VOD at https://mines.expert/BossmanJack/Kees/thebossmanjack (live) 2024-04-29 02_46 [50988812669].mp4
[00:00:00.000 -> 00:00:07.920]:  $110. Let's go guys. Oh, oh my recharge dude. Nice. Yes. Fuck you. Okay. Yes
[00:00:07.920 -> 00:00:10.880]:  Awesome. Okay
[00:00:10.880 -> 00:00:15.520]:  All right, let's go with the reload first. Let's get like really risky with the reload. If we lose it
[00:00:15.520 -> 00:00:17.920]:  fine. We got the 310 of the STT
[00:00:17.920 -> 00:00:22.240]:  This is a risky coin flip. We're gonna head to tails chat head to tails chat
[00:00:24.320 -> 00:00:32.800]:  Head to tails chat head to tails. God. We're going heads or tails and our heads or our tails
[00:00:32.800 -> 00:00:35.040]:  Tails
[00:00:35.040 -> 00:00:40.560]:  You're a fucking genius. You're a fucking genius. I love you. You're a great viewer. I love having you around
[00:00:40.560 -> 00:00:43.680]:  Now maybe heads
[00:00:43.680 -> 00:00:45.760]:  Damn
[00:00:45.760 -> 00:00:47.760]:  Let's go fucking 30 on heads
[00:00:47.760 -> 00:00:51.040]:  There it is
[00:00:51.040 -> 00:00:54.880]:  Now heads again are tails guys. We need this win for a Fed. This will be 120 our part
[00:00:54.880 -> 00:00:59.920]:  Tails
[00:00:59.920 -> 00:01:02.640]:  No around the beat drop. That's been cool
[00:01:02.640 -> 00:01:07.040]:  Damn dude
[00:01:07.040 -> 00:01:10.480]:  Wildy no way
[00:01:10.480 -> 00:01:13.760]:  No way I just lost all that. Oh my god. What a joke
[00:01:13.760 -> 00:01:16.400]:  It's been so bad today
[00:01:16.400 -> 00:01:20.320]:  There we go
[00:01:20.960 -> 00:01:22.960]:  Oh
[00:01:22.960 -> 00:01:28.640]:  My god, I haven't gotten a double and I don't know how long I'm scared to do them now. They're so uninconsistent
[00:01:28.640 -> 00:01:33.440]:  There we go guys beautiful. Let's go
[00:01:33.440 -> 00:01:37.120]:  Y'all do tail in the heads
[00:01:37.120 -> 00:01:42.480]:  Damn 240. Come on, please. Please please. Tails
[00:01:42.480 -> 00:01:45.360]:  No, dude. Oh my god
[00:01:45.360 -> 00:01:48.640]:  What
[00:01:49.440 -> 00:01:51.440]:  Oh
[00:01:51.440 -> 00:01:54.560]:  What a joke, dude
[00:01:54.560 -> 00:02:02.640]:  What a joke man, that's wrong. Oh, thank god all in
[00:02:02.640 -> 00:02:07.920]:  Oh my god, man fucking hell dude
[00:02:07.920 -> 00:02:13.840]:  Dude, you're fucking kidding me. How the fuck do we do this? Oh my god, dude
[00:02:18.400 -> 00:02:20.400]:  Oh my fucking god, dude. I want to fuck
[00:02:20.400 -> 00:02:25.760]:  You guys see the time and time again and how bad this is
[00:02:25.760 -> 00:02:28.400]:  Why do I play this funny?
[00:02:28.400 -> 00:02:33.280]:  Why do I play this skin? This is a fucking joke. How do I lose so much on me, dude?
