VOD at https://mines.expert/BossmanJack/Kick/YOO WE OUT HERE 2023-12-13 21_30 [96264448-yoo-we-out-here].mp4
[00:00:00.000 -> 00:00:04.000]:  So how she got them has the telling signs of age
[00:00:04.000 -> 00:00:07.000]:  Rained down a single tear is dropping
[00:00:07.000 -> 00:00:14.000]:  To the valleys of an 18-face that this world has forgotten
[00:00:14.000 -> 00:00:34.000]:  There is no reconciliation that will put me in my place
[00:00:34.000 -> 00:00:37.000]:  And there is no time like a present
[00:00:37.000 -> 00:00:39.000]:  You drink these drink seconds
[00:00:39.000 -> 00:00:44.000]:  The solvents of these words win true when I'm constantly failing you
[00:00:44.000 -> 00:00:47.000]:  But also we just can't break through until it disappears
[00:00:47.000 -> 00:00:53.000]:  And tell me now to save love and how do we get her home?
[00:00:53.000 -> 00:00:58.000]:  So don't know that when she's scared I don't hate you but I just want you
[00:00:58.000 -> 00:01:00.000]:  What's up everybody?
[00:01:00.000 -> 00:01:02.000]:  How's everybody doing me?
[00:01:02.000 -> 00:01:04.000]:  Oh everyone's doing good?
[00:01:04.000 -> 00:01:06.000]:  Having a good Wednesday?
[00:01:06.000 -> 00:01:10.000]:  I hope everyone's having a good Wednesday.
[00:01:10.000 -> 00:01:14.000]:  Let's get it.
[00:01:14.000 -> 00:01:17.000]:  I have a very little amount of juice coming in.
[00:01:17.000 -> 00:01:20.000]:  I'm going to try and make it work.
[00:01:20.000 -> 00:01:21.000]:  Try to.
[00:01:21.000 -> 00:01:25.000]:  Like $10 guys.
[00:01:25.000 -> 00:01:27.000]:  $10 coming in.
[00:01:27.000 -> 00:01:28.000]:  Hey we can try and make it work.
[00:01:28.000 -> 00:01:30.000]:  You have new headphones came in today.
[00:01:30.000 -> 00:01:38.000]:  The deal is not live yet.
[00:01:38.000 -> 00:01:41.000]:  Hopefully it's supposed to start today.
[00:01:41.000 -> 00:01:46.000]:  Yeah buddy.
[00:01:46.000 -> 00:01:54.000]:  I got sponsored by Stake again.
[00:01:54.000 -> 00:02:01.000]:  I love the new headset.
[00:02:01.000 -> 00:02:08.000]:  Good checker sponsor of our free viewverts.
[00:02:08.000 -> 00:02:13.000]:  What's up?
[00:02:13.000 -> 00:02:18.000]:  Oh, the sub guy is correct.
[00:02:18.000 -> 00:02:23.000]:  I have 911 subs.
[00:02:23.000 -> 00:02:28.000]:  I went through my revenue page and looked at my subs I got in the last month since the 13th of November.
[00:02:28.000 -> 00:02:31.000]:  And it is indeed 911.
[00:02:31.000 -> 00:02:33.000]:  I have 911 subs.
[00:02:33.000 -> 00:02:36.000]:  Can you believe that guys?
[00:02:36.000 -> 00:02:38.000]:  Right there.
[00:02:38.000 -> 00:02:42.000]:  Hell yeah dude.
[00:02:42.000 -> 00:02:48.000]:  Thank you Donald Sarn.
[00:02:48.000 -> 00:02:50.000]:  We gotta try to climb a little bit.
[00:02:50.000 -> 00:02:55.000]:  Climb a little bit here on keynote.
[00:02:55.000 -> 00:03:10.000]:  Oh man.
[00:03:10.000 -> 00:03:12.000]:  Four losses.
[00:03:12.000 -> 00:03:13.000]:  Five.
[00:03:13.000 -> 00:03:19.000]:  Five losses in a row.
[00:03:19.000 -> 00:03:22.000]:  Can you hit one?
