want to help me that would help me that would actually get it done. Did I?
[00:33:27.040 -> 00:33:33.360]:  All right, what should we do then 10k a week and then do 4k and that could do maybe get it in two weeks
[00:33:33.360 -> 00:33:35.360]:  Or two weeks from Wednesday
[00:33:35.360 -> 00:33:37.360]:  Yeah, yeah
[00:33:37.360 -> 00:33:41.000]:  Is that what I should do or what do you think that that's a hundred percent what I would do
[00:33:41.000 -> 00:33:44.400]:  So I would keep up with that. I wouldn't just say like, okay, I've saved 20 grand
[00:33:44.480 -> 00:33:48.320]:  Let me get the car and then let me just start gambling all the money again. I would not do that
[00:33:48.320 -> 00:33:52.440]:  Keep up with that 10k a week. And I know I
[00:33:52.440 -> 00:33:56.000]:  Know it's fucking tempting when you're gambling and shit
[00:33:56.000 -> 00:34:01.200]:  You're like, oh damn if I do this like huge bet this could really fucking pay but just don't fall into that man
[00:34:01.200 -> 00:34:04.040]:  Just keep to the 10k the second you get the weekly
[00:34:04.040 -> 00:34:10.640]:  Withdraw that 10k give it to your dad do whatever the fuck you need to do. So you don't touch that money
[00:34:10.960 -> 00:34:14.640]:  All right. Yeah, like no, you're not you not touch that shit, man
[00:34:14.640 -> 00:34:18.800]:  I wouldn't I wouldn't either I don't think my dad would even let me like I guess he would have to but like I
[00:34:18.800 -> 00:34:22.960]:  Wouldn't do that. I guess you could say I wouldn't sit there and like hey dad
[00:34:22.960 -> 00:34:25.560]:  Let me get a thousand like over and over in the same day. Yeah, no, no
[00:34:25.560 -> 00:34:33.600]:  Yeah now with the 4k though, obviously you have to split that over the week so stakes like okay
[00:34:33.600 -> 00:34:36.640]:  This guy's still like promoting our side. Yeah, you know, so split it
[00:34:36.640 -> 00:34:39.840]:  Yeah, yeah, so whatever
[00:34:40.800 -> 00:34:47.080]:  Sorry, yeah, hold on. Let me do the math on that. So 4k divided by seven days for every week, right?
[00:34:47.080 -> 00:34:51.960]:  So that's that's like five hundred seventy one bucks every day that you can use now
[00:34:51.960 -> 00:34:56.540]:  I mean, obviously that's not that that that's kind of a lower amount than like what you're used to
[00:34:56.540 -> 00:34:59.960]:  But if I do well, yeah. Yeah, so like
[00:34:59.960 -> 00:35:06.800]:  Doable I can do 40 cent spins all day if I don't you know, yeah
[00:35:07.640 -> 00:35:10.000]:  Yeah, just play play slower man
[00:35:10.000 -> 00:35:14.380]:  So this way here you can you can have your stream still going states gonna be happy with you
[00:35:14.380 -> 00:35:16.440]:  Your viewers are gonna be happy
[00:35:16.440 -> 00:35:21.840]:  It's not about the temporary gain. I don't need I need to get that. It's the longevity of it
[00:35:21.840 -> 00:35:26.080]:  Oh, exactly. I need a grasp onto you're right, dude. You're absolutely right about that
[00:35:26.080 -> 00:35:32.200]:  Yeah, I need to do that. Exactly. I'm not gonna make I'm not gonna get rich off gambling. I'm not
[00:35:32.200 -> 00:35:35.760]:  Exactly. I mean, yeah, you might get a nice hit here and there
[00:35:35.760 -> 00:35:39.000]:  But like you can't like at the end of the day the house always wins, right?
[00:35:39.000 -> 00:35:44.840]:  Like they're gonna fucking you know, like the online if you catch my drift. Oh, yeah. Yeah 100%
[00:35:44.840 -> 00:35:48.960]:  Like like, you know, I don't know for sure but yeah, no, it's
[00:35:48.960 -> 00:35:52.360]:  It seems a little bit just sometimes
[00:35:52.360 -> 00:36:04.220]:  Yeah, I mean bro not for nothing man, dude, you got it you got the opportunity of a fucking lifetime man
[00:36:04.220 -> 00:36:07.920]:  Like I'm just gonna tell you straight up. Like if I could be in your shoes right now
[00:36:07.920 -> 00:36:12.640]:  Like I would take that shit in a second, dude, you know, just great out bro. You're making
[00:36:12.640 -> 00:36:18.320]:  Man, no, I know. I know I am dude like 30 years. I get this for the year
[00:36:18.320 -> 00:36:21.280]:  That's crazy that that is
[00:36:21.280 -> 00:36:26.280]:  You're making more money than like probably like ninety nine point nine percent of people man
[00:36:26.280 -> 00:36:31.280]:  Like you're probably you're not in the top one percent. You're in the top like point one percent, bro
[00:36:31.280 -> 00:36:35.800]:  Like you're making fucking bank man like oh, that's why I need you
[00:36:35.800 -> 00:36:39.320]:  You're gonna be my fucking partner with this shit. Do you swear dude? I I fucking got you man
[00:36:39.320 -> 00:36:45.840]:  I'm like whenever I swear to God just cuz I'm like so free nowadays, you know not having to work and shit, bro
[00:36:45.840 -> 00:36:50.500]:  If you ever like get the temptation like man, dude, I want to like deposit like this amount of money
[00:36:50.500 -> 00:36:52.500]:  I know I shouldn't do just fucking
[00:36:56.960 -> 00:36:58.960]:  Good, I mean that I mean that a hundred
[00:36:58.960 -> 00:37:06.180]:  Even tomorrow right like I'm sure your parents are probably sleeping at this point, but
[00:37:06.180 -> 00:37:17.240]:  Yeah, but but yeah, like yes, dude if you if you have to talk to him and just be like, alright dad
[00:37:17.240 -> 00:37:20.240]:  Let's go to the bank and I want you to make an account under your name
[00:37:20.240 -> 00:37:23.080]:  He doesn't want me to like I
[00:37:23.080 -> 00:37:25.840]:  Don't know man. He doesn't ever follow up with me. It's not his fault. I
[00:37:26.520 -> 00:37:29.800]:  Don't but like especially when I told him when I told him I got this new deal
[00:37:29.800 -> 00:37:32.720]:  I was like, dude, but you got to help me say this. He didn't seem interested at all. I
[00:37:32.720 -> 00:37:36.200]:  Got okay. All right. Well if your dad
[00:37:36.200 -> 00:37:42.680]:  Yeah, my mom my mom would be more on board, but she's not gonna believe I'll do it. I
[00:37:42.680 -> 00:37:46.800]:  Mean the only thing here is like, okay
[00:37:46.800 -> 00:37:51.320]:  So in that case and like it's really just a matter of like there's really two options
[00:37:51.320 -> 00:37:55.520]:  An option one is like, you know, you obviously have to like stay disciplined and chill like that
[00:37:56.240 -> 00:38:01.240]:  Often - and I mean, I don't even really like option - cuz it's kind of like some rat shit
[00:38:01.240 -> 00:38:06.640]:  But it's like, okay, you know you hear people and they're like, oh, yeah, dude, like send me your send me your money, man
[00:38:06.640 -> 00:38:11.000]:  I'll keep it safe, you know, like and I think that's bullshit. So I don't I don't I don't want I don't want to like
[00:38:11.000 -> 00:38:13.880]:  Just like, you know, we just met
[00:38:13.880 -> 00:38:20.840]:  Yeah, no, they'll do it. They'll do it. I can have my parents do it. I appreciate that. Okay. Yeah
[00:38:20.840 -> 00:38:24.700]:  Yeah, yeah. No, but like no, I wouldn't even blame you for not trusting me, dude
[00:38:25.100 -> 00:38:30.300]:  We're in the VC for the first time, you know, so like I have that I have the option right here
[00:38:30.300 -> 00:38:34.660]:  I just don't I haven't when I got the 14k if you did I told myself I was gonna put at least four in my dad's
[00:38:34.660 -> 00:38:40.420]:  X I never download that cuz phone I never did it. So I need to do that tomorrow. Yeah, no get get that dude
[00:38:40.420 -> 00:38:44.460]:  Get that shit done man. Get that shit done. I will 100% bro
[00:38:44.460 -> 00:38:50.060]:  Cuz yeah, it's not that I don't trust you to stay disciplined
[00:38:50.060 -> 00:38:53.100]:  But it's like I can definitely I don't want to I don't want to offend you
[00:38:53.100 -> 00:38:56.820]:  But like it kind of seems to me like, you know, if you have like the cash, you know
[00:38:56.820 -> 00:39:02.860]:  Like it might be like really tempting for you to to know and it's been yeah, and I think I don't value it as much
[00:39:02.860 -> 00:39:07.460]:  I should I don't really see I see this real money. It's just yeah. Yeah
[00:39:07.460 -> 00:39:09.300]:  Yeah
[00:39:09.300 -> 00:39:13.780]:  Yeah, I mean if I can and value is and how it feels in the cash in front of me
[00:39:13.780 -> 00:39:18.700]:  I guarantee I wouldn't gamble that way, but you know, I haven't fully blown addicted man
[00:39:18.700 -> 00:39:24.160]:  I'm fucking big. I mean, there's no way around it. Yeah, I'm definitely hooked on. Yeah. No, I mean, it's
[00:39:24.160 -> 00:39:28.540]:  They're like, oh, I'll get off stream dude. I'll be gaming and I'll start to go gamble again
[00:39:28.540 -> 00:39:33.820]:  Even just when I just into the stream. Yeah. No, I mean, it's I again. I don't want to be like offensive
[00:39:33.820 -> 00:39:35.820]:  But like yeah, I mean it's you know
[00:39:35.820 -> 00:39:39.500]:  Yeah, yeah, yeah, you know, I mean I just want to like keep it real with you
[00:39:39.500 -> 00:39:40.300]:  You know, it's like yeah
[00:39:40.300 -> 00:39:46.300]:  I mean it's it's kind of obvious like, you know that you kind of do have like a little bit of a problem there, right?
