VOD at https://mines.expert/BossmanJack/Kees/thebossmanjack (live) 2024-07-25 01_28 [40888363573].mp4
[00:00:00.000 -> 00:00:04.160]:  *music*
[00:00:04.160 -> 00:00:06.420]:  Hell yeah, thank you for the, thanks for the elite build.
[00:00:06.420 -> 00:00:08.220]:  I'm aware.
[00:00:08.220 -> 00:00:09.540]:  What's that worth?
[00:00:09.540 -> 00:00:13.920]:  *singing*
[00:00:13.920 -> 00:00:14.720]:  What's that worth Brody?
[00:00:14.720 -> 00:00:22.460]:  Do me, I'ma do me, I'ma make mine, I'ma make mine.
[00:00:22.460 -> 00:00:25.700]:  Oh, one dollar, oh.
[00:00:25.700 -> 00:00:28.100]:  That should be fun.
[00:00:28.100 -> 00:00:35.940]:  *music*
[00:00:35.940 -> 00:00:37.940]:  Yo, what's it gonna do? Oh yeah, launch, launch.
[00:00:37.940 -> 00:00:42.440]:  Get this 1k, let's get this fucking 1k.
[00:00:42.440 -> 00:00:45.940]:  Oh, bullshit makes me.
[00:00:45.940 -> 00:00:54.740]:  *music*
[00:00:54.740 -> 00:00:57.540]:  So how are we doing this? You said best of 10? Like what do you mean by that?
[00:00:57.540 -> 00:00:58.340]:  Best of 10.
[00:00:58.340 -> 00:01:00.940]:  Like you don't plan on this taking like an hour, do you?
[00:01:00.940 -> 00:01:05.440]:  Alright, I'll listen to that, hold on.
[00:01:05.440 -> 00:01:06.840]:  We're doing good, man.
[00:01:06.840 -> 00:01:08.840]:  Oops.
[00:01:08.840 -> 00:01:09.340]:  Oh.
[00:01:09.340 -> 00:01:17.340]:  Dude, I don't give a fucking much money you got.
[00:01:17.340 -> 00:01:19.740]:  I've had 200k.
[00:01:19.740 -> 00:01:23.740]:  Doesn't mean you're gonna send it.
[00:01:23.740 -> 00:01:26.040]:  Check out my new, uh, okay.
[00:01:26.040 -> 00:01:28.040]:  What the fuck, really, you put that on there?
[00:01:28.040 -> 00:01:30.540]:  Bro, the fucking stickers on there.
[00:01:30.540 -> 00:01:37.540]:  Alright, invite me, bro.
[00:01:37.540 -> 00:01:38.540]:  Let's get it poppin'.
[00:01:38.540 -> 00:01:42.540]:  I'm gonna apologize, bro.
[00:01:42.540 -> 00:01:51.540]:  Alright, let's get it. Is it on the screen now?
[00:01:51.540 -> 00:01:54.040]:  No, it's not, hold on.
[00:01:54.040 -> 00:02:03.540]:  *music*
[00:02:03.540 -> 00:02:04.540]:  Let's get it poppin'.
[00:02:04.540 -> 00:02:09.040]:  Shit.
[00:02:09.040 -> 00:02:10.540]:  How's it work? Is it gonna be like, um...
[00:02:10.540 -> 00:02:13.040]:  Do deathmatch, do deathmatch, bro, so we can do that.
[00:02:13.040 -> 00:02:15.540]:  Do deathmatch so I can pick it off right away.
[00:02:15.540 -> 00:02:21.540]:  Do deathmatch.
[00:02:21.540 -> 00:02:27.540]:  *music*
[00:02:27.540 -> 00:02:28.540]:  You guys started, bro?
[00:02:28.540 -> 00:02:38.540]:  *music*
[00:02:38.540 -> 00:02:39.540]:  What was the song on press?
[00:02:39.540 -> 00:02:47.540]:  *music*
[00:02:47.540 -> 00:02:48.540]:  Yeah, I loaded in, yeah.
[00:02:48.540 -> 00:02:50.040]:  Alright, guys, let's get this.
[00:02:51.040 -> 00:02:52.540]:  I get a thousand dollars if I win this.
[00:02:52.540 -> 00:02:54.540]:  Wait, is it just one or how are we doing it?
[00:02:54.540 -> 00:02:55.540]:  Oh, they were on the same team.
[00:02:55.540 -> 00:02:57.540]:  Oh, there's a bunch of bots, dude.
[00:02:57.540 -> 00:03:00.540]:  You added bots. You gotta redo it.
[00:03:00.540 -> 00:03:01.540]:  Why am I lag?
[00:03:01.540 -> 00:03:04.540]:  You guys see that lag?
[00:03:04.540 -> 00:03:09.540]:  Bro!
[00:03:09.540 -> 00:03:11.540]:  Why is my ping 78?
[00:03:11.540 -> 00:03:12.540]:  Where are you from?
[00:03:12.540 -> 00:03:14.540]:  I thought you were East Coast.
[00:03:14.540 -> 00:03:16.540]:  The fuck is this, bro?
[00:03:16.540 -> 00:03:19.540]:  The fuck is this that I have, bro?
[00:03:19.540 -> 00:03:23.540]:  *music*
[00:03:23.540 -> 00:03:25.040]:  Okay, you gotta set that up better.
[00:03:25.040 -> 00:03:30.040]:  No, my VPN's not on, dude.
[00:03:30.040 -> 00:03:31.040]:  I don't have a VPN on.
[00:03:31.040 -> 00:03:36.040]:  *music*
[00:03:36.040 -> 00:03:37.540]:  First attempt killed? Okay, yeah, let's do it.
[00:03:37.540 -> 00:03:39.040]:  Let's do it. First attempt kills.
[00:03:39.040 -> 00:03:42.040]:  Set up on your ping.
[00:03:42.040 -> 00:03:46.540]:  *music*
[00:03:46.540 -> 00:03:48.540]:  Okay, I don't know how to... Okay, how do I do this?
[00:03:49.540 -> 00:03:52.040]:  Private matchmaking? Is this what I do?
[00:03:52.040 -> 00:03:59.040]:  *music*
[00:03:59.040 -> 00:04:01.040]:  No? What do I do?
[00:04:01.040 -> 00:04:05.040]:  *music*
[00:04:05.040 -> 00:04:06.040]:  Practice.
[00:04:06.040 -> 00:04:14.040]:  *music*
[00:04:14.040 -> 00:04:15.040]:  It's factory new.
[00:04:15.040 -> 00:04:16.040]:  Wow.
[00:04:16.040 -> 00:04:18.040]:  Practice? Okay.
[00:04:18.040 -> 00:04:20.040]:  Deathmatch. Okay, you ready?
[00:04:20.040 -> 00:04:22.040]:  Go guys, get this money.
[00:04:22.040 -> 00:04:24.040]:  Oh, it's gonna be a bunch of bots, isn't it?
[00:04:24.040 -> 00:04:25.040]:  How do you change that?
[00:04:25.040 -> 00:04:27.040]:  Is it gonna be a bunch of bots?
[00:04:27.040 -> 00:04:29.040]:  I think so.
[00:04:29.040 -> 00:04:31.040]:  Yeah, how do we fix that, dude?
[00:04:31.040 -> 00:04:32.040]:  I'm gonna exit the main menu again.
[00:04:32.040 -> 00:04:34.040]:  Um...
