VOD at https://mines.expert/BossmanJack/Kick/chillin like a vilian 2024-02-13 03_51 [71643641-chillin-like-a-vilian].mp4
[00:00:00.000 -> 00:00:10.000]:  Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[00:00:10.000 -> 00:00:15.560]:  Everybody put three fingers in the air
[00:00:15.560 -> 00:00:19.480]:  The sky is falling, the wind is calling
[00:00:19.480 -> 00:00:21.440]:  Stand for something or die in the morning
[00:00:21.440 -> 00:00:23.600]:  Section 80, high power
[00:00:23.600 -> 00:00:39.760]:  Yo, what's goody everybody?
[00:00:39.760 -> 00:00:41.120]:  What's goody? What's goody? What's goody?
[00:00:41.120 -> 00:00:47.920]:  Alright, hold on
[00:00:47.920 -> 00:00:51.040]:  There you go, what's up guys?
[00:00:51.040 -> 00:00:53.520]:  I don't really like my camera
[00:00:53.520 -> 00:00:53.580]:  That's why
[00:00:53.580 -> 00:01:07.780]:  I want for donate this American I want for donate this American American donate to this
[00:01:07.780 -> 00:01:22.940]:  American how much Tony almost donate an image you can talk long off it's a good
[00:01:22.940 -> 00:01:46.940]:  I could do that yeah that's a good idea actually let's do that. Oh my god that'd be crazy Richard. What's up mouse crap? Yeah right come on man. So what add do you need boss?
[00:01:46.940 -> 00:02:10.940]:  I want to donate USA. Yeah fishing train if somebody wait. I guess we are doing the fishing
[00:02:10.940 -> 00:02:14.940]:  train. It's not going to be tomorrow it's going to be the day after because tomorrow is supposed
[00:02:14.940 -> 00:02:16.920]:  to rain. Then we'll see it might be a week.
[00:02:16.920 -> 00:02:46.900]:  It might be it might be doable tomorrow even because I like rainy days as long as it's not raining hard or something. Tomorrow or the next day. So fucking frightening enough to drive a man insane. One of the Twitter subs. Money man Belize. Brand new follower guys. I'll just say crypto. I'll take crypto. Crypto is fine for now. Take it easy. There's my ETH. Oh I'm going to do a little bit of crypto.
[00:02:46.900 -> 00:03:08.720]:  Oh no dude in real life probably IRL. What you think? My head said just the eyebrow. Oh there it goes. And high power. What's up bitches? This is a sponsor. Why is that a venue?
[00:03:08.720 -> 00:03:32.780]:  you. Did he do 100? Dude, please don't troll, man. Did he do 100? No! No way! What the fuck?
[00:03:33.640 -> 00:03:36.520]:  Dude, that's twice in a row I got some fat ass number!
[00:03:36.520 -> 00:03:55.220]:  What? You really got me, man? Oh, come on. Here you go. Yeah, I got 98. 98. You really
[00:03:55.220 -> 00:04:03.620]:  got me? Give me an 88, boss. It's hard for me to believe people. I get it. I
[00:04:03.620 -> 00:04:17.180]:  get so maybe I told me man it's fucked up all right I'm lucky tight what's that
[00:04:17.180 -> 00:04:26.480]:  Oh monkey type yeah oh wow this is crazy so he was trolling yeah so yeah I should
[00:04:26.480 -> 00:04:43.000]:  have known better okay money man a beast no he's not a troll a rat ass okay I'm
[00:04:43.000 -> 00:04:50.960]:  on my new PC live tonight yeah I'm live right now bro yeah yeah I know right
[00:04:50.960 -> 00:04:55.920]:  pushing guess I think my headset just officially died with such
[00:04:55.920 -> 00:05:04.060]:  what it is it lasts a long ass time though if you fucking uh charge that
[00:05:04.060 -> 00:05:06.620]:  bitch like overnight
[00:05:06.620 -> 00:05:14.740]:  please out to 50 I have a pit boss oh really dude you're a fucking beast bro
[00:05:14.740 -> 00:05:19.380]:  let's fucking go all right dude let's get fed or fatty oh I knew my luck was
[00:05:19.380 -> 00:05:25.300]:  only there for a little bit 27 shit we'll take that though some juice
[00:05:25.300 -> 00:05:25.360]:  you
[00:05:25.360 -> 00:05:28.820]:  thank you brother
[00:05:28.820 -> 00:05:36.180]:  what
[00:05:36.180 -> 00:05:42.700]:  sorry she sent juice on the way since
[00:05:42.700 -> 00:05:51.500]:  I killed those are with the head rubs of the dudes missing things these little
[00:05:51.500 -> 00:05:53.460]:  things check
[00:05:53.460 -> 00:05:53.500]:  you
[00:05:53.500 -> 00:06:12.640]:  - oh shit Parker there we go done Brody thank you for that
[00:06:12.640 -> 00:06:23.220]:  - oh shit Parker there we go done Brody thank you for that
[00:06:23.220 -> 00:06:51.600]:  All right, vulture bald man, vulture. I made some YouTube videos, I brought in a few hundred
[00:06:51.600 -> 00:07:06.500]:  over this man child. Oh cool, he's a cool name. What's up, answer for what, bro?