[00:39:47.140 -> 00:39:49.140]:  You know, just telling you straight up
[00:39:49.140 -> 00:39:52.940]:  All right. All right, sure. All right
[00:39:52.940 -> 00:40:12.340]:  Yeah, buddy damn it still hasn't landed bro
[00:40:14.580 -> 00:40:19.260]:  What's on the ceiling bro, somebody still do I fucking it's not blood I promise. I
[00:40:19.260 -> 00:40:22.980]:  Don't know why camera raises soda or something some sort of coffee. Maybe
[00:40:22.980 -> 00:40:25.820]:  Yeah, I can't remember feel something. Yeah
[00:40:25.820 -> 00:40:34.180]:  I'm right. That's messy. That's my setup. There's my setup. All right, that's messy for the two Mars got a new monitor coming tomorrow today
[00:40:34.180 -> 00:40:39.300]:  This is a curve monitor, yep
[00:40:39.300 -> 00:40:44.020]:  Yep, it's not it's not the best though. It's not the best. That'll be my backup monitor. I'm gonna have that to the left
[00:40:44.660 -> 00:40:48.700]:  But the webcam and I'm gonna have to do more errors. You gotta replace that second monitor, bro. I
[00:40:48.700 -> 00:40:54.380]:  Got a monitor coming in today. Okay. Okay, so that's gonna replace the second one. All right, I got you
[00:40:54.380 -> 00:40:56.740]:  Yeah, I'll put this one here and then put the new one here
[00:40:56.740 -> 00:41:04.300]:  Yeah, the 27 inches broke the new one is smaller but for what I've heard it's actually better to have it a little bit
[00:41:04.300 -> 00:41:07.400]:  Smaller than I think you know, how many hurts it has
[00:41:08.300 -> 00:41:15.380]:  2440 damn. All right. All right, it's like it's $900, dude. I know holy shit
[00:41:15.380 -> 00:41:18.940]:  $900 for the monitor. Damn, bro. It's 2k
[00:41:18.940 -> 00:41:23.500]:  It's like 1440p was like the best thing. It's like you O LED or ever. I
[00:41:23.500 -> 00:41:27.780]:  Don't know much about it, but it's rich. It's very fucking fire, bro. Yeah
[00:41:27.780 -> 00:41:31.460]:  Well, then what they say is 4k is like overkill nowadays. You can't even hardly do it
[00:41:31.460 -> 00:41:37.140]:  Yeah, I get it to its full potential even with like the best graphics card everything else. It's still not worth that's what I've been told
[00:41:37.260 -> 00:41:43.300]:  Right, right. It's like maybe in the future. It'll be more. It'll be more up. There'll be a not obsolete with the opposite of that
[00:41:43.300 -> 00:41:48.860]:  Yeah, I gotcha. You don't say yeah, I'd be more like
[00:41:48.860 -> 00:41:51.940]:  meta is a meta
[00:41:51.940 -> 00:41:55.400]:  Yeah, I know the man is like the the bottom. I don't know you don't say
[00:41:55.400 -> 00:41:58.540]:  Yeah, no, yeah, bro. Oh
[00:41:58.540 -> 00:42:03.820]:  Yeah, got the weed packed in the bowl. Do my fingers are so dirty. Holy fuck. I'll scream and resin
[00:42:05.300 -> 00:42:11.620]:  Alright, so just bond you take a big bummer for you. All right. I'll take a little hit bro. Oh, yeah
[00:42:11.620 -> 00:42:14.800]:  You got the read card. I'll take a little hit bro. Well, dude
[00:42:14.800 -> 00:42:20.020]:  Take a big one. Take a big one. All right. I'll take a big ins, bro. Fuck it. All right
[00:42:20.020 -> 00:42:23.720]:  If you green out you can just hang out so you gotta go. I don't care at all
[00:42:23.720 -> 00:42:28.200]:  Start getting paranoid or anything. Just fucking say brawn. Hi. I gotta go. I'll see. All right, man
[00:42:28.200 -> 00:42:34.420]:  I've been there sometimes when I'm streaming nice looks really good weed. I start to get panicking
[00:42:34.420 -> 00:42:40.260]:  Oh, yeah. No, I feel I'm serious. There's your realize so much that's going on that you didn't think about before in
[00:42:40.260 -> 00:42:43.180]:  That's what I'm saying, bro. My tolerance is so fucking low, man
[00:42:43.180 -> 00:42:49.300]:  Like a big rip that chicken smack sometimes. Oh me too. It makes you think completely different on it. It does. Oh, yeah
[00:42:49.300 -> 00:42:52.060]:  It's crazy
[00:42:52.060 -> 00:42:56.700]:  Especially when you don't smoke through all your tail your conch is loaded. Yeah, you'll get smashed, bro. Oh, yeah
[00:42:56.700 -> 00:42:59.340]:  Your guys shit. Yep
[00:42:59.900 -> 00:43:05.420]:  Let's say you're going you're hitting it. You're hitting it. Not yet, bro. Wait for you dog. Okay. Okay. Okay. I
[00:43:05.420 -> 00:43:07.580]:  Got the bomb
[00:43:07.580 -> 00:43:09.580]:  Are you ready? All right, cheers
[00:43:09.580 -> 00:43:11.900]:  Three two one. Cheers
[00:43:11.900 -> 00:43:13.900]:  Oh
[00:43:13.900 -> 00:43:36.820]:  Bongs are making the coffee way more bro. Oh, yeah. I mean those will do those will do
[00:43:36.820 -> 00:43:39.940]:  They don't hurt as bad. I
[00:43:40.580 -> 00:43:46.140]:  Mean they do though. Those cards can hurt. I do that bitch in my lungs, bro. That's my fear. Your lungs are burning
[00:43:46.140 -> 00:43:48.140]:  Yeah, I know. I know
[00:43:48.140 -> 00:43:55.420]:  Do you ever take a dab like official dab? Oh, man, I took a dab one spry like threw up in the bathroom
[00:43:55.420 -> 00:43:57.780]:  Man, did you oh, yeah, you're sweating and shit. Oh
[00:43:57.780 -> 00:44:02.680]:  Really homies and I was like you guys shit. Oh my god
[00:44:02.680 -> 00:44:07.020]:  I got so fucked now throwing up like crazy, bro, like three hours
[00:44:07.020 -> 00:44:10.020]:  Really? Yeah, yeah
[00:44:10.020 -> 00:44:12.020]:  Forever, dude, that's
[00:44:12.020 -> 00:44:18.580]:  Last week I got was in this little thing
[00:44:18.580 -> 00:44:32.200]:  Cannabis flower 3.5 G's goddamn. I know it's weird though. I'm gonna cover that
[00:44:32.200 -> 00:44:37.700]:  It's legal here man. Yeah. All right fully
[00:44:38.820 -> 00:44:45.500]:  It's fire dude. It's weird. We have it recreationally legal since the beginning of 2021 22
[00:44:45.500 -> 00:44:49.380]:  July so it's been almost two years and
[00:44:49.380 -> 00:44:52.400]:  There's still no recreational shops anywhere
[00:44:52.400 -> 00:45:00.460]:  Not one not one I know it's like they know we're buying from dealers. Oh, yeah, that's weird though
[00:45:00.460 -> 00:45:03.000]:  It's because we can grow it we go out to grow it ourselves
[00:45:03.000 -> 00:45:08.020]:  But why the hell's that a shop so much for us? I mean do that because so much easier they can make so much money, too
[00:45:08.020 -> 00:45:11.520]:  Dude, those shops are fucking rip-off though. Like they charge like a shit ton
[00:45:11.520 -> 00:45:16.000]:  Some of them not all of them out all of them at least some fucking
[00:45:16.000 -> 00:45:26.860]:  It sucks bro, thank God. Oh, yeah, I'm gonna live up there and be honest, but not in Michigan. There's some killer ones
[00:45:26.860 -> 00:45:30.060]:  Really? Yo
[00:45:30.060 -> 00:45:31.900]:  Michigan
[00:45:31.900 -> 00:45:37.480]:  I'm talking you can get ten. You can get ten carts. Those carts got yeah for less than a hundred dollars
[00:45:37.480 -> 00:45:43.060]:  It's like seventy seven dollars apiece seven dollars apiece. That's fucking crazy, bro
[00:45:43.060 -> 00:45:47.720]:  You can get ounces for less than a hundred of weed. Did I remember? I was like eighteen
[00:45:47.720 -> 00:45:53.060]:  I was like buying shit off the street bro motherfuckers for driving me like 40 bucks. Oh my god
[00:45:53.060 -> 00:45:57.780]:  What for an eighth? I was probably not not not for all over the cards. Yeah, like I have oh, yeah
[00:45:57.780 -> 00:46:01.080]:  If it's illegal is they can charge. Oh, yeah, they can tax
[00:46:01.080 -> 00:46:07.340]:  Yeah, I paid 40 for those. I paid 44. Well, then again a profit. Well, well, I mean I was like fucking five years ago
[00:46:07.340 -> 00:46:12.840]:  So maybe they didn't have illegal messages in yeah, probably not. Yeah, I got you. This shit still hasn't come through, bro
[00:46:12.840 -> 00:46:18.580]:  What's good? No, this is this this Oh invalid Bitcoin
[00:46:18.580 -> 00:46:21.260]:  Hold on a second boss. Oh
[00:46:27.460 -> 00:46:32.860]:  Okay, that's weird man. Look on steak. That's the that's never it's never done that before on steak
[00:46:32.860 -> 00:46:37.420]:  It says pending. This is what you click on to get open up the transaction ID. Oh, now it's where it said
[00:46:37.420 -> 00:46:42.420]:  It said invalid my birthday. Okay, but now it's okay. Yeah. Now it's not loaded up for somebody
[00:46:42.420 -> 00:46:48.320]:  I had to go to the excess through excess to go to the other one. Yeah, okay cool. I paid 336 for the fee, apparently
[00:46:48.320 -> 00:46:56.460]:  I noted that shit fucking like half of it's fucking gone. Do you get so long as business? I said it
[00:46:57.100 -> 00:47:03.080]:  Jesus bro. No, I'm guessing I'm asking 23 minutes. I've never actually I've had to wait that long. Yeah
[00:47:03.080 -> 00:47:05.880]:  Yeah, it's fucking Bitcoin. So makes sense
[00:47:05.880 -> 00:47:09.820]:  What does it say that okay
[00:47:09.820 -> 00:47:16.460]:  Okay, that's good. I think 45 said hey do me a favor. Yeah, if you want to you don't have to
[00:47:16.460 -> 00:47:22.620]:  Go your cash app and go to where you said the Bitcoin and there should be something where you can like view it on
[00:47:22.620 -> 00:47:28.540]:  The block actually it doesn't even do that on cash. It might hold on. I'll check. I'll check. Yeah, if you could that'd be great
[00:47:28.540 -> 00:47:32.420]:  I'm curious. I'm just curious as to what your fee was because I got yours fast
[00:47:32.420 -> 00:47:37.660]:  This is taking forever like three 50 or some be but okay
[00:47:37.660 -> 00:47:40.780]:  but it's different for the different exchanges and talking about the
[00:47:40.780 -> 00:47:46.220]:  Once you it's like a Bitcoin thing. You're paying more on different days and other exchanges, but
[00:47:46.220 -> 00:47:52.460]:  There's a certain amount of saturation bytes per fee or V bytes for saturation some bullshit
[00:47:52.820 -> 00:47:58.980]:  It was mom. You're looking for like a 30 40 50 60 number if you're if you're actually trying to look for it
[00:47:58.980 -> 00:48:01.120]:  Yeah, no, I'm looking for it right now. Okay. Yeah
[00:48:01.120 -> 00:48:07.540]:  No, no, does it say anything about view it on the blockchain or any transaction ID transaction? Oh, I didn't think so
[00:48:07.540 -> 00:48:10.960]:  I don't think there was a cash. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay
[00:48:10.960 -> 00:48:14.600]:  Yeah, there's I don't know what's up with how many confirmations
[00:48:14.600 -> 00:48:19.620]:  You need one for big for steak. Okay, so it says zero. Yeah
[00:48:20.300 -> 00:48:24.180]:  Yep, which is fine, but damn
[00:48:24.180 -> 00:48:29.300]:  Yeah, it should it should it will it will yeah. Yeah. Oh, sir. Do you guess what I'll get when I hit that?
[00:48:29.300 -> 00:48:31.660]:  I'm 32% away a diamond. Holy shit
[00:48:31.660 -> 00:48:36.460]:  How much will you get? It's probably like a fat fucking bonus, right? How much do you think?
[00:48:36.460 -> 00:48:42.700]:  Probably like I don't know like two grand three grand. So hell no higher than that
[00:48:42.700 -> 00:48:46.580]:  Way more. Oh, man. What are we talking like 10k 20k?
[00:48:47.180 -> 00:48:50.340]:  More than 10k more than that. Holy more than 10k
[00:48:50.340 -> 00:48:52.660]:  so it goes
[00:48:52.660 -> 00:48:57.580]:  It goes flat one you get 200 flat - you get fit doubles every time. That's where you can figure it out
[00:48:57.580 -> 00:48:59.580]:  It's a flat one. So bronze you get 50
[00:48:59.580 -> 00:49:06.060]:  Silver you get a hundred, you know, sorry bronze. You actually only see the base is actually 25
[00:49:06.060 -> 00:49:09.480]:  There's a very minimum is 25. That's the minimum. You
[00:49:09.480 -> 00:49:14.660]:  Know I'm gonna send it back to you
[00:49:16.460 -> 00:49:20.700]:  Yeah, I'm sure I'm sure I know but I know I know
[00:49:20.700 -> 00:49:27.980]:  So you can say everything I appreciate that man, you know, not a lot of people would offer office or like that, bro
[00:49:27.980 -> 00:49:31.740]:  Well, I mean, yeah, I'll be weird. I try to be raw. I try I
[00:49:31.740 -> 00:49:34.860]:  Try man, you're a real - brother. Yeah
[00:49:34.860 -> 00:49:37.820]:  Yeah
[00:49:37.820 -> 00:49:44.500]:  Yeah, I appreciate man. He's being a oh, there we go. I'm done one five. I do three. Come on. Please gotta run up here
[00:49:45.380 -> 00:49:50.420]:  Did I'm telling what's the name of that slot that you recommended the fucking salt?