[00:04:34.040 -> 00:04:39.040]:  *music*
[00:04:39.040 -> 00:04:41.040]:  I don't think this is what you're supposed to do, bro.
[00:04:41.040 -> 00:04:42.040]:  I think you gotta do private matchmaking.
[00:04:42.040 -> 00:04:48.040]:  *music*
[00:04:48.040 -> 00:04:50.040]:  Oh, oh.
[00:04:50.040 -> 00:04:52.040]:  Doing console, press...
[00:04:52.040 -> 00:04:54.040]:  Oh, okay, alright.
[00:04:54.040 -> 00:04:56.040]:  I gotta enable that, I think. I saw that earlier.
[00:04:56.040 -> 00:04:58.040]:  Yes.
[00:04:58.040 -> 00:05:01.040]:  Okay, let's go, let's go.
[00:05:01.040 -> 00:05:03.040]:  Okay, how do I do that?
[00:05:03.040 -> 00:05:05.040]:  You know, don't start killing people yet.
[00:05:05.040 -> 00:05:07.040]:  Do the account for kills.
[00:05:07.040 -> 00:05:13.040]:  Press type bot kit.
[00:05:13.040 -> 00:05:15.040]:  There we go.
[00:05:15.040 -> 00:05:17.040]:  Should be good now, bro.
[00:05:17.040 -> 00:05:18.040]:  Wait, you're not in here?
[00:05:18.040 -> 00:05:19.040]:  Oh, you're not in? Okay, he's in.
[00:05:19.040 -> 00:05:21.040]:  Okay, guys, let me turn my music off.
[00:05:21.040 -> 00:05:23.040]:  If I get 10 kills first, I get $1,000.
[00:05:23.040 -> 00:05:25.040]:  Let's go, baby.
[00:05:25.040 -> 00:05:26.040]:  Yo.
[00:05:26.040 -> 00:05:30.040]:  Yo, what up? No talking, I gotta concentrate.
[00:05:30.040 -> 00:05:32.040]:  Can't let you lock in.
[00:05:32.040 -> 00:05:34.040]:  You gotta let me lock in, yeah.
[00:05:34.040 -> 00:05:40.040]:  I'm going full sweaty.
[00:05:40.040 -> 00:05:43.040]:  You can, you can, you can cheat. Look at my screen, though.
[00:05:43.040 -> 00:05:49.040]:  My stream.
[00:05:49.040 -> 00:06:00.040]:  Where you at, pussy?
[00:06:00.040 -> 00:06:09.040]:  Bro, are you hiding?
[00:06:09.040 -> 00:06:14.040]:  Oh, come on, bullshit, bullshit.
[00:06:14.040 -> 00:06:28.040]:  I hit him in the foot, I think.
[00:06:28.040 -> 00:06:36.040]:  Are you just going to be holding corners?
[00:06:36.040 -> 00:06:40.040]:  Yes, he's just going to be holding corners and listen to my footsteps.
[00:06:40.040 -> 00:07:00.040]:  I'm going to sleep, bro, and you can look at my stream.
[00:07:00.040 -> 00:07:03.040]:  I'm getting that 1k, bro.
[00:07:03.040 -> 00:07:20.040]:  Let's turn.
[00:07:20.040 -> 00:07:37.040]:  I'm on a side, bro.
[00:07:37.040 -> 00:07:57.040]:  It works, it's only 10 kills.
[00:07:57.040 -> 00:07:59.040]:  Three to three, buddy boy.
[00:07:59.040 -> 00:08:28.040]:  Three to three.
[00:08:28.040 -> 00:08:53.040]:  I don't give a fuck, I'm still going to win.
[00:08:53.040 -> 00:09:06.040]:  Oh, fuck you, man.
[00:09:06.040 -> 00:09:13.040]:  You know what, he's holding the corner.
[00:09:13.040 -> 00:09:35.040]:  Look at this fucking pussy.
[00:09:35.040 -> 00:10:04.040]:  Took the lead, boys, took the lead.
[00:10:04.040 -> 00:10:33.040]:  Oh, fuck you, man.
[00:10:33.040 -> 00:11:02.040]:  Oh, fuck you, man.
[00:11:02.040 -> 00:11:23.040]:  We're still leading the way.
[00:11:23.040 -> 00:11:41.040]:  No, the way.
[00:11:41.040 -> 00:11:42.040]:  All right, you wanna play like that?
[00:11:42.040 -> 00:11:45.040]:  We can play like that.
[00:11:45.040 -> 00:11:47.040]:  You're stream-sniping.
[00:11:47.040 -> 00:11:48.040]:  Look, see, he knew where I was.
[00:11:48.040 -> 00:11:49.040]:  Look at that, he's watching my stream.
[00:11:49.040 -> 00:11:52.040]:  He's literally watching my fucking stream.
[00:11:52.040 -> 00:12:21.040]:  Dude, you're such a pussy.
[00:12:21.040 -> 00:12:23.040]:  Look at this fucking pussbag.
[00:12:23.040 -> 00:12:26.040]:  Look how he just came around that corner, bro.
[00:12:26.040 -> 00:12:27.040]:  It ain't over yet, pussy.
[00:12:27.040 -> 00:12:28.040]:  Shut the fuck up.
[00:12:28.040 -> 00:12:29.040]:  You're a fucking flamer.
[00:12:29.040 -> 00:12:31.040]:  How long have you been playing this game for, bro?
[00:12:31.040 -> 00:12:32.040]:  That's what I thought.
[00:12:32.040 -> 00:12:33.040]:  I've been playing for about a month.
[00:12:33.040 -> 00:12:34.040]:  Shut the fuck up.
[00:12:34.040 -> 00:12:35.040]:  Shut the fuck up.
[00:12:35.040 -> 00:12:36.040]:  Give me the 50 bucks, bitch.
[00:12:36.040 -> 00:12:37.040]:  Give me the 50 bucks, bitch.
[00:12:37.040 -> 00:12:38.040]:  You didn't even win yet.
[00:12:38.040 -> 00:12:40.040]:  You didn't even fucking win yet, you fucking vagina.
[00:12:40.040 -> 00:12:44.040]:  Look at this fucking loser trying to talk shit after he beats me in a video game.
[00:12:44.040 -> 00:12:45.040]:  What a fucking loser.
[00:12:45.040 -> 00:12:50.040]:  What a fucking failure at life.
[00:12:50.040 -> 00:13:01.040]:  Dude, shut the fuck up.
[00:13:01.040 -> 00:13:03.040]:  You're a fucking loser.
[00:13:03.040 -> 00:13:05.040]:  This guy's getting banned for life.
[00:13:05.040 -> 00:13:08.040]:  But, L in the chat, Mr. Mix is a loser.
[00:13:08.040 -> 00:13:11.040]:  Tell me, tell me, dude, he's a fucking loser, dude.
[00:13:11.040 -> 00:13:13.040]:  Type of L in the chat, that kind of person is a loser.
[00:13:13.040 -> 00:13:15.040]:  You can't just have a little friendly competition.
[00:13:15.040 -> 00:13:16.040]:  You gotta start talking shit.
[00:13:16.040 -> 00:13:19.040]:  You're a fat fucking loser.
[00:13:19.040 -> 00:13:21.040]:  You're a fat fucking loser, dog.
[00:13:21.040 -> 00:13:23.040]:  Look at all the L's in the chat for you, bro.
[00:13:23.040 -> 00:13:24.040]:  All you do is sound whore.
[00:13:24.040 -> 00:13:29.040]:  You just sit there, hold an angle, and wait until you hear me walk around the corner.