[00:03:22.000 -> 00:03:28.000]:  Yes, climb back up.
[00:03:28.000 -> 00:03:37.000]:  Come on dude.
[00:03:37.000 -> 00:03:40.000]:  Yes.
[00:03:40.000 -> 00:03:47.000]:  Yes, let's go.
[00:03:47.000 -> 00:03:57.000]:  Yes.
[00:03:57.000 -> 00:04:02.000]:  Yes.
[00:04:02.000 -> 00:04:07.000]:  Yes.
[00:04:07.000 -> 00:04:10.000]:  Oh, 20 bucks.
[00:04:10.000 -> 00:04:15.000]:  Double the depot.
[00:04:15.000 -> 00:04:19.000]:  Let's get it.
[00:04:19.000 -> 00:04:25.000]:  Come on, there we go.
[00:04:25.000 -> 00:04:27.000]:  Come on.
[00:04:27.000 -> 00:04:30.000]:  Come on, next we'll hit 8X, 8X.
[00:04:30.000 -> 00:04:33.000]:  Oh, close enough.
[00:04:33.000 -> 00:04:36.000]:  Where's the 8X at?
[00:04:36.000 -> 00:04:49.000]:  Oh, yeah, there it is, 8X.
[00:04:49.000 -> 00:04:53.000]:  Thank you very strong arrow.
[00:04:53.000 -> 00:04:56.000]:  Come on, hit it forward, please, Lordy.
[00:04:56.000 -> 00:05:08.000]:  Yeah!
[00:05:08.000 -> 00:05:10.000]:  Close my OTC address, alright.
[00:05:10.000 -> 00:05:11.000]:  Hold on one second, boss.
[00:05:11.000 -> 00:05:14.000]:  If it's 6, it's 6.
[00:05:14.000 -> 00:05:16.000]:  No, one more.
[00:05:16.000 -> 00:05:18.000]:  3, 3, 3.
[00:05:18.000 -> 00:05:21.000]:  No.
[00:05:21.000 -> 00:05:22.000]:  Oh, my gosh.
[00:05:22.000 -> 00:05:23.000]:  How am I going?
[00:05:23.000 -> 00:05:25.000]:  How am I going in?
[00:05:25.000 -> 00:05:27.000]:  No, I lost it all.
[00:05:27.000 -> 00:05:29.000]:  I just lost it all.
[00:05:29.000 -> 00:05:31.000]:  Oh.
[00:05:31.000 -> 00:05:33.000]:  Wow.
[00:05:33.000 -> 00:05:39.000]:  Okay, I got up to 30 bucks, too, man.
[00:05:39.000 -> 00:05:40.000]:  That wasn't bad.
[00:05:40.000 -> 00:05:41.000]:  Why is that funny to you?
[00:05:41.000 -> 00:05:43.000]:  What's the matter with you?
[00:05:43.000 -> 00:05:45.000]:  You're just self-projecting, brother.
[00:05:45.000 -> 00:05:48.000]:  You're making yourself look bad.
[00:05:48.000 -> 00:05:50.000]:  You're self-projecting.
[00:05:50.000 -> 00:06:00.000]:  [MUSIC]
[00:06:00.000 -> 00:06:09.000]:  Treco, are you really juicing?
[00:06:09.000 -> 00:06:11.000]:  Man, why so stupid for doing that?
[00:06:11.000 -> 00:06:13.000]:  I didn't think that 14 was going to hit.
[00:06:13.000 -> 00:06:14.000]:  I really did.
[00:06:14.000 -> 00:06:16.000]:  [MUSIC]
[00:06:16.000 -> 00:06:17.000]:  What the fuck what?
[00:06:17.000 -> 00:06:19.000]:  The fuck are you talking about?
[00:06:19.000 -> 00:06:24.000]:  [MUSIC]
[00:06:24.000 -> 00:06:25.000]:  Right free baby.
[00:06:25.000 -> 00:06:27.000]:  You're watching me dude.