[00:49:50.420 -> 00:49:55.420]:  I don't remember the name of it right now. I just know about all picture. Is it? Oh
[00:49:55.420 -> 00:50:00.500]:  Hold on. Let me go back. I'll confirm. Hold on. Okay, okay
[00:50:00.500 -> 00:50:07.180]:  We'll go to 90 fuck it do that. That shit's been hitting for me, bro. Let go a divine drop
[00:50:07.180 -> 00:50:10.180]:  That's what it was. Oh the slot. I kept saying slow salt
[00:50:10.980 -> 00:50:16.860]:  I like what you're talking about. I don't think you got the wrong guy. Okay. Yeah. No, dude. Yeah
[00:50:16.860 -> 00:50:22.420]:  You gotta run up some feature spins on that shit, bro. That's it. That's I know that shit was fucking pain
[00:50:22.420 -> 00:50:25.220]:  Wait, are you talking about the middle ones or the far left one?
[00:50:25.220 -> 00:50:29.620]:  I'm talking about the the far left the bonus not the bonus on features. Okay. Yeah
[00:50:29.620 -> 00:50:34.740]:  That shit was no, they slap. They slap system for oh, yeah wasn't really
[00:50:34.740 -> 00:50:36.900]:  Yeah
[00:50:36.900 -> 00:50:40.820]:  Do a few on there, bro. I'm telling you that yeah, that shit was juicing me up real nice, bro
[00:50:40.820 -> 00:50:46.140]:  All right. Okay. Let's do it. What? Let's see. I'll probably go down to like 75 at least probably. Yeah
[00:50:46.140 -> 00:50:49.740]:  Yeah, I do 30 or 60 cents dude do 30s do 30s
[00:50:49.740 -> 00:50:55.300]:  To cook, you know, yeah. All right. Yeah. I like this slot. It's a good slot
[00:50:55.300 -> 00:51:00.500]:  Have you played it? Have you had you played it before I told you about it? No, I haven't bro. Okay. Oh, yeah
[00:51:00.500 -> 00:51:05.020]:  It must be brand new right? It is. It's like a month old. Yeah, it's like three weeks old probably two weeks old
[00:51:05.020 -> 00:51:07.840]:  Yeah, dude. Yeah, tell me this shit none of the dude
[00:51:07.840 -> 00:51:12.420]:  I'm telling you pragmatic. None of that shit was ever hidden for me, bro. Really? Yeah
[00:51:12.420 -> 00:51:18.380]:  Hacksaw seems way fucking better man. I like them better. Yeah, I like them the most they're my favorite. Yeah
[00:51:18.380 -> 00:51:22.860]:  Oh, come on. No far arts. No Jesus. I know we would have gotten that fast there. I know
[00:51:22.860 -> 00:51:28.900]:  Little hit though a little hit. Yeah, we take we take you take hundred per so if you ever want to go stream with me
[00:51:28.900 -> 00:51:33.880]:  Let me know. I mean, so that sounds weird down bro, but I mean 800 viewers man. I don't know, dude
[00:51:33.880 -> 00:51:40.220]:  I guess you'd be fine. You wouldn't you'd be fine with me talking probably. All right. Oh, I don't know for sure, but I
[00:51:40.220 -> 00:51:45.140]:  Just feel like it like while watching slots. We got good commentary the two of us. That's not weird. Yeah
[00:51:45.140 -> 00:51:49.460]:  I mean, I mean fucking I'm down at least try it, you know, see yeah what the boys are thinking about me
[00:51:49.460 -> 00:51:53.860]:  You know, yeah, dude. I fucking uh, I want to switch. Yeah, I want to switch the content up a little bit and shit
[00:51:53.860 -> 00:52:00.340]:  It's free music. Yeah. Yeah, let's be cool. You'd be down. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Let me know. Let me know. Yeah, sure
[00:52:01.300 -> 00:52:06.480]:  Do you know I used to stream like five years back bro, like I never like made it like big or nothing
[00:52:06.480 -> 00:52:10.620]:  But I'd like like 20 viewers pretty cool. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah
[00:52:10.620 -> 00:52:15.340]:  I used to get I used to get like 30 dude for like a year and a half two years believe it like 20 at 20 30
[00:52:15.340 -> 00:52:19.500]:  Yeah, you started with with my room skating sir, right? Yeah. Yep. That's right
[00:52:19.500 -> 00:52:24.700]:  Yeah, can this fucking bitch get us? Come on. I know you come on man. Let's go
[00:52:24.700 -> 00:52:30.060]:  Yeah, I think that's right. I think that's what it needs I was just thinking that
[00:52:30.820 -> 00:52:32.820]:  Turbo here we go
[00:52:32.820 -> 00:52:37.340]:  Super turbo's a little too much. I feel like depending on the slot. It's pretty fast. Yeah
[00:52:37.340 -> 00:52:40.260]:  Come on
[00:52:40.260 -> 00:52:45.940]:  It's a hit. It's gonna hit my 75. Well, this is zero. Come on. Damn. So many doubles man
[00:52:45.940 -> 00:52:52.180]:  I'm telling you this shit was smacking me from the earlier. Yeah, I've had it. Yeah
[00:52:52.180 -> 00:52:57.880]:  This shit got me back to back so many fucking times fucking insane. Come on you bitch
[00:52:59.020 -> 00:53:01.020]:  Come on
[00:53:01.020 -> 00:53:14.060]:  Dude I got stop after these I want to have a stream. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Make me leave after this, please. All right
[00:53:14.060 -> 00:53:16.060]:  Yeah, well, all right
[00:53:16.060 -> 00:53:22.100]:  I'm gonna get stubborn. Nope. It's old you too. Come on. Let's start the stream with a nice ass juicer, bro
[00:53:22.100 -> 00:53:25.500]:  Yes, yes. Oh, that's a lot of wilds. I know
[00:53:28.180 -> 00:53:34.800]:  Any of them bro, come on. Oh, come on here. Come on. Give me the fucking triple. Give me a quad
[00:53:34.800 -> 00:53:41.400]:  Yeah, did I bought a hundred dollar super on this one earlier today? It paid 2.3 K. Holy shit
[00:53:41.400 -> 00:53:46.380]:  I want to show you this. I'll show you it was crazy. I'll sit here by myself off stream
[00:53:46.380 -> 00:53:51.820]:  My mom was down in her room. I started yelling. She's like what happened? I said what took it was funny. That was cool
[00:53:52.260 -> 00:53:58.940]:  Yeah, it was fun. No, I was off stream. No, I'll show you the replay of it. It'll show you what time I want it
[00:53:58.940 -> 00:54:02.100]:  Oh, all right. I didn't even know that we plays like that. Yeah, they do
[00:54:02.100 -> 00:54:04.980]:  I'll show you where it's at. It was on BC game though. So I can't show you here
[00:54:04.980 -> 00:54:08.620]:  But yeah, look you go here and you go to history. Oh, yeah
[00:54:08.620 -> 00:54:12.060]:  Yeah, you gotta make sure it's not spinning. There we go. It shows you all your wins
[00:54:12.060 -> 00:54:16.620]:  Oh your biggest wins fucking say what's for some reason for hacksaw, I don't do all of them
[00:54:17.100 -> 00:54:22.100]:  So you do here like my big look at that I want that I guess 21 up on yep, too
[00:54:22.100 -> 00:54:26.300]:  That's fucking fire, dude. Yep, three-dollar spin. So this law can pay man
[00:54:26.300 -> 00:54:32.120]:  I don't say that a lot of like I'll tell you man. I don't really like steak like that
[00:54:32.120 -> 00:54:36.980]:  But like I'll tell you this slot actually on the other beautiful, bro. Yeah, it does. Yeah
[00:54:36.980 -> 00:54:42.500]:  Yeah, you've had bad luck, dude. It's the best casino it is. I'm not saying I go sponsor. I'll play on all of them
[00:54:42.500 -> 00:54:44.500]:  Yeah
[00:54:44.500 -> 00:54:53.140]:  No, I'm never heard of that shit wrong that that chicken smack bro. I'm just saying that you're saying that that's my main site
[00:54:53.140 -> 00:54:56.780]:  Yeah, no, I mean do you own it? Oh, no, I don't own it, bro
[00:54:56.780 -> 00:55:02.620]:  I own you have any affiliation with it. No, no, you have some kind of affiliation road dead ass. I don't bro
[00:55:02.620 -> 00:55:04.620]:  I swear to god. I don't
[00:55:04.620 -> 00:55:11.060]:  Literally, I'm your self exclusion. He knows I've self excluded for like a year, bro. So that's really I've never heard of it
[00:55:11.060 -> 00:55:18.100]:  Yeah, dude, it's a it's a nice website man. Is it? Yeah, I mean, okay. I don't know hacks. Oh fucking hell
[00:55:18.100 -> 00:55:21.740]:  Yeah, let's fucking go baby. Hell. Yeah, I went past my limit. So thank God
[00:55:21.740 -> 00:55:24.760]:  All right. Here we go. Thank God you do. Oh
[00:55:24.760 -> 00:55:28.980]:  Yeah, come on oh
[00:55:28.980 -> 00:55:35.180]:  No, it's not gonna hit much. It looked like it would oh, well, it's decent. It's decent. Yeah, okay. Come on
[00:55:35.180 -> 00:55:40.420]:  All right. Let me get on the first ten dollars. Okay, 30 cent spin. That's not terrible for a start
[00:55:40.420 -> 00:55:42.420]:  Oh
[00:55:42.420 -> 00:55:48.120]:  No, I'm fucking come on bitch, come on
[00:55:48.120 -> 00:55:55.540]:  Not looking great it can happen. Oh, let's see. Let's just broke red fucking hard sap. Oh, Jesus
[00:55:55.540 -> 00:55:59.100]:  No, we're the big wild big wilds. Come on. Here they come big hit
[00:55:59.100 -> 00:56:05.720]:  Fuck damn it, dude. That's okay. Well, it could have been worse. Yeah, you know where I'm going, right?
[00:56:06.460 -> 00:56:10.740]:  50 lowest make me leave a fit. All right. I got you there 29. All right. Yeah
[00:56:10.740 -> 00:56:18.740]:  He wrote the rip I went all in it was my lip. Oh my god. Hey, we're fucking
[00:56:18.740 -> 00:56:25.540]:  Come on, oh no, come on. Oh my fucking job. Okay, I know
[00:56:25.540 -> 00:56:28.740]:  No, oh
[00:56:28.740 -> 00:56:34.620]:  My god lost all I lost it all. Oh my god, dude. Oh, it's okay. It's okay. It's okay
[00:56:35.260 -> 00:56:41.340]:  Hey, fuck my life. Did my did my fuck? Yeah, I'm saying I'm saying that in right now. Come in. Yeah, I got it. Yeah
[00:56:41.340 -> 00:56:44.420]:  Thank you, bro
[00:56:44.420 -> 00:56:48.220]:  What kind of feet I do on it, I
[00:56:48.220 -> 00:56:55.900]:  Don't know you can even do a feature with that. Yeah, you can know maybe I can well actually maybe like rusty curly
[00:56:55.900 -> 00:57:01.820]:  Yeah, or even that one. I think this is a cheap one. But yeah. Yeah. Okay. It's to address. Is that my address?
[00:57:02.740 -> 00:57:05.460]:  That did not used to be my address bro. Am I on my account?