[00:13:29.040 -> 00:13:30.040]:  Whoa.
[00:13:30.040 -> 00:13:32.040]:  So impressive, bro.
[00:13:32.040 -> 00:13:34.040]:  Go fuck yourself, you fucking loser.
[00:13:34.040 -> 00:13:36.040]:  Send me my 50 bucks, bitch.
[00:13:36.040 -> 00:13:38.040]:  I bet he won't even do it because he's a scammer.
[00:13:38.040 -> 00:13:40.040]:  He's a fucking sad little scammer.
[00:13:40.040 -> 00:13:42.040]:  What a lame.
[00:13:42.040 -> 00:13:43.040]:  Lamo.
[00:13:43.040 -> 00:13:45.040]:  Hell no.
[00:13:45.040 -> 00:13:47.040]:  What a fucking loser, dude.
[00:13:47.040 -> 00:13:49.040]:  Talking shit after he wins in a video game.
[00:13:49.040 -> 00:13:50.040]:  Dude, congratulations.
[00:13:50.040 -> 00:13:52.040]:  You can hold corners and listen to my footsteps.
[00:13:52.040 -> 00:13:54.040]:  That's just amazing.
[00:13:54.040 -> 00:13:55.040]:  You're so impressive.
[00:13:55.040 -> 00:13:57.040]:  That's so impressive, bro.
[00:13:57.040 -> 00:13:59.040]:  What a fucking loser.
[00:13:59.040 -> 00:14:01.040]:  Let's have a good night without this fucking freak.
[00:14:01.040 -> 00:14:08.040]:  Who's in for a good night, type of five?
[00:14:08.040 -> 00:14:11.040]:  Don't question me, you fucking loser.
[00:14:11.040 -> 00:14:13.040]:  Get out of here, Mystics, you fucking loser.
[00:14:13.040 -> 00:14:18.040]:  You're banned, permanently.
[00:14:18.040 -> 00:14:20.040]:  I hope you saw those L's for you, Mr. Mixes.
[00:14:20.040 -> 00:14:25.040]:  Even though you won, everyone here thinks you're a loser, bro.
[00:14:25.040 -> 00:14:27.040]:  Who cares if he has 34K?
[00:14:27.040 -> 00:14:29.040]:  No one cares.
[00:14:29.040 -> 00:14:32.040]:  No one cares about his money, bro.
[00:14:32.040 -> 00:14:33.040]:  What a fucking loser.
[00:14:33.040 -> 00:14:36.040]:  Everybody type fuck Mr. Mixes in the chat.
[00:14:36.040 -> 00:14:39.040]:  I'll put it on the screen so you can see that bitch.
[00:14:39.040 -> 00:14:41.040]:  What a fucking weirdo.
[00:14:41.040 -> 00:14:44.040]:  Congratulations, you play the game probably 12 hours a day
[00:14:44.040 -> 00:14:45.040]:  and you beat me at it.
[00:14:45.040 -> 00:14:46.040]:  Congratulations.
[00:14:46.040 -> 00:14:48.040]:  I hope you feel real accomplished.
[00:14:48.040 -> 00:14:49.040]:  Like, what?
[00:14:49.040 -> 00:14:51.040]:  You're a fucking loser, dude.
[00:14:51.040 -> 00:14:52.040]:  Look at this.
[00:14:52.040 -> 00:14:54.040]:  Fuck Mr. Mixes in the chat.
[00:14:54.040 -> 00:14:55.040]:  He had nobody.
[00:14:55.040 -> 00:14:57.040]:  He's trying to get a name for himself in my community.
[00:14:57.040 -> 00:14:59.040]:  It's fucking weird.
[00:14:59.040 -> 00:15:01.040]:  It's fucking weird, bro.
[00:15:01.040 -> 00:15:02.040]:  It's fucking weird.
[00:15:02.040 -> 00:15:04.040]:  It's very strange.
[00:15:04.040 -> 00:15:06.040]:  Very strange indeed.
[00:15:06.040 -> 00:15:18.040]:  Where is this weird ass in my Discord chat?
[00:15:18.040 -> 00:15:22.040]:  Get rid of him there, too.
[00:15:22.040 -> 00:15:24.040]:  Guarantee, he's going to scam me for the 52.
[00:15:24.040 -> 00:15:27.040]:  I guarantee it.
[00:15:27.040 -> 00:15:30.040]:  Kid got a fucking ego stroke because he beat me in a video game.
[00:15:30.040 -> 00:15:32.040]:  That's so funny, bro.
[00:15:32.040 -> 00:15:58.040]:  Oh, no, he just started talking about shit after you beat me.
[00:15:58.040 -> 00:16:01.040]:  You had to buy three kills in a video game.
[00:16:01.040 -> 00:16:05.040]:  Bro, you're such a loser.
[00:16:05.040 -> 00:16:07.040]:  40k followers.
[00:16:07.040 -> 00:16:09.040]:  I didn't get 40k followers.
[00:16:09.040 -> 00:16:10.040]:  It's 1700 subs.
[00:16:10.040 -> 00:16:11.040]:  Can't get none of that.
[00:16:11.040 -> 00:16:12.040]:  Shit, bitch.
[00:16:12.040 -> 00:16:14.040]:  You really aren't shit, I promise.
[00:16:14.040 -> 00:16:18.040]:  Bareback guys.
[00:16:18.040 -> 00:16:20.040]:  Yeah, he's trying to get a little name in my community.
[00:16:20.040 -> 00:16:21.040]:  Like, you're weird, dude.
[00:16:21.040 -> 00:16:22.040]:  This is my shit.
[00:16:22.040 -> 00:16:24.040]:  This will never be your shit.
[00:16:24.040 -> 00:16:26.040]:  I'll use those 40s.
[00:16:26.040 -> 00:16:29.040]:  They laced all black and blue.
[00:16:29.040 -> 00:16:32.040]:  I'll get from once to you.
[00:16:32.040 -> 00:16:37.040]:  Believe.
[00:16:37.040 -> 00:16:42.040]:  You are worthless.
[00:16:42.040 -> 00:16:47.040]:  Believe.
[00:16:47.040 -> 00:16:51.040]:  Do I want this to end?
[00:16:51.040 -> 00:16:52.040]:  Oh, no.
[00:16:52.040 -> 00:17:02.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's almost over?
[00:17:02.040 -> 00:17:14.040]:  Why must this tear my head inside out?
[00:17:14.040 -> 00:17:43.040]:  Believe.
[00:17:43.040 -> 00:17:51.040]:  Do I want this to end?
[00:17:51.040 -> 00:17:53.040]:  Oh, no.
[00:17:53.040 -> 00:18:03.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's almost over?
[00:18:03.040 -> 00:18:13.040]:  Why must this tear my head inside out?
[00:18:13.040 -> 00:18:23.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's almost over?
[00:18:23.040 -> 00:18:33.040]:  Why must this tear my head inside out?
[00:18:33.040 -> 00:18:53.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:18:53.040 -> 00:19:19.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:19:19.040 -> 00:19:22.040]:  I hate this town, it's so washed up.
[00:19:22.040 -> 00:19:26.040]:  And all my friends don't give a fuck.
[00:19:26.040 -> 00:19:29.040]:  Don't tell me that it's just bad luck.
[00:19:29.040 -> 00:19:31.040]:  When will I find where I fit in?
[00:19:31.040 -> 00:19:44.040]:  Tell me what.