[00:06:27.000 -> 00:06:34.000]:  [MUSIC]
[00:06:34.000 -> 00:06:35.000]:  Boom.
[00:06:35.000 -> 00:06:43.000]:  [MUSIC]
[00:06:43.000 -> 00:06:44.000]:  Oh well.
[00:06:44.000 -> 00:06:47.000]:  [MUSIC]
[00:06:47.000 -> 00:06:49.000]:  I'm gonna be smiling about bro.
[00:06:49.000 -> 00:06:50.000]:  Take an hour out there.
[00:06:50.000 -> 00:06:52.000]:  Take an hour walk.
[00:06:52.000 -> 00:07:00.000]:  [MUSIC]
[00:07:00.000 -> 00:07:02.000]:  Yeah I'm getting together with family and shit of course.
[00:07:02.000 -> 00:07:12.000]:  [MUSIC]
[00:07:12.000 -> 00:07:13.000]:  Was the let go guy trolling?
[00:07:13.000 -> 00:07:14.000]:  Do I need to ban him?
[00:07:14.000 -> 00:07:16.000]:  Was he trolling about the Litecoin?
[00:07:16.000 -> 00:07:19.000]:  I ban anybody that trolls me with a donation.
[00:07:19.000 -> 00:07:20.000]:  That's definitely a ban.
[00:07:20.000 -> 00:07:22.000]:  I have 100% ban.
[00:07:22.000 -> 00:07:28.000]:  [MUSIC]
[00:07:28.000 -> 00:07:30.000]:  Bald man, Bald boss man at one case subs?
[00:07:30.000 -> 00:07:31.000]:  I don't know bro.
[00:07:31.000 -> 00:07:34.000]:  I can't believe we have 900 subs right now dude.
[00:07:34.000 -> 00:07:40.000]:  [MUSIC]
[00:07:40.000 -> 00:07:42.000]:  Bro, I'm getting sponsored by stake today.
[00:07:42.000 -> 00:07:46.000]:  [MUSIC]
[00:07:46.000 -> 00:07:47.000]:  Damn dog.
[00:07:47.000 -> 00:07:49.000]:  I just wasted $30.
[00:07:49.000 -> 00:07:51.000]:  I wasted it.
[00:07:51.000 -> 00:07:52.000]:  I like it very much stronger.
[00:07:52.000 -> 00:07:53.000]:  I appreciate that.
[00:07:53.000 -> 00:07:55.000]:  [MUSIC]
[00:07:55.000 -> 00:07:57.000]:  Alright, I guess Vekko's getting banned.
[00:07:57.000 -> 00:07:58.000]:  Fucking dickhead.
[00:07:58.000 -> 00:07:59.000]:  Treco.
[00:07:59.000 -> 00:08:00.000]:  Treco.
[00:08:00.000 -> 00:08:02.000]:  Anybody want to add to the Treco guy?
[00:08:02.000 -> 00:08:04.000]:  [MUSIC]
[00:08:04.000 -> 00:08:11.000]:  Whoa.
[00:08:11.000 -> 00:08:14.000]:  Oh, that'd be funny.
[00:08:14.000 -> 00:08:17.000]:  Treco Mr. Troll.
[00:08:17.000 -> 00:08:20.000]:  Treco Mr. Waste my time.
[00:08:20.000 -> 00:08:21.000]:  He definitely got him.
[00:08:21.000 -> 00:08:24.000]:  He would have answered by now.
[00:08:24.000 -> 00:08:26.000]:  What's your LTC address?
[00:08:26.000 -> 00:08:32.000]:  [MUSIC]
[00:08:32.000 -> 00:08:36.000]:  I know if you're less it would be cool.
[00:08:36.000 -> 00:08:39.000]:  [MUSIC]
[00:08:39.000 -> 00:08:42.000]:  Well shit, I kinda wish I didn't go live, guys, I'll be honest.
[00:08:42.000 -> 00:08:49.000]:  [MUSIC]
[00:08:49.000 -> 00:08:50.000]:  Oh.
[00:08:50.000 -> 00:08:56.000]:  [MUSIC]
[00:08:56.000 -> 00:08:58.000]:  Fuck, dude.