[00:57:05.460 -> 00:57:11.780]:  What the hell they changed my Bitcoin address for some reason? Oh, well, it's different. I did. Yeah, it is weird
[00:57:11.780 -> 00:57:14.760]:  Oh, I thought saying it's the wrong address for a second. Okay, there we go
[00:57:14.760 -> 00:57:19.020]:  Let's hope and pray it doesn't take forever with that fee. I don't know if that's a good fee or not
[00:57:19.020 -> 00:57:25.020]:  Let's hope I did a three fucking run up. Yeah, man. Yeah, dude. I just lost all that I was up to yeah
[00:57:25.020 -> 00:57:32.280]:  That was so bad. Good fuck. Yeah, that dice. No, I know the originals in general, dude. Yeah
[00:57:32.640 -> 00:57:39.200]:  I know I like you know, but like other than that. Oh, I should be ripping too though and that's 63X
[00:57:39.200 -> 00:57:43.880]:  I got off, you know, bro. Oh, yes all that. Yep. Yeah, that shit feels good
[00:57:43.880 -> 00:57:47.440]:  No that when you see them all light up like that. Oh, yeah. Yeah, that's just pretty cool, dude
[00:57:47.440 -> 00:57:51.280]:  Yeah, I've hit a lot of those man. I've only hit one 500 X
[00:57:51.280 -> 00:57:57.120]:  Really? And then yeah, just one and then like several sixty threes of course. All I do is play ten numbers
[00:57:57.120 -> 00:58:03.440]:  I won't do didn't you get like a fat run-up one time off, you know, a lot of them a lot of them. Yeah
[00:58:03.440 -> 00:58:12.160]:  Can you hear me now? Yeah, I can hear you. Yeah. I got back on my phone. I'm gonna do so much. Yeah
[00:58:12.160 -> 00:58:19.240]:  Yeah, I've hit oh, yeah, I've had 20k runs 30k and then my biggest run on steak was on there 55k
[00:58:19.240 -> 00:58:22.440]:  55k on steak
[00:58:22.440 -> 00:58:25.080]:  On steak from 200 bucks start in an hour
[00:58:25.720 -> 00:58:31.320]:  Bro, dead ass. No sponsor shit. You like steak better than BC. Yes, I
[00:58:31.320 -> 00:58:34.960]:  Think dude just cuz I ran up twice more on BC doesn't mean shit
[00:58:34.960 -> 00:58:39.440]:  You think species like the steak you gotta be kidding me. I
[00:58:39.440 -> 00:58:46.160]:  Mean, I'm making you see like that. Like just cuz I well the fucking be I think I'll give you my I'll give you
[00:58:46.160 -> 00:58:49.560]:  My opinion. I think they gave me those wins to advertise their sight more really
[00:58:49.560 -> 00:58:55.200]:  Kind of looking they let you withdraw this shit though. So it's like I know well, they're gonna let me do it
[00:58:55.200 -> 00:58:58.040]:  But there I don't know you could be right. I
[00:58:58.040 -> 00:59:01.640]:  Just get you know, I just think in my head. Okay, they just let me do that
[00:59:01.640 -> 00:59:08.000]:  Not only cuz it's gonna make their sight look good and I can withdraw it in front of everybody watching think about it. Mmm
[00:59:08.000 -> 00:59:10.400]:  You know, I mean, yeah
[00:59:10.400 -> 00:59:15.440]:  I don't know. I can be wrong man. I don't know I got to I got dude
[00:59:15.440 -> 00:59:18.400]:  I went I got the 60k and the very next day. I got the 70k
[00:59:19.480 -> 00:59:26.680]:  That's that's weird. No, meaning I lost the whole 60k and then ran up a whole nother thing to 70. Oh, there's very every very insane, man
[00:59:26.680 -> 00:59:33.360]:  That'd be a very coincidental. If they didn't give me a little help somehow. I mean, that's they could have yeah
[00:59:33.360 -> 00:59:36.400]:  But I don't know
[00:59:36.400 -> 00:59:38.680]:  Of course tonight, of course
[00:59:38.680 -> 00:59:44.040]:  They're not good. They would never tell me that right? Right. They said I don't have the ability to do that
[00:59:44.040 -> 00:59:46.800]:  It was weird the word. She the way she worded. It was weird, bro
[00:59:47.880 -> 00:59:51.920]:  The way she worked. What did she say? I can't I'll have to go look at it
[00:59:51.920 -> 00:59:56.060]:  It's on my computer, but when I get back there, I'll read it to you and the way she worded it was strange
[00:59:56.060 -> 00:59:58.760]:  Like she was a little nervous or something
[00:59:58.760 -> 01:00:02.160]:  Like she didn't think
[01:00:02.160 -> 01:00:03.680]:  Yeah
[01:00:03.680 -> 01:00:08.280]:  Like it doesn't mean that they did it it doesn't but it just kind of makes me think about things
[01:00:08.280 -> 01:00:12.280]:  They think they did a little bit more. I'll read it to you'll know what I mean. I mean, maybe I don't know
[01:00:12.280 -> 01:00:14.280]:  Maybe I'm just overthinking that
[01:00:14.280 -> 01:00:19.160]:  But sometimes I'll be streaming dude. I'm just and I'm gambling. It just feels like someone's pulling levers on me
[01:00:19.160 -> 01:00:23.620]:  That's quite paranoid. It's quite paranoid to be honest. It probably really is
[01:00:23.620 -> 01:00:31.920]:  And especially because I'm a streamer
[01:00:31.920 -> 01:00:39.320]:  Right now Nick not only can they get the live reactions and get the reactions. Literally what they're doing. It irises the site very well
[01:00:39.600 -> 01:00:41.600]:  Right
[01:00:41.600 -> 01:00:43.600]:  Yeah
[01:00:43.600 -> 01:00:46.280]:  I
[01:00:46.280 -> 01:00:49.920]:  Mean shit man back to steak bro. I gotta say without a
[01:00:49.920 -> 01:00:54.680]:  Divine drop and shit and that in here in big bass, bro
[01:00:54.680 -> 01:00:58.320]:  There's a reason it's the biggest night in the world, bro. Yeah
[01:00:58.320 -> 01:01:03.840]:  There's a reason it's most popular. I gotta say the only thing I don't like is just the fact that they got
[01:01:03.840 -> 01:01:07.560]:  Pragmatic hacksaw, you know, I know they're okay
[01:01:07.720 -> 01:01:12.440]:  But dude, they don't have no limit. They don't have push. Yeah. Well, I don't I don't even black no limit
[01:01:12.440 -> 01:01:20.440]:  But like chorus slots that those are the ones I've worked bro. Hold on. I'll um, I'm probably talks myself in the process here
[01:01:20.440 -> 01:01:23.400]:  But I don't really give a fuck to be honest. You're good, bro. I do it all the time
[01:01:23.400 -> 01:01:31.280]:  Yeah, no, I do it all the time name type shit. I don't yeah, I'm a very trustworthy person man. I really yeah
[01:01:31.280 -> 01:01:36.040]:  Yeah, no, I trust you. That's why I'm saying like I don't give a fuck, you know, okay. Okay, I make sense
[01:01:36.040 -> 01:01:40.840]:  Okay, yeah, like I got you, you know if I cared I'd be I have no reason to do that to do you wrong
[01:01:40.840 -> 01:01:42.520]:  Yeah, you've never done me wrong
[01:01:42.520 -> 01:01:45.840]:  Yeah, no, I haven't you as far as I'm concerned. Yeah, I don't think you have
[01:01:45.840 -> 01:01:49.200]:  Well, no, you have either. Yeah. All right, good
[01:01:49.200 -> 01:01:54.600]:  All right, what being is that? You know, I'm not going fucking docs you in or anything like that. Yeah
[01:01:54.600 -> 01:02:01.200]:  Sniff this is what you what you call soft
[01:02:01.840 -> 01:02:06.640]:  He put in a spoon and you add it with baking soda and you cook it up with water and it turned into a rock hard
[01:02:06.640 -> 01:02:08.640]:  It turned in their hard rocks
[01:02:08.640 -> 01:02:12.180]:  I know and he smoked them and they yeah
[01:02:12.180 -> 01:02:20.080]:  If I can ask about that have your parents, you know, I'm sure your your parents probably know
[01:02:20.080 -> 01:02:27.200]:  You know a little bit about what's going on at least right like oh, you don't know like my parents with this situation
[01:02:27.200 -> 01:02:32.080]:  Like what they're all man. They've been trying to do that. They won't even let me drive
[01:02:32.080 -> 01:02:37.920]:  They haven't even let me driven their car for years because they won't I won't pass a drug test. They don't know what to do, bro
[01:02:37.920 -> 01:02:40.600]:  I've been to rehab four times
[01:02:40.600 -> 01:02:45.140]:  I swear I've been rehabbed. Well the last time I barely counted cuz I left after day three
[01:02:45.140 -> 01:02:50.260]:  But I bet they've taken me to rehab at least put thousands of dollars on me to go rehab. They've taken me to doctors
[01:02:50.260 -> 01:02:52.960]:  They said everything to me. They've cried to me
[01:02:53.360 -> 01:02:58.400]:  They've tried everything and like they just don't know what to do anymore and besides just letting me live in here
[01:02:58.400 -> 01:03:02.280]:  But besides letting me live here, they don't want me doing it on the streets homeless and shit
[01:03:02.280 -> 01:03:04.920]:  Cuz they love me, you know
[01:03:04.920 -> 01:03:07.440]:  But don't fit there enabling me either
[01:03:07.440 -> 01:03:12.760]:  Cuz they don't get they don't give me money. They don't do none of that. Oh, yeah, but you know, obviously
[01:03:12.760 -> 01:03:16.360]:  You know, you're making good money and everything. So, you know
[01:03:17.920 -> 01:03:24.400]:  That's not really well, yeah. Yeah, that's you know, it's been it's been it's been easier to get a lot of it every day
[01:03:24.400 -> 01:03:25.400]:  Yeah
[01:03:25.400 -> 01:03:29.200]:  Yeah, cuz yeah, how you been leaving? All right
[01:03:29.200 -> 01:03:32.960]:  Yeah, I mean I've been you know, hey, I'm sorry
[01:03:32.960 -> 01:03:37.280]:  It's been taking me so long to send you that shit the real reason I haven't because I've only been on twitch for a few
[01:03:37.280 -> 01:03:39.280]:  Days and I feel like my numbers will get better
[01:03:39.280 -> 01:03:43.760]:  But I can also look up kicks. That's through that's still up there. I don't know. What do you think we should do?
[01:03:43.760 -> 01:03:45.960]:  I mean every time I'm in the in the stream
[01:03:46.040 -> 01:03:48.040]:  like
[01:03:48.040 -> 01:03:53.720]:  Usually have like 700 800 viewers easily. Okay, so you want my last week?
[01:03:53.720 -> 01:03:57.240]:  They want the last 30 days or what do they want?
[01:03:57.240 -> 01:04:03.040]:  I mean, they didn't say specifically but since you've only been on twitch for like a little over a week
[01:04:03.040 -> 01:04:05.040]:  I think I would just like
[01:04:05.040 -> 01:04:08.200]:  Oh, yeah
[01:04:08.200 -> 01:04:14.560]:  No a hundred percent but like, you know just sound like if you wanted to screenshot like the last week you can get that
[01:04:14.560 -> 01:04:18.320]:  Uh, yeah, if you go in a stream summary, I think you know, I know how to do it
[01:04:18.320 -> 01:04:22.240]:  I know how to do it. Yeah. Yeah, and if you just want to send me a snapshot of that
[01:04:22.240 -> 01:04:25.240]:  Like I can get that what what's a week you go? What's a week ago?