[00:07:06.500 -> 00:07:16.220]:  He's a 27, re-roll 2245. Oh, I'm going to re-roll at 2245, I'm a gambling man.
[00:07:16.220 -> 00:07:21.500]:  23, he's giving me another chance, but I have to lower it from 20 minimum to 25 to
[00:07:21.500 -> 00:07:28.260]:  then minimum or maximum of 45. I'm going to re-gamble it again. Yeah, I fucking go.
[00:07:28.260 -> 00:07:38.740]:  38, baby, I knew it. 38, fucking get it. Fuck yeah. I'll take that and run with it. I'm
[00:07:38.740 -> 00:07:51.400]:  not going to get, no more options. I'll take the 38, that's plenty.
[00:07:51.400 -> 00:08:16.700]:  rambling in the same out the headphones on bro be honest yo mama oh shit my bad
[00:08:16.700 -> 00:08:21.140]:  save y'all to map of a I don't got any more crypto oh that's alright shit do
[00:08:21.140 -> 00:08:29.720]:  all right see here catch up the top 38 sure enough my fucking boy thank you
[00:08:29.720 -> 00:08:31.900]:  brother
[00:08:31.900 -> 00:08:44.240]:  he's a Girl Scout cookies right now she's a fire you had them oh yeah oh yeah
[00:08:44.240 -> 00:08:45.980]:  all the different flavors
[00:08:45.980 -> 00:08:57.700]:  I got a transfer to my bank don't say an instant don't cost 57 cents transfer
[00:08:57.700 -> 00:09:14.420]:  instant beautiful now we got how much in my bank account payments hey you can't
[00:09:14.420 -> 00:09:15.740]:  set it after you send it what's a
[00:09:15.740 -> 00:09:22.780]:  what the I got you though I got you though all right 38 all right give me a
[00:09:22.780 -> 00:09:29.740]:  second guys you give my pay pillion paypal Ian
[00:09:29.740 -> 00:09:43.860]:  what so this must be playing a concept when you hitting it for Plinko content
[00:09:43.860 -> 00:09:50.580]:  I want you talking about Willis we ever agree on this but I have 38 so I can get
[00:09:50.580 -> 00:09:53.680]:  like 36
[00:09:53.680 -> 00:10:04.360]:  thank you what does that mean is it good or bad I've hit 3,000 X's in two days
[00:10:04.360 -> 00:10:08.900]:  and they're crazy but at the same time it's also taking a lot for me to bro
[00:10:08.900 -> 00:10:14.600]:  trust and believe in high-risk that should hit a lot of pointeos
[00:10:14.600 -> 00:10:22.700]:  oh it's let me send this shit this one go I could scare I'll play a few dollars
[00:10:22.700 -> 00:10:35.300]:  on there only got $38 given 36 here we go all right dude in the goddamn like
[00:10:35.300 -> 00:10:36.740]:  quince scent I feel big you let me do high-risk 16.9 you know what I'm saying
[00:10:36.740 -> 00:10:42.760]:  I feel big you let me do high-risk 16 rose yeah that's my bitcoins parkery up
[00:10:42.760 -> 00:10:49.980]:  that is my Bitcoin never played poker nope
[00:10:49.980 -> 00:10:59.500]:  all right not the like when Santa be in here so penny in like probably two
[00:10:59.500 -> 00:11:06.740]:  minutes big ones picked out what you talking about bro you're gonna get
[00:11:06.740 -> 00:11:12.260]:  a thousand X if you have it on this setting here 16 rows high-risk it's the
[00:11:12.260 -> 00:11:22.980]:  only thousand X on there so you're talking about this one hey hey he's
