VOD at https://mines.expert/BossmanJack/Kees/thebossmanjack (live) 2024-05-01 13_29 [51004613629].mp4
[00:00:00.000 -> 00:00:06.620]:  I'm back guys, pretty much here, not pretty bro.
[00:00:06.620 -> 00:00:14.780]:  Thank you brother, not pretty bro bro bro, not pretty bro bro, not pretty bro bro.
[00:00:14.780 -> 00:00:20.520]:  Get back, get back to ya, get back to ya.
[00:00:20.520 -> 00:00:32.760]:  Alright, I hope so man.
[00:00:32.760 -> 00:00:41.680]:  Okay, I'm 25 here and I hope you got more time than Bitcoin too, and I'm 20 here, let's
[00:00:41.680 -> 00:00:43.680]:  flip up a day.
[00:00:43.680 -> 00:00:46.680]:  Hello Walter, what are you doing boss?
[00:00:46.680 -> 00:01:08.040]:  Oh my god, I'm ahead of you, let's go, let's go, let's go.
[00:01:08.040 -> 00:01:16.520]:  I'm just gonna do a 50 I'm gonna go I hit this twice I'm gonna go straight
[00:01:16.520 -> 00:01:22.680]:  those stops please just give me two wins in a row two wins in a row baby oh fuck
[00:01:22.680 -> 00:01:31.000]:  you do this oh let's go catch that insulin do another one yes guys there's one
[00:01:31.000 -> 00:01:37.880]:  more man maybe one more we can do it we can do it yeah let's fucking go fuck
[00:01:37.880 -> 00:01:42.960]:  yeah baby all right now we're going to swap that's pretty good printer go birth
[00:01:42.960 -> 00:01:48.520]:  haha what I start with hundred something hundred something everybody
[00:01:48.520 -> 00:01:55.000]:  knows look at that little top off the eighty six of the top or even ros was
[00:01:55.000 -> 00:02:03.640]:  don't ever push it over until now the other 80 other than the first one
[00:02:03.640 -> 00:02:10.880]:  see it can be you can there you go or twenty-five or forty dollars take that
[00:02:10.880 -> 00:02:18.400]:  double check it come on already please let's go guys let's go guys do another one
[00:02:18.400 -> 00:02:40.680]:  you know once you know oh my god oh my goodness come on oh my god guys wow that's
[00:02:40.680 -> 00:02:46.720]:  fucking crazy I shouldn't have came here oh there you go try three let's go guys
[00:02:46.720 -> 00:02:53.920]:  let's go we need that I'll do a big one 20 come on get back to you another purple
[00:02:53.920 -> 00:03:04.720]:  another purple let's go let's fucking go baby oh yeah get back to you yellow hello hello hello yellow
[00:03:04.720 -> 00:03:13.120]:  purple no please move pause neither one all right all right come on please
[00:03:13.120 -> 00:03:17.520]:  wait a minute baby please come on they purple the blue with the blue with the
[00:03:17.520 -> 00:03:21.480]:  blue let's go we take yes we take it we take it now watch this guys we get this
[00:03:21.480 -> 00:03:27.840]:  on times two or more worth a thousand dollars come on guys come on please oh yes
[00:03:27.840 -> 00:03:35.320]:  we got blue let's go we take one more where to ban not if it's blue okay we're
[00:03:35.320 -> 00:03:42.600]:  getting really close now let me get thousand here there's blue get banned are
[00:03:42.600 -> 00:03:48.560]:  you saying yo I'm not I'm not I'm not gonna play look at the wind you holy
[00:03:48.560 -> 00:03:52.160]:  shit balls I know it sounds really stupid I'm gonna do a fat you just a
[00:03:52.160 -> 00:04:05.720]:  fucker fat oh my god yes sir let's go we take another
[00:04:05.720 -> 00:04:12.160]:  fifty-eight comment please please get back to you get back to you yes oh my god
[00:04:12.160 -> 00:04:20.240]:  guys we've got it all back holy crap okay I'm gonna lose this small one now do