[01:04:25.240 -> 01:04:28.440]:  That was the 18th
[01:04:28.440 -> 01:04:31.160]:  18th, okay. Yeah
[01:04:31.160 -> 01:04:33.660]:  June 18th to 25th
[01:04:33.660 -> 01:04:40.800]:  Okay, here we go average year 714. Yeah, I mean that's fucking huge man. I wouldn't even worry about that, bro
[01:04:40.800 -> 01:04:45.840]:  Like I can find land you something man a hundred percent. I told my deals so good
[01:04:45.840 -> 01:04:50.160]:  I'll give you a grand sit first time they pay me for whatever they pay me first time give me a grand of it
[01:04:50.160 -> 01:04:52.600]:  Yeah, I appreciate that man, you know
[01:04:52.600 -> 01:05:00.840]:  When you mentioned like the whole moderator thing and like the thousand dollars for this bro, like I don't even know what to say, man
[01:05:00.840 -> 01:05:07.120]:  That's fucking awesome, bro. And I well, I mean, yeah, I appreciate you too, man. Nothing. Yeah, this is how I am in
[01:05:07.880 -> 01:05:10.780]:  Have you as a friend who I view you as well
[01:05:10.780 -> 01:05:16.480]:  I view you as someone who genuinely wants me to do good and somebody that wants to help and that's what you've been doing
[01:05:16.480 -> 01:05:22.720]:  So, I mean I've been seeing you in the comments a lot of these comments other mods will know aren't good
[01:05:22.720 -> 01:05:26.680]:  And they know they have bad intentions, but they won't do nothing about it. I'll see you banning dudes. Awesome
[01:05:26.680 -> 01:05:31.560]:  Thank you people fucking singing shit. Like oh, yeah, the the color of the reindeer over all that shit
[01:05:31.560 -> 01:05:38.520]:  Like yeah, yeah to be fucking slick. Yes. I know obvious bro. No ask about no money. I'm not so shitty
[01:05:38.520 -> 01:05:42.480]:  People suck man and the thing is I've never done these guys wrong ever
[01:05:42.480 -> 01:05:49.160]:  No, 100% man. It's people like bro. Just think about like the type of people that
[01:05:49.160 -> 01:05:56.400]:  Fucking comment shit like that. Like they're just sitting at home, you know with their parents just glued in front of the screen, bro
[01:05:56.400 -> 01:05:58.820]:  Just I know I can this shit man. They're fucking losers
[01:05:59.760 -> 01:06:03.140]:  Hey, I do that too. I sit at home with my parents here. Hey
[01:06:03.140 -> 01:06:09.080]:  You're making money, bro, you know, and yeah, I'm just kidding. Yeah, you weren't talking about me. Yeah
[01:06:09.080 -> 01:06:16.240]:  I mean, look, I probably just quick balls and shit probably. Yeah, but I mean not for nothing man. It's
[01:06:16.240 -> 01:06:25.460]:  Yeah, I mean with this with this revelation like, you know, I I know is definitely like suspected but like this was
[01:06:26.240 -> 01:06:31.820]:  Well, well, you know what you're saying about like the whole like, you know crack situation. That's obviously like
[01:06:31.820 -> 01:06:36.440]:  Kind of like what do you mean? Well people probably well
[01:06:36.440 -> 01:06:41.600]:  Well, no, I'm just saying like the fact that you like brought it up and like admitted it to everybody like that
[01:06:41.600 -> 01:06:44.660]:  I'm just saying like that's a major step, bro, you know a hundred percent
[01:06:44.660 -> 01:06:48.920]:  Well, honestly, I've been sitting here thinking about everything dude, and I thought that to myself. I thought
[01:06:48.920 -> 01:06:51.840]:  That's gonna be the only way I'll be able to actually quit
[01:06:52.440 -> 01:06:57.860]:  As if I have people in my shit asking me every day. Hey, how much time you got clean and how much time you got sober
[01:06:57.860 -> 01:07:03.560]:  And I've tried about everything else. I tried deleting numbers. I've tried fucking everything man. I've been to rehab four times
[01:07:03.560 -> 01:07:09.260]:  So I and now it's like you will never quit until you actually want to quit and I want to bro
[01:07:09.260 -> 01:07:15.020]:  I actually want to I do actually this can't be a bardot. I love doing it. Yeah
[01:07:15.020 -> 01:07:22.000]:  Yeah, no, I'm sure it's fucking it's nice. It's crazy man. Yeah. Yeah, you don't hear something crazy about it
[01:07:22.720 -> 01:07:25.920]:  Yes, it lasts like two three minutes bro. Maybe four minutes
[01:07:25.920 -> 01:07:33.440]:  Really? I swear to God and that's it's just terrible. You'll be chasing that dude. Listen to this part and I'll let you go my man
[01:07:33.440 -> 01:07:37.520]:  Listen I wake up every morning
[01:07:37.520 -> 01:07:41.480]:  Miserable cuz of cuz I went eight hours without it my body
[01:07:41.480 -> 01:07:44.280]:  and that's that
[01:07:46.520 -> 01:07:50.960]:  Yeah, it's like I have to get it right off the right off the bat right off the bat and the thing is when you
[01:07:50.960 -> 01:07:55.640]:  Start doing this in any given day. It doesn't matter what time it is. You will chase that all day
[01:07:55.640 -> 01:07:59.020]:  So this is like what I do all day every day for years now. I'm just sick of it, dude
[01:07:59.020 -> 01:08:02.360]:  sick of it
[01:08:02.360 -> 01:08:08.440]:  I haven't I mean, nobody knows what it's like unless you've done you just don't even know it's the hardest thing I've ever done
[01:08:08.440 -> 01:08:13.680]:  Yeah, I mean, it's like I said, like I've definitely done my my fair share of shit
[01:08:13.680 -> 01:08:20.640]:  But I mean I you know, I can't say I really because you know, frankly, I don't but I mean it's it's okay
[01:08:20.640 -> 01:08:26.040]:  That's okay, too. Yeah, I mean, it's it's something that I'm sure it's gonna be pretty difficult
[01:08:26.040 -> 01:08:29.080]:  You know, that's obviously a pretty not even an understatement
[01:08:29.080 -> 01:08:34.320]:  You know, but yeah, I mean it's just it's just a matter of you know
[01:08:34.320 -> 01:08:37.720]:  just take every every minute by minute, right and
[01:08:37.720 -> 01:08:43.320]:  You know not every day is gonna be perfect like some days you might slip and you know do it again
[01:08:43.320 -> 01:08:47.600]:  All right, true. Don't you fall back? Yeah, dude. I'm glad you said that actually
[01:08:47.600 -> 01:08:50.960]:  Yeah, I'm thinking I might have to wean myself off
[01:08:50.960 -> 01:08:56.560]:  Yes, like I would say because isn't there like like some kind of dependence with that?
[01:08:56.560 -> 01:09:00.560]:  You know where like you shouldn't like stop doing it like cold turkey
[01:09:00.560 -> 01:09:02.540]:  Yeah
[01:09:02.540 -> 01:09:05.320]:  Yeah, so just like wean yourself off that shit, bro
[01:09:05.320 -> 01:09:11.040]:  Like it's not gonna be some like, you know, you go from doing it every day to not do
[01:09:11.040 -> 01:09:15.400]:  Yeah, I think it's gonna take a long time, bro. Where are you from bro? Oh
[01:09:15.400 -> 01:09:21.400]:  Hell yeah, dude, okay
[01:09:21.400 -> 01:09:28.200]:  Do you live in Pennsylvania, dude? Yeah, really? Yeah, I'm thinking or you know, you know, how northerners are and shit, you know
[01:09:28.200 -> 01:09:32.960]:  Different man way different. I'm serious. Did you grow up over there or like well
[01:09:32.960 -> 01:09:36.280]:  I lived there for three and a half years, but I really enjoyed it. Actually. I loved it up there
[01:09:36.560 -> 01:09:40.520]:  Mmm, I uh, I was born here in Williamsburg, Virginia or not. I'm not in Williamsburg now. I'm near Charlottesville
[01:09:40.520 -> 01:09:42.520]:  I was born here in Virginia
[01:09:42.520 -> 01:09:46.160]:  Lived here until I was five moved to Pennsylvania until I was like eight and a half then moved back here
[01:09:46.160 -> 01:09:50.020]:  I've been having them. That's all I've been back here since so I got you
[01:09:50.020 -> 01:09:57.880]:  Yep, was that uh, when you were in, Pennsylvania, were you with your family then? Yeah, of course. Of course. Oh, yeah. Okay. Okay. Oh
[01:09:57.880 -> 01:10:01.040]:  Yeah, yeah, okay. Yeah
[01:10:01.040 -> 01:10:05.820]:  Yeah, dude, I liked up there did we had a snowstorm one time it might have hit
[01:10:06.060 -> 01:10:11.560]:  Dude, I was probably like seven or eight. I guess bro. The snow was literally up to like above my waist. It was crazy, man
[01:10:11.560 -> 01:10:14.980]:  Oh, yeah, dude. That was probably like 2003
[01:10:14.980 -> 01:10:18.420]:  Mm-hmm. Yeah
[01:10:18.420 -> 01:10:22.280]:  Are you are you younger than me? Yeah, I'm uh, oh
[01:10:22.280 -> 01:10:26.420]:  Shit really yeah
[01:10:26.420 -> 01:10:29.980]:  See this crazy how old I'm getting. I meet all these people that are younger than me as well
[01:10:29.980 -> 01:10:35.420]:  Time flies bro. You'll be 29 before, you know, I don't tell you I know did the times already been going like
[01:10:35.540 -> 01:10:39.420]:  Ever since I graduated man, like you do that. Yeah. Yeah
[01:10:39.420 -> 01:10:46.300]:  Fast as fuck and I'm like, yeah like I'm in my fucking. Well, okay. Yeah. Did you go to college? Yeah
[01:10:46.300 -> 01:10:52.180]:  I didn't go. Okay. This is a scam dude. Yeah, I agree a hundred percent
[01:10:52.180 -> 01:10:57.860]:  Hell yeah, why is it so expensive? Anyways, what makes it so expensive? I'm curious
[01:10:57.860 -> 01:10:59.900]:  I know I don't know if you know the answer that because I don't even know
[01:10:59.900 -> 01:11:02.460]:  I mean, I don't know the specific answer to it
[01:11:02.460 -> 01:11:07.740]:  But I mean if they can get fucking a shit ton of money from you just to leave you with this degree
[01:11:07.740 -> 01:11:13.420]:  Like I mean, hey, fuck it, bro. Like I get why they do it. But what like how does it make it so expensive?
[01:11:13.420 -> 01:11:17.860]:  How is it so expensive? Right? Yes. I
[01:11:17.860 -> 01:11:22.140]:  Mean is it the people all the people trying to get into them?