[00:08:58.000 -> 00:09:06.000]:  [MUSIC]
[00:09:06.000 -> 00:09:08.000]:  I think so too, bro.
[00:09:08.000 -> 00:09:14.000]:  [MUSIC]
[00:09:14.000 -> 00:09:16.380]:  I'm not sure yet.
[00:09:16.380 -> 00:09:18.000]:  What's up, gentlemen?
[00:09:18.000 -> 00:09:27.000]:  [MUSIC]
[00:09:27.000 -> 00:09:32.000]:  [COUGH]
[00:09:32.000 -> 00:09:34.000]:  I think I have ads eventually, I think.
[00:09:34.000 -> 00:09:37.000]:  [MUSIC]
[00:09:37.000 -> 00:09:47.000]:  [MUSIC]
[00:09:47.000 -> 00:09:55.000]:  Thank you, why?
[00:09:55.000 -> 00:10:00.000]:  [MUSIC]
[00:10:00.000 -> 00:10:01.000]:  What's up, deep dollers?
[00:10:01.000 -> 00:10:02.000]:  What the fuck?
[00:10:02.000 -> 00:10:03.000]:  Where you been at, dog?
[00:10:03.000 -> 00:10:12.000]:  [MUSIC]
[00:10:12.000 -> 00:10:13.000]:  Not a whole lot, man.
[00:10:13.000 -> 00:10:17.000]:  I saw some of my bread.
[00:10:17.000 -> 00:10:19.000]:  Yeah, I got any headphones in the mail today.
[00:10:19.000 -> 00:10:21.000]:  Yeah, they're nice.
[00:10:21.000 -> 00:10:23.000]:  They're good.
[00:10:23.000 -> 00:10:27.000]:  They're very, very comfortable.
[00:10:27.000 -> 00:10:31.000]:  No, I got no juice incoming.
[00:10:31.000 -> 00:10:33.000]:  I'm about to be sponsored by Steak starting today,
[00:10:33.000 -> 00:10:40.000]:  so I'm only going to be on Steak.
[00:10:40.000 -> 00:10:44.000]:  Yeah, it starts today.
[00:10:44.000 -> 00:10:48.000]:  No, these are course errors.
[00:10:48.000 -> 00:10:50.000]:  Course error.
[00:10:50.000 -> 00:10:54.000]:  Hell no, these are like $80.
[00:10:54.000 -> 00:11:00.000]:  Thank you guys.
[00:11:00.000 -> 00:11:08.000]:  Thank you very much, YouTube Cartman.
[00:11:08.000 -> 00:11:12.000]:  Yeah, they're RGB.
[00:11:12.000 -> 00:11:14.000]:  Very cool.
[00:11:14.000 -> 00:11:18.000]:  They see how changing colors.
[00:11:18.000 -> 00:11:22.000]:  Think only that's right.
[00:11:22.000 -> 00:11:26.000]:  Hopefully yes, and bet yeah.
[00:11:26.000 -> 00:11:32.000]:  Course error is good.
[00:11:32.000 -> 00:11:36.000]:  I'll turn my best.
[00:11:36.000 -> 00:11:38.000]:  Thank you, Swiftie.
[00:11:38.000 -> 00:11:40.000]:  Nice J-domb.
[00:11:40.000 -> 00:11:44.000]:  I don't know the details yet.
[00:11:44.000 -> 00:11:50.000]:  Thank you, helping us.
[00:11:50.000 -> 00:11:56.000]:  I'm pretty sure, Persian.
[00:11:56.000 -> 00:12:04.000]:  It would be real.
[00:12:04.000 -> 00:12:08.000]:  Yeah, I have 900 subs now.
[00:12:08.000 -> 00:12:10.000]:  I'm good dog face.
[00:12:10.000 -> 00:12:16.000]:  How are you doing?
[00:12:16.000 -> 00:12:22.000]:  On the way.
[00:12:22.000 -> 00:12:26.000]:  We've got 911 subs.