[00:02:33.280 -> 00:02:37.840]:  I can't I don't understand it. I don't lose so much on me every time
[00:02:37.840 -> 00:02:43.840]:  Please it was me. I need this looking
[00:02:44.800 -> 00:02:53.680]:  He's an almond god. What a fucking joke. That's so fucking angry. That's so fucking angry. I fucking need that, dude
[00:02:53.680 -> 00:03:06.880]:  What a joke man. What a joke, bro? That's jokes man. That actually was a joke right there
[00:03:06.880 -> 00:03:08.880]:  I
[00:03:08.880 -> 00:03:10.880]:  I
[00:03:10.880 -> 00:03:12.880]:  I
[00:03:12.880 -> 00:03:14.880]:  I
[00:03:14.880 -> 00:03:16.880]:  I
[00:03:41.760 -> 00:03:47.200]:  Can't get us lost all that money. I just lost 110 130 240 bucks
[00:03:47.200 -> 00:03:59.360]:  Sometimes it's gonna set me up for my future, bro. Everybody that sounds because I'm like dealing shit, so no, it makes you pretty happy
[00:04:08.400 -> 00:04:12.160]:  We don't need to be questioning my sponsor all the time guys take a four-hour time out we see
[00:04:12.160 -> 00:04:15.760]:  For one hour 30 minutes take a 10-minute time out. Come on. You know better
[00:04:15.760 -> 00:04:23.040]:  If you were sponsored by BC and I came in your stream talking about I want to see the spreadsheet of the wins and losses
[00:04:23.040 -> 00:04:27.360]:  You wouldn't like that either dude and you also can leave lots of numbers
[00:04:27.360 -> 00:04:32.880]:  You guys can think for 10 minutes for this disrespecting the fact that I should be showing respect to my sponsor
[00:04:32.880 -> 00:04:35.280]:  You guys are showing no respect
[00:04:35.280 -> 00:04:37.280]:  I
[00:04:38.240 -> 00:04:40.240]:  I
[00:04:40.240 -> 00:04:42.240]:  Feel the idea of being a man
[00:04:42.240 -> 00:04:59.680]:  I can't tell a lot. Yeah
[00:05:07.040 -> 00:05:12.480]:  Numbers don't lie. Yo drop since with another tenor. Oh my god, dude. Holy shit, but
[00:05:12.480 -> 00:05:19.280]:  Thank you very much, man. That's so cool. That's so cool. He has dropped so many subs today, dude. You're a beast, man
[00:05:19.280 -> 00:05:24.160]:  I appreciate that much fucking love my boy much love my boy for real dude. Thank you
[00:05:24.160 -> 00:05:27.040]:  That's what's up dude
[00:05:27.040 -> 00:05:31.840]:  All right, guys. I'm gonna do a $25 coin flip if we lose I'm going straight to fire portals
[00:05:31.840 -> 00:05:34.800]:  Please don't lose this baby
[00:05:34.800 -> 00:05:36.800]:  You don't lose this baby
[00:05:36.800 -> 00:05:43.120]:  Oh my god, dude. I gotta do another one. Oh my god
[00:05:43.120 -> 00:05:47.840]:  There you go
[00:05:47.840 -> 00:05:55.760]:  Dude, oh my god, there's no way I get sucked into this shit every time. Oh my god. He please hit this. Please hit this. Please hit this
[00:05:55.760 -> 00:06:03.600]:  Yes, let's fucking go. I needed that guy. I needed that we're gonna get it back. Oh my god
[00:06:04.560 -> 00:06:06.560]:  You're a big 18
[00:06:06.560 -> 00:06:10.400]:  Let's go
[00:06:10.400 -> 00:06:13.680]:  Let's fucking go guys one more one more
[00:06:13.680 -> 00:06:19.200]:  Yeah, I made that big squirt finally guys
[00:06:19.200 -> 00:06:21.920]:  Finally
[00:06:21.920 -> 00:06:25.040]:  Three in a row on heads. Oh, there's four heads in a row
[00:06:25.040 -> 00:06:28.480]:  Two is five. Oh wow
[00:06:28.480 -> 00:06:32.160]:  I shouldn't lose it back now
[00:06:32.800 -> 00:06:34.800]:  There you go
[00:06:34.800 -> 00:06:38.080]:  Let's fucking go guys one more one more
[00:06:38.080 -> 00:06:44.080]:  Yeah, oh my god, holy shit. Let's fucking go. I'm glad I stayed
[00:06:44.080 -> 00:06:47.840]:  Oh my god, come on
[00:06:47.840 -> 00:06:52.560]:  Give me 37 on heads. Oh my god. That's okay. We're still up
[00:06:52.560 -> 00:06:56.480]:  Come on
[00:06:58.480 -> 00:07:00.000]:  Please
[00:07:00.000 -> 00:07:02.960]:  Yes, let's fucking go. Oh my god. Thank god. I want that do another one
[00:07:02.960 -> 00:07:07.440]:  Yes, sir. Come on
[00:07:07.440 -> 00:07:10.640]:  No, oh my god
[00:07:10.640 -> 00:07:14.240]:  Let's go
[00:07:14.240 -> 00:07:17.440]:  Let's go guys. Let's go guys. Let's fucking go. Come on
[00:07:17.440 -> 00:07:21.360]:  Let's go. Let's go. Oh
[00:07:21.360 -> 00:07:24.160]:  My god guys one more and I'm out of here
[00:07:25.600 -> 00:07:29.040]:  No, oh man grip guys, that would have been huge
[00:07:29.040 -> 00:07:32.320]:  Please hit this. Please hit this
[00:07:32.320 -> 00:07:35.760]:  No, oh my god
[00:07:35.760 -> 00:07:38.400]:  That's okay. That's really sad now
[00:07:38.400 -> 00:07:43.360]:  Oh, let's go. Come on
[00:07:43.360 -> 00:07:47.200]:  Oh my god you come on dude
[00:07:47.200 -> 00:07:52.800]:  Oh my god. This is sick. This is fucking sick. Dude. What the fuck is it doing?