[01:11:22.140 -> 01:11:30.900]:  Well, yeah, they have like like for example, if you go to like a prestigious school, obviously, it's a lot more expensive than something like a
[01:11:31.980 -> 01:11:33.500]:  Community, okay
[01:11:33.500 -> 01:11:39.420]:  But you know either way man, like if you go to school, you're just there to get your fucking diploma like no
[01:11:39.420 -> 01:11:45.980]:  I'm not percent of the shit that you're already learning. Like it's not even applicable. Yes. Okay. I see just saying I agree
[01:11:45.980 -> 01:11:51.700]:  I agree with that. Yep, and that crazy did it's fucking wild to scam Oh a hundred percent man
[01:11:51.700 -> 01:11:56.780]:  Just to get this fucking diploma man. That's what I'm doing. Yeah, that's going to debt for like the next three decades
[01:11:56.780 -> 01:12:01.340]:  How much is it 20 grand a year? What is it? I mean
[01:12:02.340 -> 01:12:07.260]:  Yeah, 20 grand a year roughly. I mean think about that bro four-year school
[01:12:07.260 -> 01:12:11.100]:  You get in that shit. That's 80 grand 80 grand
[01:12:11.100 -> 01:12:17.860]:  Most people we work here for that Oh a hundred percent with all the other expenses you have. Yes. Wow
[01:12:17.860 -> 01:12:18.200]:  Yeah
[01:12:18.200 -> 01:12:21.260]:  You got to get yourself an apartment or a house or you know
[01:12:21.260 -> 01:12:24.900]:  Maybe you have a kid and then you got a fucking worry about that shit like yeah
[01:12:24.900 -> 01:12:28.340]:  I mean there it's it's the fucking tale as old as time man
[01:12:28.340 -> 01:12:33.160]:  You know people going in the debt and they just they can't pay that shit off for fucking decades. It's crazy
[01:12:33.160 -> 01:12:38.060]:  Yeah, if I didn't have the situation I was in dude, I'd be a fellow debt man
[01:12:38.060 -> 01:12:44.780]:  I'm serious. I mean when I got that when I won that 200k, I think I was in like 11 or 12k
[01:12:44.780 -> 01:12:47.740]:  Kind of crazy think about 11 or 12
[01:12:47.740 -> 01:12:53.780]:  Yeah, the people online but still I like to always keep my word. Oh, yeah. Yeah
[01:12:53.780 -> 01:12:58.620]:  I mean, it's definitely you know that that shows a lot about your character, too, you know, oh, yeah, exactly
[01:12:58.620 -> 01:13:03.260]:  As I'm once I got arrested, but I've been trying to better myself ever. Well, not really but
[01:13:03.260 -> 01:13:06.100]:  starting tomorrow, man
[01:13:06.100 -> 01:13:08.780]:  Yeah, seriously stick to that shit man
[01:13:08.780 -> 01:13:13.540]:  And then you know once you don't have to worry about that like it's gonna be a lot easier for you
[01:13:13.540 -> 01:13:20.340]:  Oh, yeah as well. It'll like once you hit big or you know, even just taking money out of your dealer
[01:13:22.340 -> 01:13:27.820]:  Yeah, yeah, I can name thing after thing I can even think after thing like I'll have better energy throughout the streams, too
[01:13:27.820 -> 01:13:34.060]:  Yeah, I think you'll have better energy just cuz you'll be more leveled out and then not only that but
[01:13:34.060 -> 01:13:39.140]:  It'll just be easier for you to be like more disciplined and like saving the money
[01:13:39.140 -> 01:13:44.700]:  The only thing I worry about man, yeah, that's true
[01:13:44.700 -> 01:13:47.380]:  Yeah, man
[01:13:47.380 -> 01:13:52.260]:  Tucked up man. That's right. I do. I'll do I'll do four or five hundred a day. You probably seen that in that video, whatever
[01:13:52.260 -> 01:13:56.700]:  Yes
[01:13:56.700 -> 01:14:01.300]:  Yes, I know
[01:14:01.300 -> 01:14:03.900]:  Do I do it non-stop?
[01:14:03.900 -> 01:14:07.820]:  If I'm not streaming I'm doing it and also anyone I'm streaming I take all those breaks
[01:14:07.820 -> 01:14:14.140]:  And that's just what I know with the dealer like, you know, just
[01:14:15.340 -> 01:14:21.000]:  Both both both, okay. Both of them. Yeah, dude, it's fucked up. I don't want a lot of my community anymore
[01:14:21.000 -> 01:14:23.000]:  Do anything like that, dude?
[01:14:23.000 -> 01:14:27.960]:  Yeah, I mean, I think it's fucked up how people like critique you on that in the chat though
[01:14:27.960 -> 01:14:32.820]:  Where they'll just fucking like call you like name. Oh, I know that shit like that's fucked. Oh, no
[01:14:32.820 -> 01:14:38.640]:  Yeah, everyone's got their advice man. Doesn't make you have me a bad person. You know, I think you're saying not, you know
[01:14:38.640 -> 01:14:43.580]:  It's I mean, I'm a green if you could go back to the day where you first buy that shit
[01:14:43.580 -> 01:14:50.700]:  Like never gonna try. Yeah, no, I believe that a hundred percent. Yeah, no way I do it. No way I do it
[01:14:50.700 -> 01:14:52.820]:  I've got nothing out of this
[01:14:52.820 -> 01:14:57.420]:  Especially if it's really that fucking fast to like three four
[01:14:57.420 -> 01:15:04.500]:  And even even now I don't even hardly get that high anymore I'm doing so much dude makes me feel normal kind of sort of
[01:15:04.500 -> 01:15:06.500]:  I get high but
[01:15:06.500 -> 01:15:09.600]:  Yeah, not like I used to bro. I'm serious nowhere near how I used to
[01:15:11.940 -> 01:15:18.220]:  Like a tolerance on that shit. Yeah. Yeah, I got a high tolerance. Yeah. Yeah, when I first started I was fucking dude
[01:15:18.220 -> 01:15:20.220]:  Oh my god, bro. Holy shit. I
[01:15:20.220 -> 01:15:22.820]:  Couldn't talk to my parents or anything like that. I can do it
[01:15:22.820 -> 01:15:26.700]:  I can hit the hit the shit and walk in my parents from say what's up to him. They have no idea
[01:15:26.700 -> 01:15:29.500]:  Although they know I do it. I'm just saying I could talk to anybody
[01:15:29.500 -> 01:15:33.960]:  They would know like a cop whatever if the cops came here like an extra word type shit, right?
[01:15:33.960 -> 01:15:37.820]:  Yeah, but you know, you know, I'm not gonna lie to you like, you know
[01:15:37.820 -> 01:15:42.820]:  I noticed like a like a couple things but like for them. Oh, yeah, like most people know
[01:15:42.820 -> 01:15:47.860]:  Yeah, I mean you're like you're coherent though. Like you're actually, you know, you're speaking more
[01:15:47.860 -> 01:15:51.100]:  Yeah, it's like your energy might be a little crazy at times
[01:15:51.100 -> 01:15:57.220]:  But like for the most part like, you know again, you just kind of come off as normal for the most part
[01:15:57.220 -> 01:15:59.220]:  I know I know it's bad
[01:15:59.220 -> 01:16:01.780]:  That's just me knows bad. I think in my opinion
[01:16:01.780 -> 01:16:05.820]:  But it changes my demeanor. I mean not in like a way you'd think crack does
[01:16:06.620 -> 01:16:11.380]:  But it will make me like try to hide it on stream. You'll see it. So I'll take a break. I'll come back
[01:16:11.380 -> 01:16:14.620]:  I'm like different my voice sounds different my demeanor is different
[01:16:14.620 -> 01:16:19.240]:  No, I'm thinking about it. I mean how much longer it's tried to stay here and so I can go take another one
[01:16:19.240 -> 01:16:25.140]:  You know, it's all I care about it. It's all I care about you. It ain't right. I got you
[01:16:25.140 -> 01:16:31.000]:  Yeah, I don't have that makes sense or not. No, I mean it makes perfect sense, man, and it's like I said, I mean
[01:16:31.660 -> 01:16:38.700]:  It's just a lot of respect to you bro for being able to just like come out and admit that shit, you know, cuz
[01:16:38.700 -> 01:16:47.020]:  It's definitely a man, you know, and it's yep, you know, it obviously shows that you have a desire to get off that shit
[01:16:47.020 -> 01:16:51.340]:  I'm finishing up my last bit. Don't tell nobody and I'm done, dude
[01:16:51.340 -> 01:16:53.340]:  Yeah
[01:16:53.340 -> 01:16:57.060]:  Like I'm done to meaning I can only reason I did I even said it before I still had some
[01:16:57.060 -> 01:16:59.980]:  It's cuz I know I'm gonna want to have to finish off the day today
[01:17:00.460 -> 01:17:03.820]:  But the new fresh day, I think I don't know. I don't know how to actually go about it, man
[01:17:03.820 -> 01:17:07.140]:  I was thinking maybe get a big-ass bag of weed. That would help probably
[01:17:07.140 -> 01:17:13.300]:  Cuz we really don't just uh, yeah kind of help but yeah
[01:17:13.300 -> 01:17:16.500]:  I mean, it's probably one of those things where you have to listen your body should man
[01:17:16.500 -> 01:17:19.900]:  Should I go to doctor? Should I go to doctor Steve? They have anything to help me get off it. I
[01:17:19.900 -> 01:17:26.340]:  Should yeah, I think you're right. I think you're right. I'll go to a doctor tomorrow. I'll go tomorrow, dude. Yeah
[01:17:27.140 -> 01:17:31.800]:  Okay, I 100% would cuz I know they have like for like heroin
[01:17:31.800 -> 01:17:34.540]:  for cocaine though, do they
[01:17:34.540 -> 01:17:36.740]:  something
[01:17:36.740 -> 01:17:38.740]:  Something man, you know something
[01:17:38.740 -> 01:17:44.460]:  Clean you off without you having a you know, continue to engage with that shit. Yeah. Yeah
[01:17:44.460 -> 01:17:47.920]:  Yeah, I a hundred percent would do that man hundred percent. Okay
[01:17:47.920 -> 01:17:52.940]:  Okay, I will I will do that tomorrow. Yeah, I will definitely do you play any video games for him
[01:17:52.940 -> 01:17:57.100]:  Oh you play CS don't you? Yeah, I play CS. Yeah, you don't play a game of CS or not
[01:17:57.420 -> 01:18:01.020]:  Yeah, fuck it. We can do that. Do you want to? Yeah. Yeah, I'm down
[01:18:01.020 -> 01:18:04.860]:  I forgot. That's right. You asked me to join your friends one time or some shit. I remember that
[01:18:04.860 -> 01:18:10.740]:  Yeah, you can invite him. Okay, you good. You good. Yeah, they're probably not on right now, but I mean shit
[01:18:10.740 -> 01:18:18.660]:  Okay, that's funny. Let's do it bro. Let's do a match. Should I um, I should probably shouldn't stream it should I what do you think?
[01:18:18.660 -> 01:18:21.380]:  No, I mean
[01:18:21.380 -> 01:18:26.580]:  What do you think? I don't know we could keep it off stream it it's up to you. Really? Oh, it's just gonna be
[01:18:26.580 -> 01:18:29.460]:  I'm gonna be I'm gonna be getting asked a lot about what I played in my general tonight
[01:18:29.460 -> 01:18:34.620]:  So maybe be kind of weird if you were hanging in there, right? You know, I mean, yeah, maybe not you know
[01:18:34.620 -> 01:18:40.700]:  Maybe not. I don't know. Oh, no, maybe we can just chill off stream for now. Yeah, I think you're right. Yeah, let's do it
[01:18:40.700 -> 01:18:43.300]:  Okay, so have you had it or no?
[01:18:43.300 -> 01:18:46.140]:  No, I don't think so. Okay, okay
[01:18:46.140 -> 01:18:50.860]:  I'm gonna take one of my last hits right now, dude. Fuck. I don't want you to you know
[01:18:50.860 -> 01:18:56.300]:  It's where it's crazy man. I just I never thought I grew up to do this shit ever ever ever when I've guessed that
[01:18:57.020 -> 01:18:59.020]:  That's okay. I'm gonna stop him done
[01:18:59.020 -> 01:19:06.540]:  Sorry, I know hopefully bro you can never help me, bro. I'm serious
[01:19:06.540 -> 01:19:14.020]:  I'll hold you accountable with that shit, man. I'm yeah, no 100% go to the doctors tomorrow. See what they
[01:19:14.020 -> 01:19:16.900]:  see if you can get any sort of
[01:19:16.900 -> 01:19:24.300]:  Replacement or some kind of therapy in that regard. Yeah therapy. I mean like drug therapy, you know, like some kind of
[01:19:25.260 -> 01:19:31.020]:  I mean even regular therapy broke. It'd be beneficial. It's because like you're doing the drugs for a reason, dude
[01:19:31.020 -> 01:19:34.140]:  Yeah, I mean it's
[01:19:34.140 -> 01:19:41.260]:  I mean, I don't want to get like too personal with it. But do you feel like there's like a lot of stuff like on
[01:19:41.260 -> 01:19:45.080]:  Your mind, you know, no, it's just really the drug really
[01:19:45.080 -> 01:19:49.780]:  Not really other things really maybe like I'm I'm a little lonely and shit times
[01:19:49.780 -> 01:19:53.820]:  Yeah, can I have all this community and have all these people but I'm actually in my own personal life
[01:19:53.820 -> 01:19:55.580]:  I'm kind of lonely from
[01:19:55.580 -> 01:20:00.620]:  How much you think you people that are on the computers all day and play video games all day or stream all day
[01:20:00.620 -> 01:20:04.580]:  They usually have people they talk to on mics all day too early for hours every day - I don't even do that
[01:20:04.580 -> 01:20:10.820]:  Right meaning like I just I need to and I think it's cuz the coke really I
[01:20:10.820 -> 01:20:20.580]:  It's like I go ahead moments, you know, I mean if you don't mind me asking like when you first got into it
[01:20:20.580 -> 01:20:26.100]:  Was it like a peer pressure kind of thing or was no no, I'm boys, you know
[01:20:26.100 -> 01:20:29.900]:  I've never really I've always been super stubborn and I really felt in the peer pressure, right?