[00:12:26.000 -> 00:12:30.000]:  Killing it.
[00:12:30.000 -> 00:12:38.000]:  Right, US yeah.
[00:12:38.000 -> 00:12:46.000]:  Yep, headphones are in.
[00:12:46.000 -> 00:12:54.000]:  Oh, thank you for running.
[00:12:54.000 -> 00:13:02.000]:  I hope so.
[00:13:02.000 -> 00:13:08.000]:  Mm-mm-mm-mm.
[00:13:08.000 -> 00:13:12.000]:  Yeah, it's a good song.
[00:13:12.000 -> 00:13:20.000]:  No sport betting.
[00:13:20.000 -> 00:13:26.000]:  Biggest win this year?
[00:13:26.000 -> 00:13:30.000]:  I don't know, 10k Blackjack Hand or
[00:13:30.000 -> 00:13:33.000]:  $7,700 on Drop 'em.
[00:13:33.000 -> 00:13:37.000]:  Yo, what up, state? Jake?
[00:13:37.000 -> 00:13:41.000]:  Not sure it's 50, but it's sort of nice though.
[00:13:42.000 -> 00:13:47.000]:  They're Corsair's.
[00:13:47.000 -> 00:13:50.000]:  No.
[00:13:50.000 -> 00:13:52.000]:  They're only like $80 helping, I really recommend.
[00:13:52.000 -> 00:13:55.000]:  They're really comfortable.
[00:13:55.000 -> 00:13:58.000]:  $16,000 on Kino hit, that's right.
[00:13:58.000 -> 00:14:01.000]:  $16,000 on a Kino then, this is my biggest win for sure.
[00:14:01.000 -> 00:14:04.000]:  Yeah.
[00:14:04.000 -> 00:14:10.000]:  I went to Kino, had a $250 bet on high risk,
[00:14:10.000 -> 00:14:13.000]:  and it hit seven of them, which gave me a 63X,
[00:14:13.000 -> 00:14:14.000]:  paid like 16K.
[00:14:14.000 -> 00:14:25.000]:  Oh, what's dating you in?
[00:14:25.000 -> 00:14:29.000]:  Michigan, New York.
[00:14:29.000 -> 00:14:32.000]:  Washington.
[00:14:32.000 -> 00:14:34.000]:  Right.
[00:14:34.000 -> 00:14:37.000]:  Michigan, yeah.
[00:14:37.000 -> 00:14:39.000]:  Makes sense.
[00:14:39.000 -> 00:14:40.000]:  Mmm.
[00:14:40.000 -> 00:14:42.000]:  I'm stunning.
[00:14:42.000 -> 00:14:50.000]:  Uh-oh.
[00:14:50.000 -> 00:14:53.000]:  Well, if you paint your idea and they won't let you,
[00:14:53.000 -> 00:14:55.000]:  they won't let you as you play on here.
[00:14:55.000 -> 00:14:56.000]:  You have to put your idea in.
[00:14:56.000 -> 00:15:00.000]:  You must have an idea from a different state.
[00:15:00.000 -> 00:15:02.000]:  Yeah, good deal from Drakestream, yeah.
[00:15:02.000 -> 00:15:07.000]:  Million dollars in the giveaways on Statestream guys are on Drakestream coming up.
[00:15:07.000 -> 00:15:08.000]:  Look right here.
[00:15:08.000 -> 00:15:18.000]:  [MUSIC]
[00:15:18.000 -> 00:15:46.000]:  All right.
[00:15:46.000 -> 00:15:58.000]:  [MUSIC]
[00:15:58.000 -> 00:16:01.000]:  Yeah, that's my LTC state.
[00:16:01.000 -> 00:16:06.000]:  [MUSIC]
[00:16:06.000 -> 00:16:07.000]:  No, I don't know yet.
[00:16:07.000 -> 00:16:10.000]:  I'll definitely let y'all know when I find out if I'm allowed to.
[00:16:10.000 -> 00:16:16.000]:  [MUSIC]
[00:16:16.000 -> 00:16:18.000]:  Aw, that guy ain't juicing, bro.