[00:11:22.980 -> 00:11:30.500]:  really hype about the fucking Plinko bro let's go vanilla caramel drumsticks are
[00:11:30.500 -> 00:11:34.760]:  so fire look that sounds good that sounds good
[00:11:34.760 -> 00:11:38.540]:  what's up my boy J dot in the cut what up my boy what you look what you up to
[00:11:38.540 -> 00:11:46.400]:  bro what's good he living bro he's all about the yo is a favorite Bible a
[00:11:46.400 -> 00:11:55.740]:  pinkster Ryan hell yeah but we did what do you mean I've been hitting the
[00:11:55.740 -> 00:11:59.700]:  painting this whole time to Graham this is a
[00:11:59.700 -> 00:12:04.740]:  like gelato ice or some shit
[00:12:04.740 -> 00:12:09.920]:  is muhammad they're official bro come on
[00:12:09.920 -> 00:12:16.740]:  they're official my broker if you learn it
[00:12:16.740 -> 00:12:18.740]:  Oh
[00:12:18.740 -> 00:12:44.740]:  like green big push Jimmy push no it's not bro look it up excuse me smack TAC
[00:12:44.740 -> 00:13:01.560]:  baby PC isn't a website I'll show her is there's only different I know right
[00:13:01.560 -> 00:13:12.700]:  Richard I'm news just different now oh there it comes sir guys yeah 3569 a few
[00:13:12.700 -> 00:13:16.660]:  Plinko balls some court what's up my boy how you doing buddy how you doing
[00:13:16.660 -> 00:13:22.520]:  brother my buddy I hate you so brother they gas hit me up I need I shit packs
[00:13:22.520 -> 00:13:32.080]:  oh shit hot boys oh 10,000 elegant only goes up to 1000 next bro so smolder we
[00:13:32.080 -> 00:13:36.880]:  mean like going slow yeah it's been a little slow and fast at times too though
[00:13:36.880 -> 00:13:42.120]:  what's the move and just chillin man fucking wait for my depot ahead there's
[00:13:42.120 -> 00:13:48.060]:  gotta be a joke I don't know what that means back pockets oh yeah dude pretty
[00:13:48.060 -> 00:13:51.660]:  good brothers hit my pen right now and I still missing a thing
[00:13:51.660 -> 00:14:03.220]:  muhammad's been with everything around me till now so double dowdy dowdy
[00:14:03.220 -> 00:14:08.440]:  people because they don't find a paper trail paper to box me where the five
[00:14:08.440 -> 00:14:11.640]:  pack was that what it says on there I know that's just dare that pussy nice oh
[00:14:11.640 -> 00:14:20.760]:  the boys ended all right I'm gonna drop a few five one dollars me a nine X or
[00:14:20.760 -> 00:14:37.800]:  more oh shit oh no oh we got two two X's really much oh shit come on don't tease
[00:14:37.800 -> 00:14:45.720]:  do that's potential that potential oh shit oh that's why I don't like it too
[00:14:45.720 -> 00:14:50.620]:  much if teens a lot bro they came the money come on oh shit see what I mean
[00:14:50.620 -> 00:14:59.560]:  what was that we're actually jetting to the 26 X you know when monthly jobbing
[00:14:59.560 -> 00:15:11.460]:  this week sometime to be this week sometime dude oh man come on bro Wow
[00:15:11.460 -> 00:15:25.420]:  okay get one hit dude I'm out I'm out fuck that I'm out of here no more Plinko
[00:15:25.420 -> 00:15:29.620]:  okay yeah that's it I don't like being called kid either or a buddy man I had
[00:15:29.620 -> 00:15:34.480]:  said I guess you could say but yeah I can move chat back down yeah my bad yeah