[00:19:44.040 -> 00:19:51.040]:  Never when I tried, I never strayed too far from you.
[00:19:51.040 -> 00:19:57.040]:  Forever by your side, no matter what I was going through.
[00:19:57.040 -> 00:20:03.040]:  But now I never know the things to say to you that helped me.
[00:20:03.040 -> 00:20:05.040]:  But now I'm still on your side.
[00:20:05.040 -> 00:20:10.040]:  Never show just what you do to me 'cause I'm what's always wrong.
[00:20:10.040 -> 00:20:13.040]:  I hate this town, it's so washed up.
[00:20:13.040 -> 00:20:17.040]:  And all my friends don't give a fuck.
[00:20:17.040 -> 00:20:20.040]:  Don't tell me that it's just bad luck.
[00:20:20.040 -> 00:20:23.040]:  When will I find where I fit in?
[00:20:23.040 -> 00:20:24.040]:  I hate this town, it's so washed up.
[00:20:24.040 -> 00:20:25.040]:  I hate this town, it's so washed up.
[00:20:25.040 -> 00:20:26.040]:  And all my friends don't give a fuck.
[00:20:26.040 -> 00:20:27.040]:  Don't tell me that it's just bad luck.
[00:20:27.040 -> 00:20:28.040]:  When will I find where I fit in?
[00:20:28.040 -> 00:20:29.040]:  I hate this town, it's so washed up.
[00:20:29.040 -> 00:20:30.040]:  Tell me what.
[00:20:30.040 -> 00:20:31.040]:  I hate this town, it's so washed up.
[00:20:31.040 -> 00:20:32.040]:  I just hate this town.
[00:20:32.040 -> 00:20:33.040]:  I hate this town.
[00:20:33.040 -> 00:20:34.040]:  Never tell me that it's over.
[00:20:34.040 -> 00:20:35.040]:  Why must this tear my head inside out?
[00:20:35.040 -> 00:20:36.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:20:36.040 -> 00:20:37.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:20:37.040 -> 00:20:38.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:20:38.040 -> 00:20:39.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:20:39.040 -> 00:20:44.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:20:44.040 -> 00:20:48.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:20:48.040 -> 00:20:49.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:20:49.040 -> 00:20:50.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:20:50.040 -> 00:20:51.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:20:51.040 -> 00:20:52.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:20:52.040 -> 00:20:53.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:20:53.040 -> 00:20:54.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:20:54.040 -> 00:20:55.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:20:55.040 -> 00:20:56.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:20:56.040 -> 00:20:57.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:20:57.040 -> 00:20:58.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:20:58.040 -> 00:20:59.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:20:59.040 -> 00:21:00.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:21:00.040 -> 00:21:01.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:21:01.040 -> 00:21:02.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:21:02.040 -> 00:21:10.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:21:10.040 -> 00:21:11.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:21:11.040 -> 00:21:12.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:21:12.040 -> 00:21:13.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:21:13.040 -> 00:21:14.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:21:14.040 -> 00:21:15.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:21:15.040 -> 00:21:16.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:21:16.040 -> 00:21:17.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:21:17.040 -> 00:21:18.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:21:18.040 -> 00:21:19.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:21:19.040 -> 00:21:20.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:21:20.040 -> 00:21:21.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:21:21.040 -> 00:21:22.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:21:22.040 -> 00:21:23.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:21:23.040 -> 00:21:24.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:21:24.040 -> 00:21:25.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:21:25.040 -> 00:21:32.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:21:32.040 -> 00:21:33.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:21:33.040 -> 00:21:34.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:21:34.040 -> 00:21:35.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:21:35.040 -> 00:21:36.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:21:36.040 -> 00:21:37.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:21:37.040 -> 00:21:38.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:21:38.040 -> 00:21:39.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:21:39.040 -> 00:21:40.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:21:40.040 -> 00:21:41.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:21:41.040 -> 00:21:42.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:21:42.040 -> 00:21:43.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:21:43.040 -> 00:21:44.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:21:44.040 -> 00:21:45.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:21:45.040 -> 00:21:46.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:21:46.040 -> 00:21:47.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:21:47.040 -> 00:21:57.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:21:57.040 -> 00:22:05.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:22:05.040 -> 00:22:06.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:22:06.040 -> 00:22:07.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:22:07.040 -> 00:22:08.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:22:08.040 -> 00:22:09.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:22:09.040 -> 00:22:10.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:22:10.040 -> 00:22:11.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:22:11.040 -> 00:22:12.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:22:12.040 -> 00:22:13.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:22:13.040 -> 00:22:14.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:22:14.040 -> 00:22:15.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:22:15.040 -> 00:22:16.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:22:16.040 -> 00:22:17.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:22:17.040 -> 00:22:18.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:22:18.040 -> 00:22:19.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:22:19.040 -> 00:22:20.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:22:20.040 -> 00:22:21.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:22:21.040 -> 00:22:22.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:22:22.040 -> 00:22:23.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:22:23.040 -> 00:22:24.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:22:24.040 -> 00:22:25.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:22:25.040 -> 00:22:26.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:22:26.040 -> 00:22:27.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:22:27.040 -> 00:22:28.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:22:28.040 -> 00:22:29.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:22:29.040 -> 00:22:30.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:22:30.040 -> 00:22:31.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:22:31.040 -> 00:22:32.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:22:32.040 -> 00:23:01.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:23:01.040 -> 00:23:02.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:23:02.040 -> 00:23:03.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:23:03.040 -> 00:23:04.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:23:04.040 -> 00:23:05.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:23:05.040 -> 00:23:06.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:23:06.040 -> 00:23:07.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:23:07.040 -> 00:23:08.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:23:08.040 -> 00:23:09.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:23:09.040 -> 00:23:10.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:23:10.040 -> 00:23:11.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:23:11.040 -> 00:23:12.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:23:12.040 -> 00:23:13.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:23:13.040 -> 00:23:14.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:23:14.040 -> 00:23:15.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:23:15.040 -> 00:23:16.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:23:16.040 -> 00:23:17.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:23:17.040 -> 00:23:33.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:23:33.040 -> 00:23:43.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:23:43.040 -> 00:23:46.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:23:46.040 -> 00:23:47.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:23:47.040 -> 00:23:48.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:23:48.040 -> 00:23:49.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:23:49.040 -> 00:23:50.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:23:50.040 -> 00:23:51.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:23:51.040 -> 00:23:52.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:23:52.040 -> 00:23:53.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:23:53.040 -> 00:23:54.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:23:54.040 -> 00:23:55.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:23:55.040 -> 00:23:56.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:23:56.040 -> 00:23:57.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:23:57.040 -> 00:23:58.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:23:58.040 -> 00:23:59.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:23:59.040 -> 00:24:00.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:24:00.040 -> 00:24:01.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:24:01.040 -> 00:24:02.040]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:24:02.040 -> 00:24:26.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:24:26.960 -> 00:24:28.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:24:28.960 -> 00:24:29.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:24:29.960 -> 00:24:30.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:24:30.960 -> 00:24:31.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:24:31.960 -> 00:24:32.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:24:32.960 -> 00:24:33.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:24:33.960 -> 00:24:34.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:24:34.960 -> 00:24:35.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:24:35.960 -> 00:24:36.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:24:36.960 -> 00:24:37.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:24:37.960 -> 00:24:38.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:24:38.960 -> 00:24:39.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:24:39.960 -> 00:24:40.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:24:40.960 -> 00:24:41.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:24:41.960 -> 00:24:42.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:24:42.960 -> 00:24:43.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:24:43.960 -> 00:24:44.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:24:44.960 -> 00:24:45.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:24:45.960 -> 00:24:46.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:24:46.960 -> 00:24:47.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:24:47.960 -> 00:25:01.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:25:01.960 -> 00:25:02.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:25:02.960 -> 00:25:03.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:25:03.960 -> 00:25:04.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:25:04.960 -> 00:25:05.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:25:05.960 -> 00:25:06.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:25:06.960 -> 00:25:07.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:25:07.960 -> 00:25:08.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:25:08.960 -> 00:25:09.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:25:09.960 -> 00:25:10.