[01:20:29.900 -> 01:20:36.180]:  Seriously, I'm really have but um, well, I've been sniffing it really curiosity, bro
[01:20:36.180 -> 01:20:40.220]:  I tried weed first and it made me curious about everything else man. How's it feel? What's it do?
[01:20:40.220 -> 01:20:46.540]:  This court for some reason
[01:20:46.540 -> 01:20:52.900]:  He joined the Rett's discord never mentioned that to me left it and then after today they have supposedly invited him back
[01:20:52.900 -> 01:20:57.580]:  Now when I asked about who server it was a long ass pause, bro
[01:20:57.580 -> 01:21:01.820]:  He did not want to tell me who server was and then when he finally told me he was that's job
[01:21:01.820 -> 01:21:04.300]:  Yeah, it's yeah. Yeah, cuz all right
[01:21:04.300 -> 01:21:09.780]:  So here's my thing with rage right like when I first started talking with him and I showed you the DMS, right?
[01:21:09.780 -> 01:21:13.460]:  Like I don't know if you actually he seems really cool and genuine. I know he's good. Yeah. Yeah
[01:21:13.460 -> 01:21:16.660]:  That's what I'm saying. Like they got him doing something bro. They got him. Yeah
[01:21:16.660 -> 01:21:22.900]:  I mean if he's on some like weird shit, like I honestly don't know but like he's been giving stocks suggestions
[01:21:22.900 -> 01:21:27.420]:  He's been like he's actually been like legit to me bro. Like I know I get that
[01:21:27.420 -> 01:21:33.820]:  Dude, it's like I said to you over the DMS like I'm down I can share I can show you fucking everything bro
[01:21:33.820 -> 01:21:39.740]:  Because I have nothing to hide. No, I fucking trust you bro. I trust you. You're like the only one I trust bro
[01:21:39.740 -> 01:21:44.460]:  I swear to God even when I talk it rage about you. He was like bro. He really seems like he's on your side
[01:21:44.460 -> 01:21:46.300]:  Dude, like I promise
[01:21:46.300 -> 01:21:51.020]:  Like he was almost saying it like he's you're more on my side than he is even really which apparently I am
[01:21:51.020 -> 01:21:53.380]:  So either way anyways, yeah, dude
[01:21:53.380 -> 01:21:58.180]:  I just want to say I'm sorry and like I'd I want to tell you that like like I'm not gonna lie to you man
[01:21:58.180 -> 01:22:03.760]:  Just after the discussion we had yesterday and everything like I was actually kind of like nervous because I know you mentioned
[01:22:03.760 -> 01:22:09.580]:  You know, obviously you're trying to like, you know get off, you know the drugs. Yes. Yes. Yes
[01:22:09.580 -> 01:22:15.480]:  Nervous about losing your mind or what? Oh, no. No, I wasn't like super nerve. I wasn't always nervous about you, bro
[01:22:15.480 -> 01:22:20.100]:  That's what I'm saying. You were saying this stuff. I was like if I did some dumb shit or something
[01:22:20.100 -> 01:22:26.360]:  Yeah, I just didn't know if you like her like hard relapse or like if it was like the withdrawals like, you know
[01:22:26.360 -> 01:22:31.020]:  I was worried about do that's all. Oh, thank you, bro. Yeah. Well the thing I haven't heard from you all day
[01:22:31.020 -> 01:22:35.180]:  Oh, yeah, dude. I've been I've been spending time with my family, you know, I went out
[01:22:35.180 -> 01:22:41.140]:  Okay, we got some you know, just hung out at their house. There's been a lot of drama and shit going on in discord
[01:22:41.140 -> 01:22:45.260]:  All day and shit and like that's all yeah, I mean, it's not you know, I would get to be there all the time either
[01:22:45.260 -> 01:22:48.900]:  I'm just it just isn't really that's all. Yeah, I didn't know it's gonna be
[01:22:48.900 -> 01:22:55.720]:  Well someone messed me in saying that you were plotting against me and then I started thinking about everything I started thinking about how
[01:22:55.720 -> 01:23:00.340]:  There had to been at least somebody that's messaged you something weird to do something for me. I
[01:23:00.340 -> 01:23:03.020]:  Find that hard to believe that you that's not happened
[01:23:04.100 -> 01:23:06.940]:  What you're saying you're saying that I was plotting against you
[01:23:06.940 -> 01:23:10.740]:  No, no, no that someone messaged you saying they wanted you to do something for money here
[01:23:10.740 -> 01:23:15.340]:  They tried to bribe you or just nobody's tried to brought the closest thing that's come to that
[01:23:15.340 -> 01:23:20.500]:  Is that guy Connor come to my twitch stream once and he was like, hey, can I get an on-band?
[01:23:20.500 -> 01:23:24.740]:  He like gifted a sub and then you know, I just read to this, huh?
[01:23:24.740 -> 01:23:27.020]:  You stream
[01:23:27.020 -> 01:23:32.300]:  Every now and then not like super. Oh, you want me to help you sometimes or you probably don't well
[01:23:32.300 -> 01:23:36.900]:  It would bring a lot of haters to you, bro, but I don't know. Oh, I don't mind the haters man
[01:23:36.900 -> 01:23:38.900]:  You know, I can handle that
[01:23:38.900 -> 01:23:46.780]:  Hey listen, I can literally listen I can so you took you on with streaming
[01:23:46.780 -> 01:23:51.260]:  I mean I can really get you like a community going but do every time I've done this with one of my friends in the
[01:23:51.260 -> 01:23:54.860]:  Discord they turn their backs on me and I just hope that that's never the case with you, bro
[01:23:54.860 -> 01:23:58.620]:  Cuz listen, I promise you when I say this I would never do you dirty, bro
[01:23:58.620 -> 01:24:01.180]:  Unless you did something dirty to me or did something to me
[01:24:01.180 -> 01:24:07.220]:  I have no intentions on doing anything wrong to you. I have nothing but the best intentions for you
[01:24:07.220 -> 01:24:08.980]:  I want only I only want the best for you
[01:24:08.980 -> 01:24:13.460]:  I'm gonna start paying you as soon as I get my financial situation gets together for modding
[01:24:13.460 -> 01:24:19.500]:  And yeah, just wants to fucking succeed and fucking become like, you know, we gotta you know strive and prosper, bro
[01:24:19.500 -> 01:24:24.420]:  You know, yeah, I promise you when I say like I'm not a bad person. I have bad mood swings, man
[01:24:24.420 -> 01:24:30.380]:  Yeah, I'm bipolar. I'm bipolar. I mean that's understandable man. Like don't worry about it
[01:24:30.380 -> 01:24:34.900]:  like I'm not like offended or anything, but I was kind of like I was taking a back when you were like saying like
[01:24:34.900 -> 01:24:38.320]:  You know, like yeah, tell me what you did and stuff. I'm like, bro
[01:24:38.320 -> 01:24:41.620]:  Like I was like I was like accusing you pretty much. Yeah, like I swear to God, man
[01:24:41.620 -> 01:24:46.320]:  Like I've never done that I've never plot. Okay. All right. I believe you don't even don't do I believe you?
[01:24:46.320 -> 01:24:49.680]:  All right. I do. Yeah, I can tell I'm really good with this shit
[01:24:49.680 -> 01:24:50.980]:  I've been doing this for not good with it
[01:24:50.980 -> 01:24:56.180]:  But I've been streaming for five years and I've been dealing with mods for five years and how they react when I unban
[01:24:56.180 -> 01:24:59.380]:  Them and everything and you yeah, I can tell you you're not guilty of anything, dude
[01:24:59.980 -> 01:25:04.700]:  You're like, dude, I don't even talk to anybody. You're like, dude. Yeah, you're good man. I promise. I promise you
[01:25:04.700 -> 01:25:09.340]:  I don't think anything so you're modded. I can't say this thing about rage. I don't really want to mod him
[01:25:09.340 -> 01:25:13.320]:  after I found out about the rat discord and shit and when I asked him to
[01:25:13.320 -> 01:25:17.140]:  Tell me who the owner of the server was he just wouldn't tell me he kept avoiding it
[01:25:17.140 -> 01:25:22.920]:  I was like, I was almost interrogating. Hey, what what's that? Wait, what happened? And then you oh, oh nothing, man
[01:25:22.920 -> 01:25:27.480]:  I was just so he was gonna be hiding something. So yeah, it's like yeah
[01:25:27.480 -> 01:25:33.300]:  I think like it's the only reason I do it for him is because he came off like it's genuinely like well
[01:25:33.300 -> 01:25:37.980]:  I modded him today. That's not cuz you got for him. I modded him today. I
[01:25:37.980 -> 01:25:43.540]:  Mod him today and within an hour I unmod him and unmod you both because I got a message saying that y'all are plotting
[01:25:43.540 -> 01:25:46.780]:  Against me or some shit, which I don't believe I don't think that I
[01:25:46.780 -> 01:25:50.860]:  Am in the same boat. I would I would have I would have vouched for him too. I
[01:25:51.300 -> 01:25:58.120]:  Was to do he saw it. He seemed like a solid ass do this like got good intentions. Oh 100% man, but there are some sociopathic
[01:25:58.120 -> 01:26:01.440]:  People in this world, bro. It's crazy. Oh, yeah, some fucking weirdos for sure
[01:26:01.440 -> 01:26:04.980]:  Salmon and he's one of them, bro. I hate to say it
[01:26:04.980 -> 01:26:10.020]:  Yeah, I mean unless you just like was saying like one thing when he was mad at me and didn't want me to see that
[01:26:10.020 -> 01:26:12.460]:  But I told him over and over. I don't care what you said
[01:26:12.460 -> 01:26:15.420]:  You had every right to talk shit about me just don't hide nothing from me
[01:26:15.420 -> 01:26:19.860]:  And then within a few minutes after that he was already hiding something for me. So it's like I can't trust him
[01:26:20.900 -> 01:26:26.420]:  You I have no reason not to trust you bro. Well, I don't appreciate it, man. You know, that's why thank me, bro
[01:26:26.420 -> 01:26:32.140]:  I'm just saying you're good. Like it my bad is what I'm saying for real. Yeah. No, I know I accept the apology man
[01:26:32.140 -> 01:26:37.420]:  It's okay. Thank you. It's just like I said, bro. I was just like really confused when I I bet you were I bet you were
[01:26:37.420 -> 01:26:38.620]:  man
[01:26:38.620 -> 01:26:44.980]:  Yeah, I was like what the fuck's going on. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. And I'm like, okay like what did you think?
[01:26:44.980 -> 01:26:46.980]:  Yeah, I got like a fake screenshot or something
[01:26:47.060 -> 01:26:51.220]:  What what do you think like did you think I got like a fake screenshot or something like that or what?