[00:15:34.480 -> 00:15:42.220]:  is it better down there yeah probably is there you go there you go now I would
[00:15:42.220 -> 00:15:45.120]:  not never do that
[00:15:45.120 -> 00:15:48.420]:  fucking
[00:15:48.420 -> 00:15:51.420]:  you're fucking piece of shit
[00:15:51.420 -> 00:16:06.420]:  I'm dead fortune nah name another one actually maybe yeah I've been there forever dude it's been a long while you have to admit when's the last time you seen me play this slot it's been a fucking fat minute
[00:16:06.420 -> 00:16:24.420]:  this is the 30 cent ones here I guess oh man oh we can get in here no we can't can we no hell no oh my shit it's been a long time right yeah it's been a while it's been a while dude yeah yeah yeah yeah
[00:16:24.420 -> 00:16:35.420]:  starting the night out nice I guess I don't know sure what is today guys is today Monday
[00:16:35.420 -> 00:16:44.420]:  was everybody first day yeah was everybody first day back at he's banned bro how's everybody's first day back at work today
[00:16:44.420 -> 00:16:57.420]:  we gotta expand or give me give me a fucking fat connection oh shit come on keep hitting keep hitting pussy come on no damn that's not gonna hit much I don't think
[00:16:57.420 -> 00:17:04.420]:  yeah sure sure sure yeah I don't know dog off to work
[00:17:04.420 -> 00:17:20.500]:  I have to work, I don't have a job, oh that's alright dude, good five minute move, come on give me in there, I could call it fake before it's even happening, oh, I'm terrible,
[00:17:20.500 -> 00:17:43.000]:  oh man, I should be eating, I'm chilling, sorry bro, I'm fucking dropping a fucking 10 pack,
[00:17:43.000 -> 00:17:49.580]:  some of these other guys are dropping, we dropped a goddamn fucking resub, scam, what the fuck
[00:17:49.580 -> 00:17:50.440]:  got scammed yo?
[00:17:50.440 -> 00:17:55.460]:  Oh, you did actually. I'm gonna ban you again, Joe, with your shitty ass comments all the time. Fuck you.
[00:17:55.460 -> 00:17:58.900]:  I'm a sub. I'm a gifted Joe for getting on ban.
[00:17:58.900 -> 00:18:02.060]:  Yeah, I was thinking the same thing as Spencer.
[00:18:02.060 -> 00:18:04.700]:  That guy's always got the shittiest comments, bro.
[00:18:04.700 -> 00:18:06.080]:  Oh, we're in. We got Curse.
[00:18:06.080 -> 00:18:09.120]:  We got fucking Curse. Let's go. These can hit. These can hit.
[00:18:09.120 -> 00:18:10.980]:  If they want to hit, they can hit.
[00:18:10.980 -> 00:18:14.240]:  If they want to hit, they can hit. They can hit.
[00:18:14.240 -> 00:18:15.100]:  Come on.
[00:18:15.100 -> 00:18:16.520]:  Okay.
[00:18:16.520 -> 00:18:18.620]:  This one come up.
[00:18:19.720 -> 00:18:21.820]:  I'm sorry, guys. Thank you for doing...
[00:18:21.820 -> 00:18:23.080]:  Thanks for helping them out, though.
[00:18:23.080 -> 00:18:23.840]:  For y'all and shit.
[00:18:23.840 -> 00:18:26.540]:  Yes.
[00:18:26.540 -> 00:18:28.600]:  Take it on, sub.
[00:18:28.600 -> 00:18:33.120]:  Two dollars. Come on.
[00:18:33.120 -> 00:18:36.580]:  Oh, shit.
[00:18:36.580 -> 00:18:37.260]:  Keep hitting.
[00:18:37.260 -> 00:18:42.780]:  Oh, shit. Still hitting.