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:25:10.960 -> 00:25:11.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:25:11.960 -> 00:25:12.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:25:12.960 -> 00:25:13.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:25:13.960 -> 00:25:14.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:25:14.960 -> 00:25:15.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:25:15.960 -> 00:25:16.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:25:16.960 -> 00:25:17.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:25:17.960 -> 00:25:18.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:25:18.960 -> 00:25:19.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:25:19.960 -> 00:25:20.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:25:20.960 -> 00:25:21.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:25:21.960 -> 00:25:22.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:25:22.960 -> 00:25:23.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:25:23.960 -> 00:25:24.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:25:24.960 -> 00:25:25.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:25:25.960 -> 00:25:26.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:25:26.960 -> 00:25:27.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:25:27.960 -> 00:25:28.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:25:28.960 -> 00:25:29.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:25:29.960 -> 00:25:30.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:25:30.960 -> 00:25:31.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:25:31.960 -> 00:25:32.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:25:32.960 -> 00:25:39.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:25:39.960 -> 00:25:41.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:25:41.960 -> 00:25:43.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:25:43.960 -> 00:25:45.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:25:45.960 -> 00:25:47.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:25:47.960 -> 00:25:50.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:25:50.960 -> 00:25:52.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:25:52.960 -> 00:25:53.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:25:53.960 -> 00:25:54.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:25:54.960 -> 00:25:55.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:25:55.960 -> 00:25:56.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:25:56.960 -> 00:25:57.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:25:57.960 -> 00:25:58.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:25:58.960 -> 00:25:59.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:25:59.960 -> 00:26:00.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:26:00.960 -> 00:26:01.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:26:01.960 -> 00:26:02.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:26:02.960 -> 00:26:03.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:26:03.960 -> 00:26:04.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:26:04.960 -> 00:26:05.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:26:05.960 -> 00:26:06.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:26:06.960 -> 00:26:07.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:26:07.960 -> 00:26:08.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:26:08.960 -> 00:26:09.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:26:09.960 -> 00:26:10.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:26:10.960 -> 00:26:11.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:26:11.960 -> 00:26:12.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:26:12.960 -> 00:26:13.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:26:13.960 -> 00:26:14.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:26:14.960 -> 00:26:15.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:26:15.960 -> 00:26:16.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:26:16.960 -> 00:26:17.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:26:17.960 -> 00:26:37.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:26:37.960 -> 00:26:44.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:26:44.960 -> 00:26:51.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:26:51.960 -> 00:26:53.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:26:53.960 -> 00:26:54.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:26:54.960 -> 00:26:55.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:26:55.960 -> 00:26:56.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:26:56.960 -> 00:26:57.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:26:57.960 -> 00:26:58.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:26:58.960 -> 00:26:59.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:26:59.960 -> 00:27:00.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:27:00.960 -> 00:27:01.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:27:01.960 -> 00:27:02.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:27:02.960 -> 00:27:03.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:27:03.960 -> 00:27:04.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:27:04.960 -> 00:27:05.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:27:05.960 -> 00:27:06.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:27:06.960 -> 00:27:07.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:27:07.960 -> 00:27:08.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:27:08.960 -> 00:27:09.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:27:09.960 -> 00:27:10.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:27:10.960 -> 00:27:11.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:27:11.960 -> 00:27:12.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:27:12.960 -> 00:27:13.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:27:13.960 -> 00:27:14.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:27:14.960 -> 00:27:15.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:27:15.960 -> 00:27:16.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:27:16.960 -> 00:27:17.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:27:17.960 -> 00:27:18.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:27:18.960 -> 00:27:19.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:27:19.960 -> 00:27:20.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:27:20.960 -> 00:27:21.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:27:21.960 -> 00:27:22.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:27:22.960 -> 00:27:23.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:27:23.960 -> 00:27:30.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:27:30.960 -> 00:27:31.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:27:31.960 -> 00:27:32.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:27:32.960 -> 00:27:33.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:27:33.960 -> 00:27:34.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:27:34.960 -> 00:27:35.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:27:35.960 -> 00:27:36.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:27:36.960 -> 00:27:37.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:27:37.960 -> 00:27:38.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:27:38.960 -> 00:27:39.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:27:39.960 -> 00:27:40.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:27:40.960 -> 00:27:41.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:27:41.960 -> 00:27:42.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:27:42.960 -> 00:27:43.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:27:43.960 -> 00:27:44.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:27:44.960 -> 00:27:45.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:27:45.960 -> 00:28:01.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:28:01.960 -> 00:28:02.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:28:02.960 -> 00:28:03.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:28:03.960 -> 00:28:04.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:28:04.960 -> 00:28:05.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:28:05.960 -> 00:28:06.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:28:06.960 -> 00:28:07.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:28:07.960 -> 00:28:08.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:28:08.960 -> 00:28:09.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:28:09.960 -> 00:28:10.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:28:10.960 -> 00:28:11.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:28:11.960 -> 00:28:12.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:28:12.960 -> 00:28:13.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:28:13.960 -> 00:28:14.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:28:14.960 -> 00:28:15.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:28:15.960 -> 00:28:16.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:28:16.960 -> 00:28:17.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:28:17.960 -> 00:28:18.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:28:18.960 -> 00:28:19.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:28:19.960 -> 00:28:20.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:28:20.960 -> 00:28:21.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:28:21.960 -> 00:28:22.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:28:22.960 -> 00:28:23.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:28:23.960 -> 00:28:24.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:28:24.960 -> 00:28:25.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:28:25.960 -> 00:28:26.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:28:26.960 -> 00:28:27.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:28:27.960 -> 00:28:28.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:28:28.960 -> 00:28:29.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:28:29.960 -> 00:28:30.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:28:30.960 -> 00:28:37.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:28:37.960 -> 00:28:39.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:28:39.960 -> 00:28:40.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:28:40.960 -> 00:28:41.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:28:41.960 -> 00:28:42.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:28:42.960 -> 00:28:43.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:28:43.960 -> 00:28:44.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:28:44.960 -> 00:28:45.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:28:45.960 -> 00:28:46.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:28:46.960 -> 00:28:47.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:28:47.960 -> 00:28:48.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:28:48.960 -> 00:28:49.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:28:49.960 -> 00:28:50.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:28:50.960 -> 00:28:51.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:28:51.960 -> 00:28:52.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:28:52.960 -> 00:28:53.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:28:53.960 -> 00:28:54.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:28:54.960 -> 00:28:55.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:28:55.960 -> 00:28:56.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:28:56.960 -> 00:28:57.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:28:57.960 -> 00:28:58.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:28:58.960 -> 00:28:59.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:28:59.960 -> 00:29:00.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:29:00.960 -> 00:29:01.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:29:01.960 -> 00:29:02.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:29:02.960 -> 00:29:03.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:29:03.960 -> 00:29:04.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:29:04.960 -> 00:29:05.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:29:05.960 -> 00:29:06.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:29:06.960 -> 00:29:07.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:29:07.960 -> 00:29:08.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:29:08.960 -> 00:29:09.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:29:09.960 -> 00:29:34.960]:  Why won't you tell me that it's over?