[00:16:18.000 -> 00:16:19.000]:  What's up?
[00:16:19.000 -> 00:16:21.000]:  Shifty, how you doing, boss?
[00:16:21.000 -> 00:16:23.000]:  Yeah, that's my ETH.
[00:16:23.000 -> 00:16:27.000]:  [MUSIC]
[00:16:27.000 -> 00:16:30.000]:  LTC is right here, but I know this guy's not going to juice.
[00:16:30.000 -> 00:16:33.000]:  You can tell by the way he said it.
[00:16:33.000 -> 00:16:35.000]:  Yeah, he's actually going to have his 150 sound.
[00:16:35.000 -> 00:16:38.000]:  Yeah, okay.
[00:16:38.000 -> 00:16:41.000]:  Very immature.
[00:16:41.000 -> 00:16:44.000]:  Mm, I'm still man gone done.
[00:16:44.000 -> 00:16:47.000]:  Mm, oh my god, done.
[00:16:47.000 -> 00:16:49.000]:  All right, baby, how you boss?
[00:16:49.000 -> 00:16:53.000]:  [MUSIC]
[00:16:53.000 -> 00:16:55.000]:  Not sure what man's going for for Christmas.
[00:16:55.000 -> 00:16:59.000]:  [MUSIC]
[00:16:59.000 -> 00:17:01.000]:  Any new graphics card?
[00:17:01.000 -> 00:17:03.000]:  Sounds good, sounds good, Dots.
[00:17:03.000 -> 00:17:05.000]:  Yeah, sounds good, bro.
[00:17:05.000 -> 00:17:14.000]:  [MUSIC]
[00:17:14.000 -> 00:17:17.000]:  Bentley, this is my dream car, Bentley.
[00:17:17.000 -> 00:17:20.000]:  Beamer Benz are Bentley, I'm going with the Bentley.
[00:17:20.000 -> 00:17:22.000]:  All right, thank you, potion.
[00:17:22.000 -> 00:17:24.000]:  That's a real, that's a real juicer.
[00:17:24.000 -> 00:17:29.000]:  Unlike this Dots guy who just likes to troll to somehow get off on it.
[00:17:29.000 -> 00:17:31.000]:  Thank you very much, potion.
[00:17:31.000 -> 00:17:41.000]:  Ooh, potion is a real one.
[00:17:41.000 -> 00:17:46.000]:  Hopefully it's 15, we'll see.
[00:17:46.000 -> 00:17:54.000]:  I want like a great Bentley.
[00:17:54.000 -> 00:17:56.000]:  Right here dude, oh yeah.
[00:17:56.000 -> 00:18:00.000]:  Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh.
[00:18:00.000 -> 00:18:02.000]:  That is sexy.
[00:18:02.000 -> 00:18:04.000]:  Right there, right there, right there.
[00:18:04.000 -> 00:18:06.000]:  That's what I want, right there.
[00:18:06.000 -> 00:18:08.000]:  Right there is what I want, that's it.
[00:18:08.000 -> 00:18:11.000]:  I want to draw down the street in that bitch.
[00:18:11.000 -> 00:18:13.000]:  Give me a black one.
[00:18:13.000 -> 00:18:15.000]:  I like the gray though, I do like the gray.
[00:18:15.000 -> 00:18:16.000]:  I think that's clean.
[00:18:16.000 -> 00:18:20.000]:  Something's got the gift.
[00:18:20.000 -> 00:18:22.000]:  How much did it start at boys?
[00:18:22.000 -> 00:18:25.000]:  Get 250K.
[00:18:25.000 -> 00:18:28.000]:  Let the bodies hit the float.
[00:18:28.000 -> 00:18:35.000]:  Let the bodies hit the float.
[00:18:35.000 -> 00:18:36.000]:  The bodies hit the...
[00:18:36.000 -> 00:18:38.000]:  Exactly chicken fingers.
[00:18:38.000 -> 00:18:40.000]:  Just send it.
[00:18:40.000 -> 00:18:43.000]:  What are you talking about?