[00:07:53.840 -> 00:07:58.640]:  What the fuck are you doing? Oh my god. I'm fucking sick when it's done
[00:07:58.640 -> 00:08:02.000]:  Oh my god
[00:08:02.000 -> 00:08:04.000]:  Oh my fucking god
[00:08:04.000 -> 00:08:09.680]:  Can you guys just see how that happens every time? Oh my fucking god, dude
[00:08:09.680 -> 00:08:14.000]:  Let's fucking go catch that. I need that
[00:08:19.440 -> 00:08:21.440]:  Let's go come on
[00:08:21.440 -> 00:08:25.120]:  No, dude. Why is it always fucking me dude?
[00:08:25.120 -> 00:08:28.000]:  Come on, man
[00:08:28.000 -> 00:08:34.080]:  Dude one of these days, man. I'm gonna be so pissed off. I'm gonna fucking quit and never do this ever again, dude
[00:08:34.080 -> 00:08:37.680]:  I swear fucking god. This is the dumbest shit I've ever seen in my life dog
[00:08:37.680 -> 00:08:41.360]:  I mean real shit. This is the dumbest shit I've ever seen in my life
[00:08:41.360 -> 00:08:44.080]:  Oh my fucking god. Dude
[00:08:44.080 -> 00:08:46.000]:  Oh my fucking god
[00:08:46.000 -> 00:08:48.000]:  That's wrong, man
[00:08:48.160 -> 00:08:50.160]:  That's wrong, dude
[00:08:50.160 -> 00:08:53.520]:  Oh my god, dude
[00:08:53.520 -> 00:08:58.080]:  What the fuck is going on? What the fuck do they want from me? What do they want from me, dude?
[00:08:58.080 -> 00:09:02.800]:  What the fuck do these people want from me dude? Clearly all my money. I know that much
[00:09:02.800 -> 00:09:06.480]:  Holy fucking shit. You're all my fucking mod, man
[00:09:06.480 -> 00:09:10.320]:  Oh well, man. I fucking live such a shitty life dude
[00:09:10.320 -> 00:09:14.160]:  I live such a shitty fucking life dude. That's fucking wrong
[00:09:14.960 -> 00:09:19.520]:  You guys ever seen something so bad? Holy shit, dude. That's gonna be great for that. Yeah, that's good. That's smart
[00:09:19.520 -> 00:09:21.520]:  I
[00:09:21.520 -> 00:09:23.520]:  I
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[00:09:41.520 -> 00:09:43.520]:  I
[00:09:43.520 -> 00:09:45.520]:  I
[00:10:11.440 -> 00:10:13.440]:  I wanna show you guys something I play
[00:10:13.440 -> 00:10:27.280]:  It's all from 5 p.m. enough it's from 5 p.m. I'll be right back
[00:10:27.280 -> 00:10:29.280]:  I
[00:10:29.280 -> 00:10:31.280]:  I
[00:10:31.280 -> 00:10:33.280]:  I
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[00:12:09.280 -> 00:12:11.280]:  I
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[00:12:35.280 -> 00:12:35.280]:  I
[00:12:35.280 -> 00:12:35.280]:  I
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[00:12:37.280 -> 00:12:37.280]:  I
[00:12:37.280 -> 00:12:37.280]:  I
[00:12:37.280 -> 00:12:39.280]:  I
[00:12:39.280 -> 00:12:41.280]:  I
[00:12:41.280 -> 00:12:43.280]:  I
[00:12:43.280 -> 00:12:43.280]:  I
[00:12:43.280 -> 00:13:03.460]:  Already down 20. Down 40. Holy crap dude. I wanna do it back. Oh my god dude this is crazy man.