[00:29:34.960 -> 00:29:41.960]:  Where the fuck are these players at?
[00:29:41.960 -> 00:29:57.960]:  Please have one real player left.
[00:29:57.960 -> 00:29:59.960]:  Oh yeah.
[00:29:59.960 -> 00:30:01.960]:  There's still a lot of Jesus to watch.
[00:30:01.960 -> 00:30:03.960]:  Yeah, I know some.
[00:30:03.960 -> 00:30:18.960]:  I guess they're all boss guys.
[00:30:18.960 -> 00:30:19.960]:  Unless they're fighting something.
[00:30:19.960 -> 00:30:20.960]:  They're fighting.
[00:30:20.960 -> 00:30:21.960]:  They might be fighting.
[00:30:21.960 -> 00:30:22.960]:  Three survivors left, including myself.
[00:30:22.960 -> 00:30:25.960]:  Two other players.
[00:30:25.960 -> 00:30:26.960]:  Of course.
[00:30:26.960 -> 00:30:36.960]:  Also, seven is my name for like four years.
[00:30:36.960 -> 00:30:38.960]:  Not great.
[00:30:38.960 -> 00:30:39.960]:  Investus.
[00:30:39.960 -> 00:30:46.960]:  Might run into a player.
[00:30:46.960 -> 00:31:05.960]:  Yeah, it's Battle Royale.
[00:31:05.960 -> 00:31:06.960]:  It is, yeah.
[00:31:06.960 -> 00:31:07.960]:  You die, you're out.
[00:31:07.960 -> 00:31:08.960]:  There's only one person left.
[00:31:08.960 -> 00:31:09.960]:  This might be a bot, though.
[00:31:09.960 -> 00:31:12.960]:  I might have already won, technically, so.
[00:31:12.960 -> 00:31:14.960]:  Time to find out, though, in a second.
[00:31:14.960 -> 00:31:17.960]:  The storm closes in, it's like a storm just like this.
[00:31:17.960 -> 00:31:20.960]:  I mean, just like other Battle Royale's.
[00:31:20.960 -> 00:31:23.960]:  Oh yeah, it's fun, dude.
[00:31:23.960 -> 00:31:26.960]:  If you got a PK, no honor.
[00:31:26.960 -> 00:31:30.960]:  Oh, here he is, the bot.
[00:31:30.960 -> 00:31:47.960]:  It's a fucking bot, guys, we won the game.
[00:31:47.960 -> 00:32:04.960]:  Oh my God, no way I'd get a one on that.
[00:32:04.960 -> 00:32:05.960]:  What the fuck was that, guys?
[00:32:05.960 -> 00:32:06.960]:  See that?
[00:32:06.960 -> 00:32:13.960]:  What the fuck was that?
[00:32:13.960 -> 00:32:25.960]:  Anybody want to play, don't pull up, or play another game.
[00:32:25.960 -> 00:32:33.960]:  Stay mad.
[00:32:33.960 -> 00:32:35.960]:  I don't know.
[00:32:35.960 -> 00:32:37.960]:  I'm not sure why this will be a bot, so much better.
[00:32:37.960 -> 00:32:38.960]:  I'll be right back, guys.
[00:32:38.960 -> 00:32:44.960]:  I'll be just a second, I'll take a leak.
[00:32:45.960 -> 00:32:48.960]:  [MUSIC PLAYING]
[00:32:48.960 -> 00:32:51.960]:  [MUSIC PLAYING]
[00:32:51.960 -> 00:32:54.960]:  [MUSIC PLAYING]
[00:32:55.960 -> 00:32:58.960]:  [MUSIC PLAYING]
[00:32:59.960 -> 00:33:01.960]:  [MUSIC PLAYING]
[00:33:01.960 -> 00:33:04.960]:  [MUSIC PLAYING]
[00:33:04.960 -> 00:33:07.960]:  [MUSIC PLAYING]
[00:33:07.960 -> 00:33:10.960]:  [MUSIC PLAYING]
[00:33:10.960 -> 00:33:13.960]:  [MUSIC PLAYING]
[00:33:13.960 -> 00:33:16.960]:  [MUSIC PLAYING]
[00:33:16.960 -> 00:33:19.960]:  [MUSIC PLAYING]
[00:33:19.960 -> 00:33:22.960]:  [MUSIC PLAYING]
[00:33:22.960 -> 00:33:25.960]:  [MUSIC PLAYING]
[00:33:25.960 -> 00:33:28.960]:  [MUSIC PLAYING]
[00:33:28.960 -> 00:33:31.960]:  [MUSIC PLAYING]
[00:33:31.960 -> 00:33:33.960]:  All righty.
[00:33:33.960 -> 00:33:34.960]:  Let's go, guys.
[00:33:34.960 -> 00:33:37.960]:  [MUSIC PLAYING]
[00:33:37.960 -> 00:33:38.960]:  Yeah, I think that's pretty bad.
[00:33:38.960 -> 00:33:39.960]:  I think P. King and Generals died.
[00:33:39.960 -> 00:33:42.960]:  [MUSIC PLAYING]
[00:33:42.960 -> 00:33:43.960]:  [MUSIC PLAYING]
[00:33:43.960 -> 00:33:44.960]:  [MUSIC PLAYING]
[00:33:44.960 -> 00:33:45.960]:  These are my runescape?
[00:33:45.960 -> 00:33:46.960]:  No, this is the game mode in the game.
[00:33:46.960 -> 00:33:47.960]:  [MUSIC PLAYING]
[00:33:47.960 -> 00:33:48.960]:  The game mode in the game.
[00:33:48.960 -> 00:33:49.960]:  [MUSIC PLAYING]
[00:33:49.960 -> 00:33:50.960]:  You've got to go past this portal.
[00:33:50.960 -> 00:33:51.960]:  [MUSIC PLAYING]
[00:33:51.960 -> 00:33:54.960]:  [MUSIC PLAYING]
[00:33:54.960 -> 00:33:56.960]:  I wish I could just stay calm while I fight people.
[00:33:56.960 -> 00:33:57.960]:  I could be really good, man.
[00:33:57.960 -> 00:33:58.960]:  I'm serious.
[00:33:58.960 -> 00:34:00.960]:  [MUSIC PLAYING]
[00:34:00.960 -> 00:34:02.960]:  They ain't going to do shit about it, bro.
[00:34:02.960 -> 00:34:05.960]:  Boredom, they don't do shit. I actually do shit, man.
[00:34:05.960 -> 00:34:16.960]:  I hate piers, man.
[00:34:16.960 -> 00:34:19.960]:  I think we got a real player here.
[00:34:19.960 -> 00:34:22.960]:  We're on it by a million screens.
[00:34:22.960 -> 00:34:27.960]:  We're knocking in the marching feet.
[00:34:27.960 -> 00:34:31.960]:  We're moving into the street.
[00:34:31.960 -> 00:34:36.960]:  Now, did you read the news today?
[00:34:36.960 -> 00:34:40.960]:  They say the danger's down our way.
[00:34:40.960 -> 00:34:44.960]:  We're not gonna see the fires still alight.
[00:34:44.960 -> 00:34:47.960]:  Burning into the night.
[00:34:48.960 -> 00:34:50.960]:  There's too many men.