[00:18:43.000 -> 00:18:49.000]:  Yeah, right.
[00:18:49.000 -> 00:18:51.000]:  Don't really know about this.
[00:18:51.000 -> 00:18:56.000]:  I lost it so apparently, 9-10.
[00:18:56.000 -> 00:18:58.000]:  Hey, 10 bucks.
[00:18:58.000 -> 00:19:01.000]:  Thank you brother man.
[00:19:01.000 -> 00:19:04.000]:  I'm wrong with me.
[00:19:04.000 -> 00:19:07.000]:  I got Charlie Princess.
[00:19:07.000 -> 00:19:08.000]:  I don't think that's the wrong way.
[00:19:08.000 -> 00:19:16.000]:  What's up, sirens?
[00:19:16.000 -> 00:19:18.000]:  Let the bodies hit the float.
[00:19:18.000 -> 00:19:22.000]:  Let the bodies hit the float.
[00:19:22.000 -> 00:19:24.000]:  Ahh.
[00:19:24.000 -> 00:19:25.000]:  Hit the float.
[00:19:25.000 -> 00:19:28.000]:  Let the bodies hit the float.
[00:19:28.000 -> 00:19:34.000]:  How does 150 sound?
[00:19:34.000 -> 00:19:39.000]:  I can douchebag.
[00:19:39.000 -> 00:19:57.000]:  Yeah, I got a Corsair wireless.
[00:19:57.000 -> 00:20:02.000]:  No hell no.
[00:20:02.000 -> 00:20:03.000]:  Hey!
[00:20:03.000 -> 00:20:05.000]:  Lindstrom, man with the two gifted.
[00:20:05.000 -> 00:20:06.000]:  Thank you very much.
[00:20:06.000 -> 00:20:10.000]:  Honestly, man, thank you so much, man.
[00:20:10.000 -> 00:20:11.000]:  Thank you very much.
[00:20:11.000 -> 00:20:12.000]:  Two gifted.
[00:20:12.000 -> 00:20:15.000]:  You're awesome.
[00:20:15.000 -> 00:20:17.000]:  Got to give.
[00:20:17.000 -> 00:20:19.000]:  Got to give.
[00:20:19.000 -> 00:20:20.000]:  Thank you, man.
[00:20:20.000 -> 00:20:21.000]:  Two gifted, man.
[00:20:21.000 -> 00:20:22.000]:  Thank you, thank you, thank you.
[00:20:22.000 -> 00:20:25.000]:  Grad's 5420 on the gifted sub
[00:20:25.000 -> 00:20:27.000]:  and also the gamblers.
[00:20:27.000 -> 00:20:28.000]:  Grad's on the subs, guys.
[00:20:28.000 -> 00:20:29.000]:  Let's get it.
[00:20:29.000 -> 00:20:31.000]:  Thank you very much.
[00:20:31.000 -> 00:20:32.000]:  That was pretty nice of you.
[00:20:32.000 -> 00:20:38.000]:  Thank you, thank you.
[00:20:38.000 -> 00:20:47.000]:  Yeah, right, Dotsam.
[00:20:47.000 -> 00:20:48.000]:  Shut up, pussy.
[00:20:48.000 -> 00:20:50.000]:  I don't give a fuck what you say.
[00:20:50.000 -> 00:20:52.000]:  Get the fuck out of my chat.
[00:20:52.000 -> 00:20:53.000]:  Thank you.
[00:20:53.000 -> 00:20:55.000]:  Don't come back.
[00:20:55.000 -> 00:20:57.000]:  All right, guys.
[00:20:57.000 -> 00:21:05.000]:  It's the next song on the list.
[00:21:05.000 -> 00:21:08.000]:  Really good one.
[00:21:08.000 -> 00:21:13.000]:  Damn, damn, damn, damn.
[00:21:13.000 -> 00:21:18.000]:  Oh, did that's going to send it, but I changed my mind.
[00:21:18.000 -> 00:21:20.000]:  Only with your mom.
[00:21:20.000 -> 00:21:29.000]:  Shut up, Reking.