[00:18:42.780 -> 00:18:44.080]:  Does it stay there?
[00:18:44.080 -> 00:18:45.420]:  It does, doesn't it?
[00:18:45.420 -> 00:18:47.920]:  Hey.
[00:18:49.000 -> 00:18:51.120]:  It's like eight spins no matter what.
[00:18:51.120 -> 00:18:53.200]:  There's more in there.
[00:18:53.200 -> 00:18:54.340]:  Oh, no. That's the end of it, huh?
[00:18:54.340 -> 00:18:56.620]:  Oh, no. It still goes with it.
[00:18:56.620 -> 00:18:59.000]:  Oh, shit. Drop in some fucking more.
[00:18:59.000 -> 00:19:02.640]:  Drop in some more, guys.
[00:19:02.640 -> 00:19:04.960]:  More purples.
[00:19:04.960 -> 00:19:05.620]:  Damn.
[00:19:05.620 -> 00:19:07.800]:  Oh, 10x as well.
[00:19:07.800 -> 00:19:12.300]:  Two of them moves.
[00:19:18.200 -> 00:19:19.200]:  Oh, shit.
[00:19:19.200 -> 00:19:22.600]:  I'm going to tell you.
[00:19:22.600 -> 00:19:23.640]:  Oh, thank you.
[00:19:23.640 -> 00:19:26.460]:  What the fuck?
[00:19:26.460 -> 00:19:30.100]:  Give me.
[00:19:30.100 -> 00:19:30.780]:  I have betterness.
[00:19:30.780 -> 00:19:32.120]:  I have good eyes.
[00:19:32.120 -> 00:19:35.180]:  Oh, what a dud, dude.
[00:19:35.180 -> 00:19:35.780]:  What is that?
[00:19:35.780 -> 00:19:36.460]:  What are they doing?
[00:19:36.460 -> 00:19:42.560]:  Chase put...
[00:19:42.560 -> 00:19:43.860]:  No, I'm not going to let them win.
[00:19:43.860 -> 00:19:45.620]:  I'm not even going to put it on fucking sub only, though.
[00:19:45.620 -> 00:19:46.620]:  What the...
[00:19:46.620 -> 00:20:00.880]:  Let's go.
[00:20:00.880 -> 00:20:03.640]:  Let's fucking go.
[00:20:03.640 -> 00:20:07.280]:  If I hit this, I'm leaving.
[00:20:07.280 -> 00:20:10.220]:  Damn, there's no more.
[00:20:10.220 -> 00:20:15.080]:  I'm going to flip the chickens.
[00:20:15.080 -> 00:20:15.780]:  Getting tickets.
[00:20:15.780 -> 00:20:16.560]:  Want the money.
[00:20:16.560 -> 00:20:39.940]:  Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh baby. One. Yes.
[00:20:39.940 -> 00:21:07.120]:  Last one. Yeah. One more. Come on. Come on. 50 lowest. Come on, dude. Oh, come on.
[00:21:07.120 -> 00:21:25.060]:  I'm gonna start eating up does that see you know oh dude okay nice one we get
[00:21:25.060 -> 00:21:33.560]:  back up there yes let's go yes let's go there the 68
[00:21:33.560 -> 00:22:02.660]:  yes let's fucking go oh my god thank God
[00:22:02.660 -> 00:22:10.460]:  oh man
[00:22:10.460 -> 00:22:13.200]:  Oh
[00:22:13.200 -> 00:22:29.960]:  oh man I go for the Hail Mary Hail Mary no damn definitely $20 and people in Jesus
[00:22:29.960 -> 00:22:32.300]:  this is gone ranking Wow
[00:22:32.300 -> 00:22:37.820]:  no she's gone first time you gave up with the sub only mode on cuz happens
[00:22:37.820 -> 00:22:41.900]:  every time these guys this is losers should I get in here it's a very last
[00:22:41.900 -> 00:22:45.900]:  second sub only mode every time I lose it all cuz you guys are fucking terrible
[00:22:45.900 -> 00:22:51.240]:  humans I'll see you later man he said I'll be back later