[00:34:50.960 -> 00:34:55.960]:  Too many people making too many problems.
[00:34:55.960 -> 00:34:59.960]:  And there's not much love to go around.
[00:34:59.960 -> 00:35:03.960]:  Can't you see this is a land of confusion?
[00:35:03.960 -> 00:35:09.960]:  This is the world we live in.
[00:35:09.960 -> 00:35:13.960]:  And these are the hands we're given.
[00:35:15.960 -> 00:35:18.960]:  Let's start trying.
[00:35:18.960 -> 00:35:22.960]:  See you later, buddy boy.
[00:35:22.960 -> 00:35:29.960]:  Easy kill.
[00:35:29.960 -> 00:35:44.960]:  Here, we got another player here.
[00:35:44.960 -> 00:35:48.960]:  I'm losing control by the hour and this is the time.
[00:35:48.960 -> 00:35:53.960]:  This is the place that we love for the future.
[00:35:53.960 -> 00:35:57.960]:  There's not much love to go around.
[00:35:57.960 -> 00:36:01.960]:  Tell me why this is a land of confusion.
[00:36:01.960 -> 00:36:08.960]:  This is the world we live in.
[00:36:08.960 -> 00:36:12.960]:  And these are the hands we're given.
[00:36:13.960 -> 00:36:16.960]:  Use them and let's start trying.
[00:36:16.960 -> 00:36:22.960]:  To make it a place we're living in.
[00:36:22.960 -> 00:36:50.960]:  [MUSIC]
[00:36:51.960 -> 00:36:53.960]:  Oh my god, I walked into that.
[00:36:53.960 -> 00:36:55.960]:  Frozen.
[00:36:55.960 -> 00:37:05.960]:  Whatever, this guy's not better than me.
[00:37:06.960 -> 00:37:08.960]:  So long ago.
[00:37:08.960 -> 00:37:31.960]:  I won't be coming home tonight.
[00:37:32.960 -> 00:37:35.960]:  My generation will put it right.
[00:37:35.960 -> 00:37:39.960]:  We're not just making promises.
[00:37:39.960 -> 00:37:43.960]:  That we know we'll never keep up.
[00:37:43.960 -> 00:37:50.960]:  There's too many men, too many people making too many problems.
[00:37:50.960 -> 00:37:54.960]:  There's not much love to go around.
[00:37:54.960 -> 00:37:58.960]:  Can't you see this is a land of confusion?
[00:38:01.960 -> 00:38:06.960]:  [MUSIC]
[00:38:06.960 -> 00:38:12.960]:  Oh, got him, got him, got him, bitch.
[00:38:12.960 -> 00:38:14.960]:  Got him, baby.
[00:38:14.960 -> 00:38:16.960]:  Set his ass down to flow.
[00:38:16.960 -> 00:38:18.960]:  Yeah, bitch.
[00:38:18.960 -> 00:38:20.960]:  Fucking infernal cape, pussy.
[00:38:20.960 -> 00:38:23.960]:  Fucking infernal cape, you fucking little bitch.
[00:38:23.960 -> 00:38:30.960]:  [MUSIC]
[00:38:30.960 -> 00:38:31.960]:  Thank you, brother.
[00:38:31.960 -> 00:38:34.960]:  All right, we got that kill.
[00:38:34.960 -> 00:38:36.960]:  I think that was aggressive.
[00:38:36.960 -> 00:38:38.960]:  That was aggressive.
[00:38:38.960 -> 00:38:45.960]:  [MUSIC]
[00:38:45.960 -> 00:38:47.960]:  Yeah, buddy.
[00:38:47.960 -> 00:38:49.960]:  Yeah, buddy.
[00:38:50.960 -> 00:39:01.960]:  [MUSIC]
[00:39:01.960 -> 00:39:03.960]:  Oh, he's down here.
[00:39:03.960 -> 00:39:05.960]:  I bet you did.
[00:39:05.960 -> 00:39:07.960]:  Our 55 combat.
[00:39:07.960 -> 00:39:09.960]:  Where am I going?
[00:39:10.960 -> 00:39:20.960]:  [MUSIC]
[00:39:21.960 -> 00:39:31.960]:  [MUSIC]
[00:39:31.960 -> 00:39:42.960]:  [MUSIC]
[00:39:42.960 -> 00:39:49.960]:  [MUSIC]
[00:39:49.960 -> 00:39:59.960]:  [MUSIC]
[00:40:14.960 -> 00:40:24.960]:  [MUSIC]
[00:40:39.960 -> 00:40:44.960]:  [MUSIC]
[00:40:44.960 -> 00:40:46.960]:  Nope, not going to cut it, boy.
[00:40:46.960 -> 00:40:48.960]:  Ain't going to do it, boy.
[00:40:48.960 -> 00:40:50.960]:  Ain't going to cut it for you, buddy.
[00:40:50.960 -> 00:40:52.960]:  Buddy boy?
[00:40:52.960 -> 00:40:54.960]:  Baby boy?
[00:40:54.960 -> 00:40:56.960]:  All right, don't do it.
[00:40:56.960 -> 00:40:58.960]:  I'm fucking this game up.
[00:40:59.960 -> 00:41:16.960]:  [MUSIC]
[00:41:16.960 -> 00:41:19.960]:  All right, guys, we probably got one more real player here.
[00:41:19.960 -> 00:41:22.960]:  Yeah, I'm in 559.
[00:41:22.960 -> 00:41:28.960]:  Oh, we got some fucking javelins, bro.
[00:41:28.960 -> 00:41:29.960]:  Let's go.
[00:41:29.960 -> 00:41:31.960]:  Oh, I didn't mean to drop.
[00:41:31.960 -> 00:41:32.960]:  Oh, yeah, I dropped that, yeah.
[00:41:32.960 -> 00:41:35.960]:  Is that a crate?
[00:41:35.960 -> 00:41:36.960]:  No, that's a crate.
[00:41:36.960 -> 00:41:39.960]:  Yeah, they are.
[00:41:39.960 -> 00:41:40.960]:  They hit hard.
[00:41:40.960 -> 00:41:41.960]:  They're really accurate.
[00:41:41.960 -> 00:41:43.960]:  Oh, I got another key.
[00:41:43.960 -> 00:41:46.960]:  Yeah, I got you, nerd.
[00:41:46.960 -> 00:41:47.960]:  Yeah, I got you, nerd.
[00:41:47.960 -> 00:41:48.960]:  I got you, baby.
[00:41:49.960 -> 00:42:01.960]:  [MUSIC]
[00:42:01.960 -> 00:42:03.960]:  Yeah, that shit was pretty fun.
[00:42:03.960 -> 00:42:05.960]:  It was.
[00:42:05.960 -> 00:42:13.960]:  I'm going to win this game, dude.
[00:42:13.960 -> 00:42:14.960]:  I'm going to win another game.
[00:42:15.960 -> 00:42:20.960]:  [MUSIC]
[00:42:20.960 -> 00:42:21.960]:  Finally, bro, isn't gambling.
[00:42:21.960 -> 00:42:23.960]:  Finally, your fucking ass is banned.
[00:42:23.960 -> 00:42:26.960]:  Can I get a Sia in the chat for Mr. Extero, official?
[00:42:26.960 -> 00:42:29.960]:  See you later, bitch.
[00:42:29.960 -> 00:42:30.960]:  See ya.
[00:42:30.960 -> 00:42:32.960]:  See ya later, buddy.