[00:21:29.000 -> 00:21:30.000]:  Shut up, pussy.
[00:21:30.000 -> 00:21:33.000]:  Take a fucking week time out, boss-manking.
[00:21:33.000 -> 00:21:34.000]:  Another rat.
[00:21:34.000 -> 00:21:35.000]:  You're the rat.
[00:21:35.000 -> 00:21:39.000]:  Get out of here.
[00:21:39.000 -> 00:21:49.000]:  Get out of here.
[00:21:49.000 -> 00:21:52.000]:  Oh my god.
[00:21:52.000 -> 00:21:59.000]:  So many doubles, bro.
[00:21:59.000 -> 00:22:04.000]:  Mm-mm-mm-mm.
[00:22:04.000 -> 00:22:19.000]:  Here's what it is, that's right.
[00:22:19.000 -> 00:22:22.000]:  Sure, drive me a sub.
[00:22:22.000 -> 00:22:23.000]:  Drop it, shop some supports.
[00:22:23.000 -> 00:22:24.000]:  Five dollars a month, man.
[00:22:24.000 -> 00:22:29.000]:  It's very affordable.
[00:22:29.000 -> 00:22:31.000]:  I don't know yet since then, I'm not sure.
[00:22:31.000 -> 00:22:33.000]:  Still waiting here.
[00:22:33.000 -> 00:22:36.000]:  Not lost another one.
[00:22:36.000 -> 00:22:38.000]:  Second mushroom.
[00:22:38.000 -> 00:22:42.000]:  Do they?
[00:22:42.000 -> 00:22:47.000]:  Not just another one.
[00:22:47.000 -> 00:22:51.000]:  For dinner, I had, um, shit.
[00:22:51.000 -> 00:22:56.000]:  What did I have?
[00:22:56.000 -> 00:22:57.000]:  Bro, I'm drawing a blank.
[00:22:57.000 -> 00:23:00.000]:  I just ate.
[00:23:00.000 -> 00:23:03.000]:  Oh, I had like a burger, I guess.
[00:23:03.000 -> 00:23:05.000]:  There's like a burger with no bone.
[00:23:05.000 -> 00:23:08.000]:  Grilled burger.
[00:23:08.000 -> 00:23:11.000]:  Pretty good.
[00:23:29.000 -> 00:23:33.000]:  I know, right?
[00:23:33.000 -> 00:23:37.000]:  Yeah, I like them both.
[00:23:37.000 -> 00:23:42.000]:  I might get off guys, I really don't know what to do.
[00:23:42.000 -> 00:23:43.000]:  I'm just kind of sitting here.
[00:23:43.000 -> 00:23:50.000]:  I don't really feel the best, man.
[00:23:50.000 -> 00:23:57.000]:  What's up, Trevor?
[00:23:57.000 -> 00:23:59.000]:  Yeah, I'm pretty bummed out right now.
[00:23:59.000 -> 00:24:02.000]:  I think I'm just gonna take a break, guys.
[00:24:02.000 -> 00:24:04.000]:  I'm feeling too good, man.
[00:24:04.000 -> 00:24:05.000]:  I don't know what to do.
[00:24:05.000 -> 00:24:07.000]:  I have no money.
[00:24:07.000 -> 00:24:09.000]:  All right, now.
[00:24:09.000 -> 00:24:10.000]:  My bad, guys.
[00:24:10.000 -> 00:24:11.000]:  Such a short stream.
[00:24:11.000 -> 00:24:13.000]:  I've been live for 20 minutes.
[00:24:13.000 -> 00:24:16.000]:  Oh, well.
[00:24:16.000 -> 00:24:18.000]:  All right, you then.
[00:24:18.000 -> 00:24:19.000]:  You'll have a good one.
[00:24:19.000 -> 00:24:20.000]:  I guess.
[00:24:20.000 -> 00:24:21.000]:  I don't know how much.
[00:24:21.000 -> 00:24:24.000]:  Oh, man.
[00:24:24.000 -> 00:24:31.420]:  [BLANK_AUDIO]