[01:26:51.220 -> 01:26:53.220]:  I honestly had no idea bro. Like I
[01:26:53.220 -> 01:26:58.700]:  Was like, bro. Yeah. Yeah. No show me what you're what you were talking. That's why I called you real quick
[01:26:58.700 -> 01:27:04.060]:  Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, you know, I'm glad we you know figured this out or whatever. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah me, too
[01:27:04.060 -> 01:27:07.740]:  Yeah, yeah, dude. We're gonna we're gonna make it far bro the whole community everybody. Yeah
[01:27:07.740 -> 01:27:11.620]:  No, I gotta get my shit together though. Yeah, we got we got some shit going on and
[01:27:12.460 -> 01:27:19.780]:  Yeah, yeah, how's everything going with the uh, I've been do everything high all day, man. Okay, I got you. Yeah
[01:27:19.780 -> 01:27:27.200]:  You know, but it is it's hardest I don't want to tell everybody and thankfully not everybody's been really asking about it
[01:27:27.200 -> 01:27:32.140]:  Really? Yeah, so yeah, like, you know prior anything, you know, I'm just no Harold
[01:27:32.140 -> 01:27:35.260]:  No, dude, do it all you want, bro. If you even want to hold me accountable, that'd be cool, too
[01:27:35.260 -> 01:27:41.700]:  Yeah, I broke it back today like for real. I like that tough love type shit like not that not that shit
[01:27:41.700 -> 01:27:46.060]:  Yeah, you want to hear right? Yeah, I hear like this shit that I don't want to hear but
[01:27:46.060 -> 01:27:52.460]:  Honestly, my honest opinion like go to the hospital tomorrow like get your pay. Yeah, thank you or whatever
[01:27:52.460 -> 01:27:54.940]:  Get your opinion on it
[01:27:54.940 -> 01:28:01.580]:  You know, just try to work on tapering it off like instead of doing it, you know every every so and like however often
[01:28:01.580 -> 01:28:03.580]:  You're doing it now like
[01:28:03.580 -> 01:28:08.300]:  I get it and I totally agree. But with this drug in particular, it's really hard to do that
[01:28:10.580 -> 01:28:15.820]:  Yeah, I can't pretend that like I have any I you know, I know that's what I'm saying. That's what I'm saying
[01:28:15.820 -> 01:28:18.620]:  Yeah, you're good. Yeah, it's almost like if you have some you can't stop
[01:28:18.620 -> 01:28:23.660]:  If you if you know some as you can but once it's out you can you can go a few hours without a type shit
[01:28:23.660 -> 01:28:26.540]:  I think so. I'd have to come up with some kind of plan, but
[01:28:26.540 -> 01:28:32.220]:  Culture, I don't think is the right way. I think you're right tapering offs by the move. Oh, you know, I could do bro
[01:28:32.220 -> 01:28:36.860]:  I'm trying to think about it. It sounds weird, but I should probably sniff it. I know it sounds really weird
[01:28:36.860 -> 01:28:42.660]:  Do like cocaine you mean instead of instead of this, you know, why are you saying I like that man? No, no
[01:28:42.660 -> 01:28:46.860]:  I'm just asking like I'm just you sure you're not being recorded this in recording. I swear to God
[01:28:46.860 -> 01:28:52.300]:  I okay cocaine is very good, bro. If you didn't know that crack is cooking. Okay. Well, I thought like okay
[01:28:52.300 -> 01:28:57.140]:  The reason why I asked that is cuz I yeah cocaine was like the shit that you sniff and like crack was like it is
[01:28:57.140 -> 01:28:59.980]:  It is this is for you smoke. That's right. Okay. Okay
[01:28:59.980 -> 01:29:03.900]:  But what you do is you take the soft cocaine and you fucking put it in a spoon with baking soda and water and you
[01:29:03.900 -> 01:29:05.900]:  Cook it up to rock to crack
[01:29:05.900 -> 01:29:10.820]:  Okay, okay. It's just okay was baking soda and water. That's all it is. But it's the same drug
[01:29:10.820 -> 01:29:14.280]:  It's a way different. Just you know, like do it like without wall
[01:29:14.280 -> 01:29:20.260]:  Yes cooking it and smoking it. Yeah different for days and ten because you can wean off the sniffing
[01:29:20.260 -> 01:29:23.940]:  That you could do little lines. You could do less every time shit like that
[01:29:23.940 -> 01:29:29.620]:  But smoking it's like a whole nother ballgame, bro. It's like you can't stop you just chase chase chase. It's terrible, right?
[01:29:29.620 -> 01:29:34.060]:  But um, yeah, yes. Sorry. I got I got paranoid man. I've had so many people fucking over dude
[01:29:34.060 -> 01:29:39.500]:  I mean, it's it's all right, man, you know, and I like I saw that fucking Justin, you know, excuse me
[01:29:39.500 -> 01:29:41.500]:  Yeah, I know that guy's
[01:29:41.500 -> 01:29:48.940]:  Yeah, I know so I know I like to think about it like I
[01:29:48.940 -> 01:29:56.380]:  Don't want to hear a lot of uh, you know shitty people and like people who are trying to like manipulate like I get it
[01:29:56.380 -> 01:30:01.500]:  Bro a hundred percent, but I just want I just want to make it like very clear that like, you know
[01:30:01.500 -> 01:30:07.020]:  Yeah, I don't have any fucking I'm not gonna fuck you bro. Like just let's just leave it at that
[01:30:07.020 -> 01:30:09.420]:  Okay, good
[01:30:09.420 -> 01:30:14.580]:  Okay, I'm not either motherfucker. Oh, yeah. No, I never said you were bro. I know
[01:30:14.580 -> 01:30:19.380]:  Bro I
[01:30:19.380 -> 01:30:20.540]:  fucking
[01:30:20.540 -> 01:30:22.540]:  Do you let me show you a screenshot?
[01:30:22.540 -> 01:30:27.020]:  This is just written, you know what it is. He's just salty. Do you see the other day when I was making fun?
[01:30:27.020 -> 01:30:31.820]:  I got that. I'm modded. I was like he unmodded me. I ruined my life. Oh, yeah. Yeah, who the fuck?
[01:30:31.820 -> 01:30:39.780]:  Papa on wing. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Listen, this is the guy that fucking told me you were guys were plotting again
[01:30:39.780 -> 01:30:43.600]:  Oh, what a fucking piece of but when I asked for proof, there was nothing
[01:30:43.600 -> 01:30:49.260]:  Yeah, cuz there's no fucking proof. Exactly. How does he even know about this guy rage bro?
[01:30:49.260 -> 01:30:53.940]:  Like that's what I'm cuz he must be lurking on the discord cuz he's discord these weird discourse hers. Oh, yeah
[01:30:53.940 -> 01:30:58.500]:  So maybe every mood every move I do man, right? Oh, yes, it's weird
[01:30:58.500 -> 01:31:02.900]:  Yeah, so they give it to her and all these different service Ray just got modded Ray just got modded
[01:31:02.900 -> 01:31:09.140]:  So pop on wing either was concerned about me or he's just trying to start shit. I guess that's what he's doing
[01:31:09.140 -> 01:31:11.140]:  Just I'll show you the screenshots. Yeah
[01:31:11.140 -> 01:31:15.380]:  Okay, here we go, here we go, there's one
[01:31:15.380 -> 01:31:19.540]:  This should be enough anyway, but we asked the guy for like proof
[01:31:19.540 -> 01:31:24.700]:  They're like, oh, we got rid of the proof so people couldn't snitch or something like that. What a fucking that makes you know, bro
[01:31:24.700 -> 01:31:26.760]:  Yeah, that makes no sense. Yeah, if you have the
[01:31:26.760 -> 01:31:31.800]:  Everything man, exactly. And when I was asking for proof, he said oh, I gotta get it. I gotta get it
[01:31:31.800 -> 01:31:34.300]:  Yeah, let's see. That's just check those out. Check those out
[01:31:34.300 -> 01:31:39.900]:  Since you said me. Sorry and I read above that the one above it. Oh, no, you're right. You're right
[01:31:39.900 -> 01:31:44.580]:  Yeah that one that one that one. Yeah, you're right. Yeah troll the big time like very big time prob
[01:31:44.580 -> 01:31:48.800]:  They wait a couple days and then I'm not sure since I don't but yeah
[01:31:48.820 -> 01:31:52.280]:  It's rage Niko friend, right? I just won't answer anymore
[01:31:52.280 -> 01:31:54.900]:  You know all this shit. Okay
[01:31:54.900 -> 01:31:57.180]:  Yes. Yeah, I
[01:31:57.180 -> 01:32:00.740]:  Didn't delete any my message. I was voice calling him a shit
[01:32:00.740 -> 01:32:04.220]:  So show me any proof about Niko and rage I need some proof
[01:32:04.220 -> 01:32:07.980]:  There is yeah proof all had to be deleted or they would snitch him
[01:32:07.980 -> 01:32:15.780]:  What yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah these fucking guys man. They're I know they're manipulating. Yeah, they're fucking
[01:32:16.300 -> 01:32:19.740]:  Very easy an ex mod bro. Like yeah, that guy's a fucking
[01:32:19.740 -> 01:32:24.920]:  Yeah, I know fuck that. I know he told me he was the other day
[01:32:24.920 -> 01:32:29.140]:  So he's gonna kill himself cuz like I've said some dumb shit like that too, but he was like dead ass. Oh
[01:32:29.140 -> 01:32:36.100]:  He's like, I'm gonna get attention bro. Like yeah, no, you want to remodel you want me? Yeah, that's me. Just me
[01:32:36.100 -> 01:32:38.700]:  Yeah, you want to get his model? He was like, bro
[01:32:38.700 -> 01:32:42.580]:  I have nothing left to live for you to ruin my life when my mom leaves for work
[01:32:42.580 -> 01:32:46.440]:  I'm gonna show myself. Yeah. No, I remember saying that in the chat. Like yeah, you ruined my life
[01:32:46.440 -> 01:32:54.380]:  Yeah, like not for nothing like like obviously I want to be a modern you're serving, you know, like I it's not that big a deal
[01:32:54.380 -> 01:32:57.100]:  Yeah, yeah, exactly like my life would go on, you know
[01:32:57.100 -> 01:33:00.700]:  Exactly. It's still strange and I don't want that to be a mod, right?
[01:33:00.700 -> 01:33:04.140]:  Do you know I mean right like if you're gonna be that fucking weird about it. Yeah, exactly
[01:33:04.140 -> 01:33:08.620]:  Exactly, so I'm gonna ask bro. Just cuz I got their homie on the line. We're about
[01:33:09.580 -> 01:33:13.360]:  I just want to make sure you're cool. Oh, I was gonna ask you to like
[01:33:13.360 -> 01:33:16.260]:  Yeah, if you wanted to hop on like some CS or something with us. Uh
[01:33:16.260 -> 01:33:18.880]:  well
[01:33:18.880 -> 01:33:22.140]:  Give me five minutes. I'll have an answer for you. Okay. All right, bro
[01:33:22.140 -> 01:33:26.180]:  I'm gonna try to gamble a little bit and go on stream so I can just I kind of it's like my escape almost man
[01:33:26.180 -> 01:33:29.620]:  I got you, but I want to play with you guys and I like playing CS
[01:33:29.620 -> 01:33:32.040]:  And I want to I want to get some like real friends in my life, dude
[01:33:32.040 -> 01:33:36.940]:  You know, I mean, yeah, I have no real friends, dude. I don't so I mean I could see your friend
[01:33:37.440 -> 01:33:43.640]:  Yeah, no broad. Yeah, like I say man, you know, the offer is open if you want to tag along with us. Yeah
[01:33:43.640 -> 01:33:48.980]:  For like an hour or two. So I'll message me in a little bit then if you don't hear from me if you can
[01:33:48.980 -> 01:33:53.200]:  All right. Yeah, man. Awesome. Thank you so much, bro. And I'm sorry. I'll mod you back on
[01:33:53.200 -> 01:33:57.700]:  Discord and twitch right now and yeah. All right, bro. Sounds good. All right, man
[01:33:57.700 -> 01:34:01.380]:  Hey, have fun kick some ass if I don't join. I might be joining though. All right, bro. Let us know
[01:34:01.380 -> 01:34:05.420]:  All right, man. Love you, dude. All right. Take care man. I see you. See you. All right. See you
[01:34:05.420 -> 01:34:08.460]:  [MUSIC PLAYING]