[00:42:32.960 -> 00:42:35.960]:  Don't come here with your pretentious-ass bullshit.
[00:42:35.960 -> 00:42:37.960]:  Come here with that bullshit.
[00:42:37.960 -> 00:42:39.960]:  You came to the wrong stream for that bullshit.
[00:42:39.960 -> 00:42:42.960]:  Get away with that one, chat.
[00:42:42.960 -> 00:42:43.960]:  You banned, bitch. You're banned.
[00:42:44.960 -> 00:42:45.960]:  See ya later.
[00:42:45.960 -> 00:42:49.960]:  How did you know?
[00:42:49.960 -> 00:42:50.960]:  There's, like, no one in my chat, dude.
[00:42:50.960 -> 00:42:51.960]:  What is going on?
[00:42:51.960 -> 00:42:52.960]:  I don't like streaming like this.
[00:42:52.960 -> 00:42:53.960]:  This is why I gamble.
[00:42:53.960 -> 00:42:55.960]:  My chat's so dead when I don't gamble.
[00:42:55.960 -> 00:42:56.960]:  Yeah.
[00:42:56.960 -> 00:42:58.960]:  Everybody's type of five.
[00:42:58.960 -> 00:42:59.960]:  Everybody's type of five.
[00:42:59.960 -> 00:43:00.960]:  Just fucking do it, please.
[00:43:00.960 -> 00:43:03.960]:  Everybody's type of five, please, man.
[00:43:03.960 -> 00:43:06.960]:  I'm going to end the stream with 15 people on type of dude.
[00:43:06.960 -> 00:43:08.960]:  Okay, I'm getting off, dude.
[00:43:08.960 -> 00:43:09.960]:  I'm not kidding.
[00:43:09.960 -> 00:43:10.960]:  This is some bullshit.
[00:43:10.960 -> 00:43:11.960]:  I know more of y'all are watching, man.
[00:43:11.960 -> 00:43:12.960]:  Why are y'all being so quiet?
[00:43:13.960 -> 00:43:14.960]:  What's going on?
[00:43:14.960 -> 00:43:15.960]:  Come on, guys.
[00:43:15.960 -> 00:43:16.960]:  15 people got typed.
[00:43:16.960 -> 00:43:17.960]:  I'm ending the stream.
[00:43:17.960 -> 00:43:19.960]:  It's like 10.
[00:43:19.960 -> 00:43:21.960]:  That's all right.
[00:43:21.960 -> 00:43:23.960]:  You guys can talk about your favorite pizza.
[00:43:23.960 -> 00:43:25.960]:  Is everybody's favorite pizza?
[00:43:25.960 -> 00:43:27.960]:  Is pineapple going pizza?
[00:43:27.960 -> 00:43:29.960]:  Oh, no.
[00:43:29.960 -> 00:43:31.960]:  Oh, you good, Flex.
[00:43:31.960 -> 00:43:32.960]:  You good, Flex.
[00:43:32.960 -> 00:43:35.960]:  Red Baron?
[00:43:35.960 -> 00:43:36.960]:  That's your favorite?
[00:43:36.960 -> 00:43:39.960]:  That's that cheap frozen shit?
[00:43:39.960 -> 00:43:40.960]:  Come on, bro.
[00:43:40.960 -> 00:43:42.960]:  You'd do better than that.
[00:43:42.960 -> 00:43:43.960]:  Pineapple pepperoni?
[00:43:43.960 -> 00:43:44.960]:  Okay, okay.
[00:43:44.960 -> 00:43:47.960]:  My favorite's probably just pepperoni.
[00:43:47.960 -> 00:43:48.960]:  Or just cheese.
[00:43:48.960 -> 00:43:49.960]:  No, probably pepperoni.
[00:43:49.960 -> 00:43:51.960]:  I get them peps on there.
[00:43:51.960 -> 00:43:54.960]:  All dressed?
[00:43:54.960 -> 00:43:55.960]:  You like the meat, all meat?
[00:43:55.960 -> 00:43:58.960]:  Yeah, I'm doing R.I.J. Bipolar.
[00:43:58.960 -> 00:43:59.960]:  Thank you, brother.
[00:43:59.960 -> 00:44:02.960]:  I love my dog, too, bro.
[00:44:02.960 -> 00:44:04.960]:  My dog's sitting right here.
[00:44:04.960 -> 00:44:05.960]:  Hey, hey!
[00:44:05.960 -> 00:44:06.960]:  Pepper!
[00:44:06.960 -> 00:44:07.960]:  Here you go.
[00:44:07.960 -> 00:44:09.960]:  Hey, ditch me, boys.
[00:44:09.960 -> 00:44:11.960]:  Ditch my ass.
[00:44:12.960 -> 00:44:14.960]:  I like thin crust as well.
[00:44:14.960 -> 00:44:15.960]:  That shit's good.
[00:44:15.960 -> 00:44:17.960]:  Damn, that pizza's nice.
[00:44:17.960 -> 00:44:23.960]:  Pizzas glorified cheesy red sticks.
[00:44:23.960 -> 00:44:26.960]:  But it's got pizza sauce in it.
[00:44:26.960 -> 00:44:29.960]:  I won another game, boys, technically.
[00:44:29.960 -> 00:44:31.960]:  Two and O, bitch.
[00:44:31.960 -> 00:44:35.960]:  Look at this account, dude.
[00:44:35.960 -> 00:44:36.960]:  Look at this account, bro.
[00:44:36.960 -> 00:44:39.960]:  The RDK really sets it off.
[00:44:39.960 -> 00:44:41.960]:  No offense if you're watching.
[00:44:41.960 -> 00:44:44.960]:  Mountain Dew Live Wire is good.
[00:44:44.960 -> 00:44:45.960]:  Orange drink?
[00:44:45.960 -> 00:44:46.960]:  Orange soda?
[00:44:46.960 -> 00:44:47.960]:  Yes.
[00:44:47.960 -> 00:44:57.960]:  Oh, I didn't mean to go in here.
[00:44:57.960 -> 00:45:00.960]:  Whoops.
[00:45:00.960 -> 00:45:06.960]:  What kind of armor is that?
[00:45:06.960 -> 00:45:07.960]:  I've never seen that.
[00:45:08.960 -> 00:45:09.960]:  What is that?
[00:45:09.960 -> 00:45:10.960]:  What armor is that, guys?
[00:45:10.960 -> 00:45:11.960]:  What is that?
[00:45:11.960 -> 00:45:12.960]:  What the fuck is he wearing?
[00:45:12.960 -> 00:45:14.960]:  I don't know any of that.
[00:45:14.960 -> 00:45:15.960]:  That's all new to me.
[00:45:15.960 -> 00:45:16.960]:  That's all new to me.
[00:45:16.960 -> 00:45:17.960]:  What is this?
[00:45:17.960 -> 00:45:18.960]:  What kind of gear is this?
[00:45:18.960 -> 00:45:25.960]:  Yeah, let me get those, bro.
[00:45:25.960 -> 00:45:26.960]:  Let me get those.
[00:45:26.960 -> 00:45:28.960]:  Hey, let me have my streamer.
[00:45:28.960 -> 00:45:29.960]:  Let me have my streamer quick.
[00:45:29.960 -> 00:45:30.960]:  I'll be right back.
[00:45:30.960 -> 00:45:31.960]:  I'll end my stream and just be right back.
[00:45:31.960 -> 00:45:32.960]:  One minute, I'll be back.
[00:45:32.960 -> 00:45:42.960]:  [BLANK_AUDIO]