[00:04:20.240 -> 00:04:30.480]:  another ginormous one here we go praise praise guys no oh my god dude no way
[00:04:30.480 -> 00:04:34.560]:  man I'm gonna go all in the bottom here we go I'm not kidding I just click the
[00:04:34.560 -> 00:04:42.240]:  button praise guys yes oh my god thank God we hit something holy crap come on
[00:04:42.240 -> 00:04:51.480]:  now we just need one more no alright guys all in again with me look here we go
[00:04:51.480 -> 00:05:00.120]:  come on please Lord please Lord please Lord yes oh my god yes holy crap those
[00:05:00.120 -> 00:05:05.320]:  close dude we hit the thousand here I think we are yes we are a thousand bucks
[00:05:05.320 -> 00:05:17.520]:  let's go let's probably do more yes let's fuck go let's fuck go hold on say my new
[00:05:17.520 -> 00:05:32.360]:  big God yeah go nice oh my god another win baby another win all right dude we
[00:05:32.360 -> 00:05:37.600]:  win this it's a miracle and a half dude like I don't think I'm gonna win this
[00:05:37.600 -> 00:05:44.520]:  every time I go big you know three hundred sixty five dollars every day of
[00:05:44.520 -> 00:05:52.080]:  the year one blue no no dude oh my god we're going all in again dude here we
[00:05:52.080 -> 00:06:02.360]:  go please give me purple dude okay blue every time go big it's fine come on so
[00:06:02.360 -> 00:06:07.880]:  the whiskey doesn't that's a loss oh my god guys it's not letting me get that
[00:06:07.880 -> 00:06:13.400]:  all right here we go all in please man please trace
[00:06:13.400 -> 00:06:20.640]:  yeah let's fucking go who you laughing at now pussy huh moto can you be
[00:06:20.640 -> 00:06:28.200]:  laughing at now hello who you laughing at I just won you fucking dumbass hello
[00:06:28.200 -> 00:06:31.800]:  they don't know how to type now look at them they forgot I'm tight that's cute
[00:06:31.800 -> 00:06:43.840]:  that's real cute look how cute that is guy that's a cute one right they got
[00:06:43.840 -> 00:06:52.840]:  a reply didn't I but you laughing at now buddy what you laughing at now buddy
[00:06:52.840 -> 00:07:00.040]:  hello are you laughing now I didn't think so I didn't think so okay I think I
[00:07:00.040 -> 00:07:03.200]:  should read now I think I should read now what do you think I'm going down the
[00:07:03.200 -> 00:07:08.880]:  lower side you need the purple real quick I'm getting the bag let's go let's
[00:07:08.880 -> 00:07:17.840]:  party up blue hello blue how you doing 35
[00:07:17.840 -> 00:07:24.000]:  good morning Julie thank you very much oh oh that's just very that's just wrong
[00:07:24.000 -> 00:07:27.760]:  I'm doing good pro there you do above that's just wrong another mess here no
[00:07:27.760 -> 00:07:31.520]:  didn't know didn't get the one 98 double-chuck it so we're going for two more
[00:07:31.520 -> 00:07:38.360]:  ones here one here oh my god oh my god it hit a fucking purple oh my
[00:07:38.360 -> 00:07:44.040]:  fucking god mind that okay that's another purple no it is blue blue blue oh my
[00:07:44.040 -> 00:07:50.000]:  god oh my god you let's go if we win this we are at $2,000 here we go on
[00:07:50.000 -> 00:07:52.720]:  two times or more
[00:07:52.720 -> 00:07:59.560]:  oh right on the train now dude damn it I shouldn't want that video I'll hold
[00:07:59.560 -> 00:08:09.360]:  you never know okay okay come on pretty pretty pretty I'm gonna let you know oh