[00:13:03.460 -> 00:13:28.520]:  Yes, let's go guys. Let's go and go. Got it all back in 20 bucks extra.
[00:13:28.520 -> 00:13:34.880]:  This one ever was 31,000 dollars. 31 dollar bet ahead of times 1,000. It was 31,000.
[00:13:34.880 -> 00:14:03.860]:  It was 31,000. Come on dude. Come on dude, look at this. Holy crap dude, please don't.
[00:14:03.860 -> 00:14:17.020]:  Yes, let's go guys. Oh my god, let's go. Big bad one. Let's go.
[00:14:17.020 -> 00:14:31.240]:  Holy saying. I got it in blue at all. I got it in blue at all guys, let's go.
[00:14:31.240 -> 00:14:52.840]:  Damn dude, this is for the record dude. Oh my god, I just, I'm putting my monitor. Wait
[00:14:52.840 -> 00:15:10.600]:  a second. Turn on my monitor, you can do it. There we go.
[00:15:10.600 -> 00:15:34.160]:  Let's fucking go guys. Let's fucking go guys. Let's put on top of that.
[00:15:34.160 -> 00:15:51.920]:  Come on dude. Damn dude, come on. Come on man, please.
[00:15:51.920 -> 00:16:19.600]:  Oh my god, what a joke. Oh my god, this is for my, dude I'm fucking second or something.
[00:16:19.600 -> 00:16:44.200]:  Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. We take that too. Come on baby.
[00:16:44.200 -> 00:16:54.400]:  Oh man, come on dude. Oh man, every time I go big, I can't get any fucking behind.
[00:16:54.400 -> 00:17:05.520]:  And then it continues after. Look at that shit. Come the fuck on dude. No fucking way dude.
[00:17:05.520 -> 00:17:10.200]:  Yes, let's fun go. I needed that so bad. Oh my god dude. Oh my god. Let's go
[00:17:10.200 -> 00:17:19.200]:  No way dude, come on. Give me a break. Oh my god
[00:17:19.200 -> 00:17:31.200]:  Yes, oh my god guys. Oh my fucking god, holy fucking shit dude. Let's fun go
[00:17:31.760 -> 00:17:56.360]:  Yeah, that climb out of nowhere. Oh, oh my god that would have been a fatty man. Oh
[00:17:59.040 -> 00:18:06.680]:  No, yes, oh my god, holy crap, holy crap lost
[00:18:06.680 -> 00:18:13.360]:  We're 32 o'clock. Oh, no, dude. Come on. Oh
[00:18:13.360 -> 00:18:21.200]:  Holy fuck dude
[00:18:28.080 -> 00:18:31.440]:  Oh my god, I'm fucking unfettered. Oh my god
[00:18:31.440 -> 00:18:43.900]:  No, I knew it. I knew in the big one instantly mine
[00:18:43.900 -> 00:18:50.560]:  Yes, oh my god
[00:18:50.560 -> 00:19:06.800]: , oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, holy crap, dude
[00:19:06.800 -> 00:19:17.200]:  No, come on man, please no
[00:19:19.920 -> 00:19:25.040]:  No, oh my god. There goes. There's a switch instant mine 3000 room. Oh
[00:19:25.040 -> 00:19:28.480]:  My god, this is so fucking wrong
[00:19:28.480 -> 00:19:31.100]:  This is so wrong
[00:19:31.100 -> 00:19:37.560]:  Dude, oh my god every time stick to the same shit dude stick to the same thing we do
[00:19:37.560 -> 00:19:46.280]:  That's what fucking bullshit. Oh my fucking god. You go fuck you sir fucking loser. Oh my fucking god look at this bullshit
[00:19:46.280 -> 00:19:48.280]:  Oh
[00:19:48.280 -> 00:20:00.320]:  It's so obvious
[00:20:00.320 -> 00:20:07.200]:  I fucking hate my fucking life. I literally hate my fucking life. They don't think I'm serious when I say that I literally hate
[00:20:07.200 -> 00:20:13.720]:  I'll see y'all later man. Have a good night. Love you guys. I fucking hate my life. I fucking hate doing this every day
[00:20:13.720 -> 00:20:21.040]:  I hate fucking people spinning in my face, slapping me in my face, and I'm clearly just trying to have a good time and provide a stream to me.
[00:20:21.040 -> 00:20:26.900]:  I don't know what's going on, dude. I don't get it, bro. It's so fucking wrong. It's so so wrong.
[00:20:26.900 -> 00:20:36.900]:  [BLANK_AUDIO]