[00:08:09.360 -> 00:08:19.200]:  what do you say okay no I'm sorry fine purple purple yes guys get back
[00:08:19.200 -> 00:08:25.760]:  season get back she should become another purple nope blue he take it though he's
[00:08:25.760 -> 00:08:29.960]:  fucking take it he's fucking take it now I'm going for a ginormous one I don't
[00:08:29.960 -> 00:08:33.080]:  know why I just kind of want to rescue you I want to risk this I'm gonna risk
[00:08:33.080 -> 00:08:38.520]:  it here we go guys $700 a wheel come back baby come on here we go let's go big
[00:08:38.520 -> 00:08:48.400]:  old bomber for this one no dude oh my god every time I do a big man but it's
[00:08:48.400 -> 00:08:58.000]:  weird oh my god I'm going all in guys I'm not kidding here we go everybody
[00:08:58.000 -> 00:09:05.280]:  cross your fingers cross your toes I'm going in here we go please man no oh my
[00:09:05.280 -> 00:09:10.480]:  god dude man fuck this dude oh my fucking god lost it dude it's all fucking gone
[00:09:10.480 -> 00:09:15.280]:  dude and now they want to give me purple oh not even how cute is that god man
[00:09:15.280 -> 00:09:22.000]:  that's so fucking stupid dude I'll never get ahead doing this dude I'll never
[00:09:22.000 -> 00:09:25.360]:  get ahead doing this at this rate dude I never will I swear to God I'll never
[00:09:25.360 -> 00:09:29.560]:  get ahead man it's so sad to say that too
[00:09:35.640 -> 00:09:41.640]:  Oh my god. No, I'm fucking lost. I've been hit my life during this game. It's not going to end.
[00:09:41.640 -> 00:09:46.640]:  Come on, dude. That's what it's supposed to be.
[00:09:46.640 -> 00:09:50.640]:  Oh my god, dude. Come on, dude.
[00:09:50.640 -> 00:09:55.640]:  Oh my god. I'm gonna fucking do it. Oh my fucking god, dude.
[00:09:55.640 -> 00:10:00.640]:  Man, I fucking swear to god, bro. This is so depressing. Over and over and over again, dude.
[00:10:00.640 -> 00:10:02.640]:  Oh my god, dude.
[00:10:02.640 -> 00:10:07.640]:  Come on, please, please, please.
[00:10:07.640 -> 00:10:12.640]:  Oh my god. It just fucking took everything, dude.
[00:10:12.640 -> 00:10:15.640]:  Oh my god, man. I lost everything.
[00:10:15.640 -> 00:10:20.640]:  I'm now in deep dead again. I literally hate my life, dude. I fucking hate my life, dude. I'm in dead again.
[00:10:20.640 -> 00:10:26.640]:  Oh my god. I fucking hate doing this. This is so wrong, man. Why don't I ever win?
[00:10:26.640 -> 00:10:28.640]:  Holy fuck man
[00:10:28.640 -> 00:10:34.920]:  Fucking bullshit dude. I fucking hate my life right now, and it's because of this dude. I'm fucking hate my life right now
[00:10:34.920 -> 00:10:39.700]:  Damn dude. I fucking lost everything and I fucking thousand dollars in loans
[00:10:39.700 -> 00:10:49.340]:  Lovely. Thank you so much. Thank you. I feel great. Feel super loved right now dude. I don't fucking feel nothing fucking
[00:10:49.340 -> 00:10:55.840]:  Fucking misery bro for real. I feel like dog shit. Oh, well who cares right? Who fucking cares dude?
[00:10:55.840 -> 00:11:00.760]:  No one does get me. I love a good day, man. I'm fucking miserable dude. I don't even know what's going on dude
[00:11:00.760 -> 00:11:06.000]:  Like what is even going on dude? Damn dog. I fucking hate my life dude. I fucking hate my life, bro
[00:11:06.000 -> 00:11:10.500]:  You guys think I don't mean that dude. I fucking really give a man. That was a good one. That's what I would do
[00:11:10.500 -> 00:11:20.500]:  [BLANK_AUDIO]